Monday, December 31, 2012

52 photos in 52 weeks: week 52

Here it is, the official last picture to post in 2012. I have so many ideas swirling around for next year I am so, so excited. 

I guess this is as good of a time as any to say goodbye 2012 and hello 2013! I can't wait to see you guys next year!


Unraveling 2013: Settling Up With the Past

This year was a tough one at times, and a fun one at others. This year I accomplished some goals that I didn't think I could, cut some things out of my life that needed to go, and gained some perspective that I will rely on for the rest of my life. 
When I try to think of what happened this year, not too many big things come to mind. I didn't land a new career job making bajillions (or even just thousands), I didn't find myself in a sordid love affair (though I did have some small frustrations with males), I didn't travel to a new corner of the world or speak in a different language... 
But things did happen. When I dig, and look back, and see where I was at the beginning of the year, and then look back and see where I was six months ago, I do realize that things have changed for the better, and I've made some progress in areas of my life that never saw this kind of progress before.

I'm doing all these little things that seemed so impossible at the beginning of the year and here I am. And now that I'm here there are new things to stress about, but there is also a lot of understanding, a lot of acceptance, a lot more picking and choosing, curating if you will... because that's what keeps me running smoothly.
I feel like at this time last year I was a mass of different colored yarn that had been thrown around, knotted and messy. Now I feel like many of the knots have come undone and the process has been tedious at times and challenging but fun at others. I feel like now the yarn is in it's own bundles, maybe with a few knots to undo but ready to be weaved together.

I'm looking forward to using what I've learned in 2012. I'm ready to start with this new foundation of knowledge about myself and other people, some new perspective that I've gained. I'm ready to think bigger and try harder and learn over and over again that being a beginner is just fine. That progress can be a slow process and not everything comes to us immediately. 2012 has been the greatest example of that. 

For 2013 I decided to go through a little workbook to organize my thoughts on what I wanted. I found this one here and started getting a lot out of it from the first page.

It starts with a look back, so that's what I'm going to do here. Tomorrow I will look forward!

-word of 2012: Strive...
I didn't stick with it because I didn't feel I had a base to strive from.

- embraced: my emotions, my place in life, who I am, what I'm good at and what I need to work on
- let go of: medication for anxiety, a tendency to make a dude perfect in my mind because I want one around
-discovered: a new sense of confidence in many different aspects of my personality and what I have to offer
-grateful for: so many things, getting out of the latest time of sadness... having money to feed myself AND get a place to live. My health, my ability to buy things I want even if I shouldn't. My jobs.

- worked through Spirit Junkie, The Fire Starter Sessions and 168 Hours
- took myself off of anxiety/depression medication and haven't looked back
- saved and moved out
- haven't used credit card in 10 months
- landed four jobs... three of which I kept
- started a quilt and learned how to use my sewing machine
- switched the blog over to www.butwewillstay.come and did a little design work on it
- completed 52 photos in 52 weeks
- was accepted to NAU to get a teaching degree in English

- motivation to keep exercising
- motivation to buy food at the grocery store and eat at home
- stepping away from the phrase "I can't"
- being single... still...

What do I want to say goodbye to:
I want to say goodbye to not trusting my gut, to thinking I can't do something, to thinking I'm not pretty, funny, sexy, interesting, smart, crafty or any-other-desirable-trait enough. I want to say goodbye to "I can't" and use either "I'm having trouble with" or "I won't." I want to say goodbye to wasting time doing absolutely nothing when I want to be doing something. I am saying goodbye to people that aren't worth it, those that don't inspire me or care about me in the way that I need them to. I am saying goodbye to copious amounts of drama and worrying about things I can't change. I am working on saying goodbye to taking things personally.

With all that being said and done it's time to bring in the new year!!! 


The Goals of 2012 Revisited

I made some goals in January that seemed really important and necessary then. Some of them were fully accomplished and others were remembered from time to time. My goals for next year will have a different layout and a different focus... but that's for the next post. For now I'll reflect on what did and didn't work.

1. cook or bake 12 dishes
It started out as 24 dishes and that seemed like too many. This year was not the year of cooking... it was just a side thought. This year a main project will be cooking. I'm looking forward, and somewhat skeptical about it.

2. 52 in 52 photos
Completed and enjoyed. Next year I will not strive to post a picture (or 5) a week but photography is still going to be a big, HUGE focus. Photography and cooking. Photography of food... 

3. develop healthy exercise routine, eventually get to 5 days a week
I started the year out strong and did some good things for sure but I do not by any means work out 5 times a week, not even three now that we are at the end of the year. 
Next year will have a health element to it, but I will be slower with it again... figure out what really works and what doesn't. 

4. learn how to love running... and eventually run a 9 minute mile Just learn how to love working out.
There are days this year that I loved working out... days that I looked forward to my dance class or even just going to use the gym at my dad's house. Those were the good days. But the good days aren't what goals are made for. So the harder days will be something to push through in the next year.

5. read at least 26 books either already bought or from the library
I wanted to heavily cut back on the amount of money I spend on books. While I didn't completely stop buying new books, I was more selective and bought very few that I wanted to immediately give to the library when I was done with them. Most of the full price books bought ended up on my small bookshelf. AND I became way more friendly with the library. Oh yes, and I ended up reading 80+ books... Ultimately I think I did well on this one.

6. pay off at least 3/4 of credit card and car debt (about $8,500)
Not even close. BUT I stopped using my credit card completely and have been paying more than the minimum since my birthday. I'm satisfied with my progress in that department. Definitely pushing for more progress next year, but the groundwork has been laid. 

7. go to or register for a blogger meet-up/seminar/summit
I went to a Creative Connections event this year and met Lisa and Debbie. While it wasn't Alt or anything out of town with a hotel stay involved, it did benefit me greatly. I count this as a win.

8. create 2 pieces of word art
This became unimportant as the year went on. 

9. launch 
I DID IT, I DID IT, I DID IT! It took so much less work than I thought. This year is about redesigning the blog and doing more things with it. 

10. make a quilt
I started, and I'm almost done with the top layer. I didn't plan this out well timing wise. I have been sick for the past month and haven't felt motivated to go on to the next steps. But I will finish it, and I will post about it. I'm stoked I buckled down and started it.

11. crochet an infinity scarf or a cowl
DID IT! I made two cowls. One of which I ended up giving in the white elephant gift exchange because I messed up the pattern (that I thought of myself) and so it didn't quite work right. 

12. finish a blanket that is as big as a queen size flat sheet

13. move into an apartment or house
DONE AND DONE! Moved into a house that my friend was already living in on the first of October. I love my little room, I call it my den, this was a huge win.

14. pay for someone behind me in a drive thru line 4 times
I did this once, it felt pretty good. I didn't do it more than that either because I would forget or there would be two people in the car behind me the handful of times I was in the starbucks drive through and while being generous is nice, I couldn't justify paying for more than one drink at a time. I'll think of more things to do in the new year. 

15. go on at least 12 adventures
(Palm Springs, Warped Tour, Dia de los Muertos, Creative Connections, Renegade Craft Fair, pumpkin patch, Girl's Night Out, )

16. be enrolled in a program for my teaching credential
I decided pretty early on in the year that this goal was not something I was ready to move forward on anymore. I was accepted to the school of my choice, which was a nice pat on the back even if I didn't end up going. I do wonder what it would have been like if I had been back in school, but it is what it is and I'm glad I don't have the added debt to worry about. 

17. say yes to 4 things you would normally say no to
I honestly don't know if I did this one or not. I don't think I did anything so far out of my norm that it would count enough. Next year is about accepting more invitations even if they are to things out of the way. 

18. make 4 vlogs

19. adopt a kitten
Not feasible or fair to a kitten right now. I would have to keep her in my room and no where else so that she wouldn't be eaten and I don't like the idea of a kitten just staying in a room like mine. Maybe in a year or so when things change a bit. There is a cat in my future, I just can't have her yet. 

20. get a credit card with 1:1 airline miles Get rid of credit card
I did neither. I was going to get a credit card with better benefits but then I thought it would probably entice me to use the credit card again. Something I just can't do. If I could get airline miles for the money I spend on a debit card I would do that... but I haven't looked in to the options. 
I will be looking and applying for a credit card with a WAY lower interest rate this year so that the money I put towards it won't just be paying off interest. 

21. shoot and develop 12 rolls of 120 film
I think I managed to get 6 done. I lagged towards the end of the year. Film is expensive. But with photography being a big focus in the next year expect some more film pictures. 

22. at the end of the year be proud to look back at how far you've come
I've succeeded here. I've made some great steps and learned some great things. I'm just looking even more forward to the lessons learned and things accomplished next year!

23. get a fun and challenging job!!!
One of my jobs is both fun and challenging at times. So I kind of got this right. Moving forward I'm going to be looking at my options for employment. I like the one job a lot but the other two are just for the money. I want more satisfaction out of a job... and more money and stability in the new year. 


Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Books of 2012

  I started out this year telling myself that 52 in 52 wasn't a goal at all. That reading a couple of books a month was a-okay and there was no competition and the focus for the year was going to be pictures not words... I started this year telling myself all of this and what did I go and do? Break my record (of 65) from the year before, by 16 books. I was a reading machine it seems, almost 7 books a month! 
This year I counted second reads as a book, my justification was that it still takes time to read the book even if you have read it before. I allowed some books that were smaller to be counted as well. I didn't limit myself too much, but if I hadn't finished the book it didn't count. 
While I like saying that I read over 80 books this year I find myself lacking a real sense of accomplishment... I have to be honest, I don't immediately remember all of the characters in the books or even the plot line sometimes. 
While this year somehow became about numbers, I want next year to be about enjoyment, retention and knowledge. Next year I am going to be a lot more picky about which books I choose to read, and I am going to make myself more accountable. I may even start a separate blog or notebook to make notes about the books (even the fiction ones) so I retain more of what I read. 
I did manage to read and retain quite a few good ones this year, I've highlighted them in blue and yellow... blue for the ones that blew me away (haha, oh cheesy) and yellow for the also really good.
The mustard yellow books are the ones I find myself disappointed in or unhappy with. 

I will take the best of this year and put them on my bookshelf to share and read again. I will be more critical of what I pick up and choose to read, and I will take notes. I look forward to 2013... it's the year I relearn how to dig in to a good book.

The Books of 2012
The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey – Trenton Lee Stewart
The Help – Katheryn Stockett
Love is the Killer App – Tim Saunders
Small is the New Big – Seth Godin
Sarah’s Key – Tatiana de Rosnay
The Art of Eating In – Cathy Erway
The Buenos Aires Broken Hearts Club – Jessica Morrison
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway – Susan Jeffers Ph.D.
Schooled – Anisha Lakhani
Vision – Beth Elisa Harris (second reading)
Soul Herder – Beth Elisa Harris
The 4- Hour Workweek – Timothy Ferriss
Truth and Beauty – Ann Patchett
Start Something That Matters – Blake Mycoskie
An Abundance of Katherines – John Green
Sweet Valley Confidential: Ten Years Later – Francine Pascal
The Bean Trees – Barbara Kingsolver
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen R. Covey
Looking For Alaska – John Green (TWICE)
Paper Towns – John Green
The 100 Thing Challenge – Dave Bruno
Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother – Amy Chua
Insecure at Last – Eve Ensler
Committed – Elizabeth Gilbert
My Name is Memory – Ann Brashares
Pay it Down – Jean Chatzky
Reading Lolita in Tehran – Azar Nafisi (second reading)
Someday This Pain Will Be Useful To You – Peter Cameron
Catch – 22 – Joseph Heller
True Believer – Nicholas Sparks
The Money Drunk – Julia Cameron and Mark Bryan
The Fault in Our Stars – John Green (TWICE)
The Shadow of the Wind – Carlos Ruiz Zafon (second reading)
Slow Love – Dominique Browning
Is Everyone Is Hanging Out Without Me? – Mindy Kaling
A Homemade Life – Molly Wizenberg
Will Grayson, Will Grayson – John Green & David Levithan
Seriously… I’m Kidding – Ellen Degeneres
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nightime – Mark Haddon
Betwixt – Tara Bray Smith
Little Bee – Chris Cleave
Prodigal Summer – Barbara Kingsolver
How to Sew a Button –  Erin Bried
The Other Side of the Story – Marian Keyes
Wintergirls – Laurie Halse Anderson
The Girl Who Played With Fire – Stieg Larsson
Smart Women Finish Rich – David Bach
Normal Gets You Nowhere – Kelly Cutrone
Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour – Morgan Matson
The Postmortal – Drew Magary
French Women Don’t Get Fat – Mireille Guiliano
Twenties Girl – Sophie Kinsella
Writing Down the Bones – Natalie Goldberg
The Start-Up of You – Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest – Stieg Larsson
Ender’s Game – Orson Scott Card
The Summer We Read Gatsby – Danielle Ganek
The Hobbit – J.R.R. Tolkien
Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern
Happier At Home – Gretchen Rubin
Instant Love – Susannah Conway, Amanda Gilligan and Jenier Altman
Juliet, Naked – Nick Hornby
Twisted – Laurie Halse Anderson
Divergent – Veronica Roth
Switch : How to Change Things When Change Is Hard – Chip Heath & Dan Heath
The Best Advice I Ever Got – Katie Couric
This is How – Augusten Burroughs
Spirit Junkie – Gabrielle Bernstein
You Can Buy Happiness (and It’s Cheap) – Tammy Strobel
Empire Falls – Richard Russo
Last Night At Chateu Marmont – Lauren Weisberger
Insurgent - Veronica Roth
The Fame Game - Lauren Conrad
The Fire Starter Sessions (TWICE)
168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think - Laura Vanderkam
Inheritance - Christopher Paolini
The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Prisoner's Dilemma - Trenton Lee Stewart
The Brave - Nicholas Evans


Saturday, December 29, 2012

52 photos in 52 weeks: a year in review

I think it's safe to say that I've taken more pictures this year than ever before. It may be due to instagram, or the fact that I was given a DSLR for my birthday... it may have been that I was looking or that I carried a camera more... or it could have been because I never wanted to show up to the end of the week empty handed.
I am often in awe of those people that take a photo a day for a year. To be that on top of things, that ready to take pictures intimidated me. I wondered if I would run out of things or not see enough in my day to day life. I wanted to do something similar but not quite there, because I wasn't ready for a daily commitment, but I wanted a challenge. So I looked at last year's 52 in 52 and I made the subject pictures instead of books. I'm very happy I did. I took more pictures than I thought I would some weeks and others I only had a couple to choose from, but many times I liked what I had come up with and I took time to get to know my new camera. 
It's been a year of slow growth that I am looking to continue in 2013. Photography will be a interest that I delve into further, learning Manual better, diving into photoshop and making photo adventures a priority. 
Until then here's a look back at some of my favorites from the year.


Thursday, December 27, 2012

Word of the Day: Exhausted

Is anyone else feeling the after Christmas slump or are you all just getting ready to go out for New Years? I'm exhausted. I'm fighting off yet another sickness (that's 3 in a month), I'm dealing with the loss of the family kitty and the thought sinking in that I'll never get to pet her soft head again... I'm battling money worries and trying every hour of every day to stay positive and know that there is an ebb and flow and if I do my best and pick up a couple of extra shifts things will work themselves out. I've managed to be pretty successful in not getting incredibly anxious about money or anything else (except sickness... that is an Achilles heel for me) but sometimes it's a mental state to maintain.
I've come a long way this year, and I've learned a lot about myself and gained a solid base of self esteem but sometimes when the blood sugar is low, and the stomach is gurgling and I have to say goodbye, the strength just buckles.
I know that tomorrow will be better and if it's not, next week will. I know that I have a lot of things I want to accomplish next year, a lot of fun projects to work on. I know that I'm doing alright and that my woes are of little consequence compared to those around the world.

I know all this, if I back up, and think logically, I know that this is just a little dip...

But sometimes, despite knowing, sometimes the other things just overwhelm.

And that's where I'm at today. In bed, mentally exhausted, ready to read an uplifting book and hoping upon hope that tomorrow feels even just a tad better that the past two days.

Two bits of bright in the otherwise dull: I started learning some basics in Photoshop and I have found a strong contender for word of 2013.


The Fire Starter Sessions - Future Gratitude

It's not the imbalances of life that will get you down - it's doing meaningless things that aren't taking you were you want to go.

While I've come to the last worksheet in this book I highly doubt my work with it is over. There's so much to glean from it, so much to take in and answers change with each thing that happens in life. I've said it once, I've said it twice, I've probably said it even more than that... I am so glad I bought this book. Going through it has done wonders.

Next month, next year or five to twenty years down the road, what and who will you be valuing? Why will you be filled with appreciation? Be practical or dream a bit.

Next month, next year, an hour from now... I will be appreciating my friends and family. The ones I choose and the ones I'm born with. I will appreciate my health and my strength, mentally and physically.
I'll be thankful for the growth that has come from living and trying and pushing my limits. I'll appreciate the growth in my hobbies of choice, like photography and blogging... I'll continue appreciating the people that read this blog, that listen to me talk even if I talk too much.
I will value the lessons learned from my parents, from my friends and even those I learned from once trusting people that weren't worth it.
I hope to be valuing a special someone sooner than later but with no options in sight I'm not rushing anything. Just hoping the good vibes I am working to put out come back my way.
Right now, and in the next few hours and weeks I am and will be appreciating my little space heater and my blankets.
I'm never going to stop appreciating the clouds and how they are painted with the sunset on perfect nights. I will never stop appreciating the smell of books, the sound of rain or a good cuddle.


The Fire Starter Sessions and all included worksheets were written and created by Danielle LaPorte

52 photos in 52 weeks: week 50 & 51

I've been slacking on taking pictures and on 52 in 52 it seems. Luckily taking pictures is so natural to me I have a few to throw in just to salvage the weeks.

Week 50 I started baking and really planning for Christmas. Next year that will start at week 46... that way all cooking supplies, gifts and other odds and ends will be planned out and saved for and put together before the week of Christmas so I can go out and look at lights and be with family and gloat about how I got it all done early. :) Honorable reasons really. :)

Week 51 was about putting off some of my christmas to-dos and reading or going to dance class instead. I did make a couple of the gifts that Friday... Saturday was a whirlwind of a photo shoot and work and then Sunday was family day. It was the day to finish up Christmas tasks but I liked the idea of dinner and a movie with the fam much better.

I can't believe we're on week 52. I remember last year's 52 in 52. Another year almost wrapped up.


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

and then we said goodbye

Today my dad had to put our cat down. I wondered yesterday while petting her on the stairs if it was the last time I was going to see her. I wondered and didn't want it to be true, but sometimes you just know. 
It started a couple months ago, this already strange cat was acting just a little more strange. I worried when they started mentioning new quirks but I wondered (hoped, prayed) if maybe it was just something new developing with age.
Friday things started getting worse. She acted like she broke her foot. Then she wouldn't leave a specific step on the stairs. She would purr like normal when pet but her eyes were far away.
Yesterday she moved even less and didn't take food or water. I hoped and hoped it was something fixable but we all kind of knew.
This afternoon, while already feeling that crawling back into bed was the best bet for me and humanity,  I was informed that she was put down. Blood clots were to blame and there was nothing that could have been done.
I'm going to miss her little meow, the way she use to come running if I called her (and she wanted to be pet or fed), the way she loved burrowing in my hair. I'm going to miss her quirks and how odd she was. I'm going to miss her purr and her insanely soft fur. I'm even going to miss the way that people almost didn't believe she existed because she would never come around for strangers.
I'm going to miss that crazy little ball of soft purring fur so much... I'm going to miss her, but I'm glad she's not in pain anymore. 


A Little Bit of Christmas

Oh Christmas, how fast you pass. Sometimes it's a little anticlimactic. It's not that I'm not grateful and that I didn't get wonderful gifts and that I'm not so totally lucky and blessed that it's crazy... it's more that there's all the build up and frenzy and then it's Done.
I did better this year by going to Bates Nut Farm and baking things, thinking about gifts and making a point to be with family. I didn't really listen to Christmas music nor did I watch Elf...tisk tisk. But all in all the holiday was a good one, if not speedy.
I started the morning going to Dad's house and opening presents there. My gift for my dad was a success which made me really happy and basically made everything worth it. His gift has been in my mind for a while and it's been so hard not to tell him.
After dad's it was straight to mom's and then grandma and grandpas. I feel like I'm getting better at the gift ideas thing and I'm going to make an effort this year to get even better and save more money so I don't 1) feel completely broke after all is said and done and 2) have the funds to get people what I want to get them. I know that it's not all about money, definitely not, I did quite alright with my baked good which didn't cost too much, but having a little more would have been nice too.
After Grandma and Grandpa's it was off to Los Angeles to the Aunt and Uncle's house. Christmas at their house is a lot of fun. Great food, treats everywhere that I have to stop myself from eating, and then after dinner a white elephant on crack gift exchange. It's with dice, and then there is a lightning round and things get loud and crazy. So much fun and a lot of laughs.

This year I either ate way too much or there was heavy dairy in something because I felt so. uncomfortably. full that I felt horrible and tried to nap it away but it felt like my stomach was angrily being stretched. No bueno... remember to eat slower next time a feast is in front of me... definitely.
Luckily it didn't inhibit my ability to have fun during the White Elephant On Crack game.
After the game I took a half nap (in and out of sleep) and then decided it was time for my drive back home.

I was sooo tired by the time I got home, awake for the drive luckily, but when I got in bed I was so happy to be there. Definitely was less happy when I had to get out of that bed this morning to come to work. Cuddling up sounded like such a great idea.

All in all, though fast, Christmas was good. I accomplished my goals and I know what to do better next year.

In closing I will leave you with a couple of pictures...
Yup... look at that little redhead. I should probably make a new one of those next year...

Zeus as a present. He kept smelling all the paper but stayed calm and just hung out during the opening of presents. He's so good.

Now let's take a quick breath and bring in the new year!


Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Fire Starter Sessions - Sizing Up Simpatico

It takes a village.

A pithy summation of your life philosophy. Finish these thoughts first:

I think that most people are: looking for answers... to crossword puzzles, to their significant others inability to put the toilet seat down, to why we are here, to why we have to lose those we love... to why massacres happen or wars go on for a decade. I think we're all looking for different answers.

I believe that life is: full of surprises, and willing to work for you if an effort is made.

I hold the opinion that:

I'm the kind of person who: can go to a movie or dinner alone. I love my friends, I love going out with friends, but sometimes they aren't on the same schedule and sometimes I just can't find someone interested enough... and I'm not going to wait forever... so I go. I also did the drive up to Portland and then back down to San Diego by myself. It was very peaceful.

I relate to people who are: inspired and in awe of the simple things that are beautiful... I relate to people who are fascinated by human sexuality. I relate to people who make things and travel places... even though I haven't done that much of either. I relate to people who are willing to be related to... who have a more even temperament than I do. :)

I love people who: are friendly to waiters and waitresses, who read and fully admit to what other people would call guilty pleasures... who work their butts off but are humble and don't hold anything over anyone's head.

People who think that __________________ make me _____________________

My evil twin would say:

I have faith that: if I make an effort, like 110% good things will happen. I know that some possible bad things might happen too, but that's life, and I have faith that sometimes there will be good days, and sometimes there will be days to just get through.

I see my work as a means to: travel, tattoos, books, crafts, meet people, buy food, support my picture taking habit...

What I value most in myself is: my willingness to always be improving upon what and who I am.

What I value most in other people is:

I cherish working with people who: are motivated, creative and funny.

I found this to be quite challenging. I think about myself and how to improve and many other things but these questions throw me off a lot. I answered the ones that didn't take me five minutes to think about. I didn't answer all of them but maybe next year I'll take another look.

My life philosophy? Do things, see places, meet people, learn, learn, learn. See the beauty in the simple... be thankful for what you have and shy away from thinking you have not. Love your friends, your family, those you wish to be close to. Simplify, weed out the toxic that may try to hang around. Don't take things personally but also take responsibility. Make time for that which is important.
Be who you want to be.


The Fire Starter Sessions and all included worksheets were written and created by Danielle LaPorte

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Fire Starter Sessions -Getting Emotional About Money

I tend to think of money in the same way I regard time: It's a form of energy. It comes and goes according to my intentions. 

Step 1
How do you feel:
About your debt?
Frustrated but hopeful. I don't think I will stop being frustrated until I get it all paid off, but feeling hopeful is new and I like it.

About your income?
I want it to be higher. I am not mad about my income now, I am able to pay rent and buy food and dine out more than is heathy and I can buy books and pay down my credit card, so I'm not crying poor. But I would like a bigger buffer. Some of that will be working towards eating at home more often and some of that will be figuring out how to make more money.

About your savings and assets?
Need more definitely.

About anyone who owes you money?
Nobody owes me money. I am fine.

When you pay for experiences and outings?
Depends on the experience or outing. Sometimes I feel guilty afterwards, sometimes I feel awesome and know I'll figure out how to make ends meet.

When you go grocery shopping?
Excited about the food and hungry but then frustrated when I feel like there's nothing to eat two days later.

When you shop for clothes?
I don't shop for clothes often. I feel like I shouldn't be spending that amount of money at one time even though I'm shopping at H&M or Forever21. I need to work on taking the money I would be spending on dining out and putting it towards some good pieces for my closet.

When you shop for art, decor, or collectibles?
I rarely do this but when I do I make myself think about it. I might even walk around Target with something in my hand and then put it back before I leave because I just don't need the extra expense. But if I really want it I end up feeling happy when I look at it displayed in my room.

Step 2
Identify what a pure positivity with money would feel like.
Not being scared to look at my bank accounts. It would feel comfortable and stable and full of hope and excitement and adventure. There would be wiggle room in case of emergency or spur of the moment trips.
The ability to buy a gift for a friend or take them out to a movie/for food/whatever if the inspiration struck.
Pure positivity with money will feel stable and calm, a foundation that I can feel confident in when exploring new things and places.

There is a part 3... I chose not to do it here.


The Fire Starter Sessions and all included worksheets were written and created by Danielle LaPorte

Friday, December 14, 2012

Learning to Love the Holidays

I'm going to get something off my chest here... I'm usually the person grumbling during the holidays. It's not that I don't like giving gifts or people being happy, it's that I don't like extra full parking lots, people lining up on Black Friday willing to trample each other and honestly, until a week before Christmas I don't really like Christmas music.

For the past couple of years I've been working on making my attitude better. Last year my siblings and I surprised my mom with a Christmas tree one night and I watched my favorite Christmas movies (Love Actually and Elf) a week or two before the big day. The day of I went up to LA to my Uncle's house and they always have a great time, so improvements had been made.

This year I'm taking it to the next level. The Christmas I want to celebrate is about time with friends and family. It's about memories, not lines, grumpiness and frustration.
This is what has happened so far:
- a visit to Bates Nut Farm. While the actual event was lackluster, I was with friends and had a good time laughing at what they called a hayride and a Christmas tree.
- made my first batches of holiday treats to give, pumpkin nutella bread and candied almonds... both turned out Deliiicious (if I do say so myself). I'm so excited.
- planned and bought the supplies for the gifts I am doing this year, the sweets named above and a couple special little things
- read by the tree
- searched for a mini tree for my room. Unfortunately the two targets I went to were out so I bought a big comfy scarf instead.
- went to two holiday parties
- bought some scented pine cones in place of a mini tree... at least my room smells festive

There are still more plans in the works and I can honestly say I'm enjoying the season. I'm still not excited about the Christmas music though... that one is going to take more time.
