Sunday, January 29, 2012

I'm not going to lie to you dear readers... I decided on the word tonight. I've been going back and forth, round and round on what my word for this year might be. I liked achieve, aspire, responsibility and more... My one little word for this year is about action, about doing things and making an effort and getting out of my comfort zone and being proud of myself and satisfied with the way things are going in my life. It's about progress and pushing myself and flexing my mental and physical muscles past what they are use to.
I thought achieve because I wanted to cross things off lists, but I wanted more than that. I didn't just want to cross things off lists or reach a goal, I wanted something that was about reaching for, coming to and continuing on. Responsibility, though not about achievement or doing something was about taking personal responsibility for EVERYTHING in my life. Job, no job, good, bad, indifferent... my life, my reactions, my responsibility. 
Truth be told, I'll be living and working through all of these words but strive seemed to sum up most of them and it fit really well in the space. It looked good. 
So here's to crossing off another project from my first quarter goal list :) and here's to striving to be a better me and make a more positive and fulfilled life in 2012. 

While we're here do we want to play a little game of what's on my desk? Yes? Awesome! So do I!

Starting from the bottom left: Pictures that I tore out of magazines, cat stickers and a blank thank you note, my weather owl, world pen holder, journals, clorox wipes (I'm a little crazy about germs sometimes), a bento box that I used to put the little bit of paint I needed, paint, behind the paint a picture of my sister T and I Christmas 2010, one of my favorite pieces of art by The Black Apple, delicious blueberry acai chocolate covered things, aaaand a VS bag full of different candies.

I do most of my work leaning on pillows in my bed...

Well, I'm off to go read some more. 9 books so far this month!!! Maybe I can read one more in the next 2 days!



  1. Nine books?? That's certainly a good way to begin striving. It's a fine word, I think, and I have no doubt it will lead you great places.

    1. I know right?! I was hoping to get 10 in but I've actually had things to do the last few days. :) I'm glad the word seems to be fitting! I sent you an email a while back but not sure if you got it. Maybe I emailed the wrong email? not so sure haha. But feel free to email me about how you've been and your job and everything! I feel like a lot has been happening in your life lady! (good stuff it seems)
