Friday, October 25, 2013

The Weekly

The Weekly is a Friday (sometimes Sunday) round up, a processing and a record. It is a mix up of currently and around here with a look at the past and the future. 

Loving: That Imogene + Willie regramed a picture I took in their store while in Nashville!
Also, going to bed earlier than usual (10:30pm is the goal.)

Mulling over: so many things right now. the "right" way to go about so many different life experiences, as well as what the best move forward is in job hunting. There's a lot, a lot, of mulling going on here.

Challenged by: finding a dress (evening gown) with a very limited budget for the Marine Ball in a couple of weeks. (FOUND ONE!!! Borrowing a lovely dress from my stepmom) Figuring out a halloween costume with an even more limited budget. (I'm thinking Daisy Duke) 

Learning: How to communicate my displeasure in healthier and more effective ways. Aka, talking about them at all instead of getting really quiet and freaking out my bf. 

Looking forward to: the Marine Ball at the beginning of next month, Dia de Los Muertos and getting an awesome job.

Reading: So many partially read books... Still going through Money: A Love Story. Looking for a non-self help book to take a break/escape with. I'm thinking I'll re-read Catching Fire.

Working on: my resume

Celebrating/Moment of gratitude: Eating asparagus after blanching it. I forgot how much I liked it. 

Emotionally: disjointed, stressed, worried. But then there are moments of grateful, adored, entertained

Lovely Links:
A local blog I've falling in love with /// My SoCal'd Life
Be Up & Doing's thoughts on Spending Money
Something I might need to read daily while job hunting /// A Love Note for the Weary
Speaking of Job Hunting and resumes /// Common Resume Mistakes


Monday, October 21, 2013

and then I went to Nashville

I've spent my days since Nashville trying to figure out how to write about it. I'm still coming up blank. So I'll share some photos, and maybe someday in the near future, I'll be able to write about it, all of it.

Until then, enjoy the scenery.


Sunday, October 13, 2013

On Repeat - Are You With Me

I have so much to tell you about my trip (I still have about 14 more hours left in the city) when I get back, but until then, please enjoy this song that I have had on repeat while driving around. 

I wanna fly so high that I'll never come down
I wanna love so hard it could rip my heart out

These two lines capture perfectly what this weekend, this conference, and ultimately what I, am about. I have more words on this, but they aren't coming out right and I must sleep so I can squeeze the best out of the last remaining daylight hours before my flight tomorrow.

Until I find what I'm trying to say about this whole weekend...


+I don't like the live version as much, but the Vevo version of the music video wouldn't play on the blog. The song is still awesome, and he's still cute. So, enjoy none the less. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Nashville Wish List

It is almost here! Just one more full day (a little less than 24 hours) and I will be on a plane to a city I've wanted to visit for so many years! So many! I'm quite excited. I've compiled a list of places I want to see. I'm not sure I'll get to all of them, but hopefully I'll get to most!

(or what I consider Downtown)
Shelby Street Pedestrian Bridge
Nashville Public Library

Bongo Java (for Blogger Breakfast)

East Nashville

Cheekwood Gardens
Station Inn
Bobbi's Dairy Dip

I have taken so many places off this list. There is just too much to fit into five days, two of which were totally accounted for and two others that were part travel days. I have this feeling one trip will not be enough. Going to squeeze everything I can out of the time I have though!


Many Places Found on Design Sponge's Nashville City Guide

Friday, October 4, 2013

Lovely Links

When you are trying to find justification for enjoyment /// The Power of Meaninglessness

I must make this!!! /// Emma's Favorite Chocolate (cup)Cake

On Manifestation /// Asking for Proof

What does it mean /// Having It All

I have never been so obsessed with a bedroom /// Emma's Bedroom Tour

I'm now a recovering News Hater. And I have The Skimm to thank.


Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Reading: Oh I think the question is what am I not reading. I started and didn't finish two young adult fiction books. The Magicians and The Book of Lost Things. I don't know if I just wasn't into them or if I am just not in the mood for that kind of fiction right now. So I went back to my second reading of The Night Circus. I am also working slowly through Money: A Love Story and I just picked up Finding Your North Star. It's pretty safe to say I'm a tad obsessed with improving my life and myself. 

Eating: Not as good as I should. Is that a normal response of mine? Shoot. We have this new kale caesar salad at work though, I do think about how delicious it is while I'm eating french fries or a burger. 

Thinking about: Nashville! It's only a week and a day away! I'm thrilled and a little worried (more money than anything else) but ultimately really excited. I've wanted to go to Nashville for years. Thank you self for signing up. Let's make the most out of it. Which reminds me, must plan everything out... and write a wish list of places I want to/have to see while I'm there. It's going to be limited since two of my days are spent in a conference, but I'll do and see what I can!

Also thinking about life, how can I not with all these self improvement books? Thinking about what I use to think would make me feel better and how each day is definitely worth appreciating and working on mind adjustments and being more lenient on myself but also keeping up a positive mindset. Some days are easier than others, sometimes I fall a little and cry, but I'm doing a lot better than I was 6 months ago. By leaps and bounds. 

Listening to: Country. All the time. Maybe I will share a playlist here soon. 

Enjoying: My boyfriend. Yup, I have a man. He's pretty awesome. 

Also, I'm learning how to edit pictures in photoshop and I'm super stoked on that. Yay for learning new skills. So exciting. 

Watching: Nothing. I once in a while watch Friday Night Lights but unless I'm with the bf and his friends I don't watch tv. I have other things to do.

Loving: That Fall is almost here and I have a new list of things I want to do. 
The posts I have written recently. I just looked back through at the last couple of weeks and gave myself a mental high five. 


As always I get this from Sometimes Sweet