Thursday, June 30, 2011

Books of June

While there were a couple of things I did not like in the series (all toward the end) I overall found The Dark Tower series very intriguing. I'm not interested in SK's scary stories but this epic was definitely worth the time I spent reading it.

While I don't know what business I would start, I did really enjoy this book and plan on keeping it around for the future when I second guess myself or when I need a little advice. I use books as pep talks I am starting to realize and this one is very positive and inspiring.

I am so very glad I took the time to read Floor Sample a while back before I started The Artist's Way or any other book Julia Cameron wrote. I was very skeptical of the whole thing, I've read methods and such but never really believed in any of them but Julia Cameron has definitely inspired me again and again in her memoir as well as this book. There are short essays and after every short essay is something to try to keep inspired or positive or open up new ideas in your head. I definitely would use these when I was needing a grounding point, when I was a tad anxious or didn't know what to write about.  Highly recommended. 

Really funny but not cheesy. Loved this book and I'm thinking of writing my own stories, not to publish necessarily, just to have something to laugh about. A way to process.

Got me excited to see Argentina again. A very fast read. Also made me miss horseback riding.

This book was tough. It wasn't hard to read, the language wasn't out of this world and the ideas weren't uninteresting but for some reason I didn't find myself craving reading time with this one. I finally set myself a page goal for each day so I could finish it before the 1st of July and I'm happy to say that today, June 30th, with about 45 minutes before July, I finished it. Definitely a worthwhile read. Definitely pertains to my concerns about female welfare and hit on some points I have yet to work through with myself. I'm glad I kept with this book. Really glad I didn't put it away for never.

What about you lovelies? What books have you been reading?

I'm at 31 ( and a 1/2) books out of 52! 52 in 52 I'm really working on you! That means I'm about 5 books ahead of schedule! I must, MUST keep this up!


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Favorite Books: Junior High

Here we are! Part II! I'd like to call this The Wonder Years but Junior High was not a very wonder yearish time in my life. So I just went for the ever so simple Junior High title. Not going to lie, while there are other books from this time Sweet Valley High dominated the majority of my reading material. 

Well... here it is:

Favorite Books: Junior High
And Then There Were None - Agatha Christie
The Giver - Lois Lowry
A Bone From a Dry Sea - Peter Dickinson
Sweet Valley High Series (any and every one I could find)
Are You There God, It's Me, Margaret - Judy Blume
Goosebumps Series: R. L. Stine
A Walk To Remember - Nicholas Sparks
*The Education of Little Tree - Forrest Carter

What were some of your favorite books in Junior High, or if you know someone in JH right now what have been their favorites?


*I'm going to leave this one on for the sake of the list but I have recently heard that this man Forrest was a part of the KKK and not Native American what so ever. There is a lot of back and forth about the man and his untrue depiction of Cherokee life. I did enjoy it at the time and I am sad to hear the truth behind the story

Mid Year Goals

While perusing my bloglovin subscriptions I happened upon this post by this delightful lady* and decided I would follow suit and make a list of my own Mid-Year Goals.

It's quite true, I have forgotten about my New Year's Resolutions and while I have been kind of thinking about my 25 before 26 I haven't been giving it quite the attention it needs. Plus there are other things I have been wanting to make habits of that seem even more important now and so this is a great way to get everything in line and a great new project to stick with after my 8 weeks.

Unless otherwise stated these goals are to be met by January 1st, 2012! :)

My first two very important areas of needed improvement are the two f's, fitness and financials.

1. Pay off credit card by March, 2012.
That means I have 9 months and need to pay roughly $350/month. 
2. Read 31 Days to Fix Your Finances PDF and complete all needed steps.
3. Do barre classes (that I already paid for) and 3 other exercise classes.
4. Be able to do 10 pull ups and the splits on both legs with back leg bent up.
5. Take a walk once a week.

The rest of my goals are going to do with the norm, reading, photography, blogging, etc.

6. Have 50 I guess we'll make that 100 (!!!) readers (subscribers) between bloglovin and blogger. I wish I could count others but I don't know how to figure out how all of you lovely people are following otherwise, maybe google reader and such... (OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! Loves, I have already made my goal! I just checked google reader. Have I told you all how much I love you lately? Fantastic. That's going to need a post of its very own!)
7. Continue on the 52 in 52. Yes this is a 25 before 26 goal, just want to keep it fresh in my mind. I have about 27 more books to go, not counting the books of June which I will be posting in the next few days. Just want to complete one more in the next two days! 

I think I am going to leave it at that. I am really excited with all of my goals, even the ones that pain me (credit card). What are some of your current, semi long term goals?


*p.s. Lauren and her blog are ultra stellar. 

My First Attempt at the Rolleiflex

What follows is my first attempt with the Rolleiflex (and 120 film) my grandparents so graciously let me borrow! I'm not going to lie, none of them came out like I wanted, but it's definitely a starting point! I did not post or even scan them all, I took the ones I tolerated the most and left them untouched for your viewing pleasure.

Of course I wish that these could have come out better or that there had been at least one that I was totally proud of. Alas the bunch was varied and I am definitely not an instant pro with this camera. I knew there were things I would have to learn but they seemed complicated when I was scanning over the manual online so I just loaded the film, focused the subject and pressed that little button. 

I've printed out a copy of the original manual so I can study it and figure out how to make the camera work with me better. I must remember that one does not start a new adventure perfect at the trail. I'm going to read the manual and try again. When I do I'll share the once again unadulterated pictures with you. :) 

Here's to learning!


Monday, June 27, 2011

Love From the First: the iphone 4

This week, I, Corey, purchased myself the iphone 4. I was going to hold out until the 5 came out but I just couldn't wait for the camera apps and Words With Friends any longer (ps on and Words With Friends I am Butwewillstay... play with me!) I don't think I've let my beautiful phone out of my sight for more than 5 minutes since I became the proud owner. I hate to be one of those people that I use to complain about with the "apps this" and "apps that," but oh my gosh I love this phone!

I'll spare you the rest of my gory love sesh with my phone (we make out on the daily) and just skip to the good (great) part, the photos!

The Manwich... oh Target.

A blanket fit for a baby king.

Just realized both my and Nicole's reflection is in this scale!

Tent as a dressing room? Rad.

Nicole's lovely gams.

My favorite thing, besides my phone now of course!

A great way to start a day.


My favorite tattoo picture and the most comfortable shoes ever. Not even Tom's... they are by Soda and pretty inexpensive.

Airport parking lots.

A friend's new kitten. I am eternally jealous. Next big purchase is a kitten (the pet deposit part), or a tattoo.

The cutest little candy store inside a school bus!

self portrait

Morning, before I went to bed...

Plain Jane but oh so pretty.

I've been collecting all the camera applications that I've drooled over and dreamed about for years, well, a good amount of time. I'm incredibly stoked and believe me, this is only a small portion of all the pictures I have taken.

I'm excited to be able to document even more of my day to day in pretty ways. So excited to add more apps to the collection and work with different cameras and films without actually having to have all of them. Glorious.

Not to mention, Words With Friends is a great way to keep my mind working hard.


Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday Mayhem: Closet Inspiration

I've been taking some time lately to think about my closet and how I want it to evolve. I have some pieces I love, some I never wear and I stick to a pretty standard style of t-shirt or tank and jeans and flats every day. I want to not only break out of the v-neck/jeans habit but I also want to invest in some great pieces. I'm also going to be getting rid of even more clothes so my closet is going to be empty for a bit.

Here's the inspiration for my style and the style I want to morph into....

I know, v-neck and jeans but it looks polished and I've been on the hunt for a perfect brown leather bag. Preferably faux or second hand leather.

While I want to stick to basics in the big pieces I want accent colors in scarves, jewelry and shoes for sure.

Great, comfortable, fitted. Awesome.

A good, at least inch thick leather belt, possibly with some designs, but not necessary.

This purse in brown? I think yes. Again, my norm for an outfit but I just can't get enough of it!

Brown boots, well, as long as we're shopping, quality black boots as well. I ruin the heels on my cheap ones reaaaal fast.

Basic dresses with thin (and thick) belts to go with them.

a great maxi dress like this lovely is wearing...

Sweaters in bright colors, but not yellow because it just doesn't work with my skin. Maybe a green or blue color.

How is your closet looking these days?


Sunday, June 19, 2011

My Eight Weeks: The Final Stand

Last weeks goals:
1. Wake up by 12 pm every day.
2. Put $70 on credit card at the end of the week
3. Spend 20 minutes each day on a project of your choice (ie rainbow blanket, camera refurb, blog, pictures scanned and edited, etc.
4. Write down one positive, beautiful, wonderful thing every day.
5. Go on 2, 20 minute walks.
6. Bake vegan pumpkin muffins.
7. Put up 3 posters/pieces on wall.

I'm going to be real honest, I did very little of what I planned to do...
I only did number 3 I think, even if that. 
I have been starting to study for the GRE which is exciting (for me). I've been out of the school scene for a while and I'm excited to start studying again. 

I've thought, for an hour or so now, of what this week's goals could be. I'm not sure I mind that I didn't get everything (or much of anything) done last week. I think I was a little too ambitious and repeated things that obviously weren't enough of an interest. So this week's goals, on my final week, are all about keeping up with things I am already doing.

1. Morning pages every day, but this time on tumblr with a picture accompanying it. (After the week is over and I see what I write I might share the link, I haven't decided just yet.)
2. Read one book.
3. Study at least 50 vocab words for GRE.
4. Mail blanket out to Shay.
5. Crochet 4 squares for Unicorn Sparklebottom's blanket.

I wish I could say this week's goals were cumulative or climactic of this project but they are not. I started it with little organization and by gosh that's how I'm going to end it. I think I'm going to keep with keeping weekly goals and writing them down. I might even make it easier on myself and get a whiteboard to write them on and stick above my desk. Then I'll remember.

What are you doing this week?


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Favorite Books: The Younger Years

Once upon a time I thought I would put together a list of my favorite books. After searching and remembering and the list growing longer I figured it would be best to break it up. This is Part I, The Younger Years. From birth (when people started reading to me) all the way to the end of elementary school. I know I've missed some but I'll be adding to this as I make a books page.

Feel free to use this to buy gifts for friends and their babies... and also feel free to add your suggestions or what you remember loving from childhood. Junior High and then High School and beyond will come in the following weeks!

I know there are many other very popular kids books but either I was not into them or didn't get them when I was little. These are my favorites.

Favorite books: The Younger Years
The Noisy Counting Book - Susan Schade, Jon Buller
The Little Engine That Could
The Giving Tree – Shel Silverstein
The Berenstain Bears - Stan Berenstain
Aesop's Fables
Where the Sidewalk Ends - Shel Silverstein
Santa Mouse books - Michael Brown
Nancy Drew Mysteries - Carolyn Keene
The Pokey Little Puppy 

What were some of your favorite books when you were young?


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

is this embarrassing?

This is a post in which I go on and on about my complete adoration for a man that goes by the name of Dallas Green. Seriously, I've said it once, I'll say it again, I would marry him solely on the facts known from his music. I'm going to be real honest, I don't say that often. At all. I admit I was deep in the music scene for a good amount of time, sophomore year through the end of college and I've wanted to propose to people due to the sound of their voice, or the beauty of their face but Dallas, ohhh Dallas, he gets more amorous feelings (than even Chris Carrabba of Dashboard Confessional) not just due to looks or voice quality, but because of the music itself... yeah I said it.

Here's the deal though, Dallas is married. Yeah, married to a smokin' hot and, I'm sure, totally wonderful woman. (This is not saying I am not smokin hot or totally wonderful, not putting myself down here just in case anyone was worried.) Sigh.

Alas I will have to spend my pining days listening to his records. Little Hell is the latest and oh gracious is it beautiful. Hauntingly gorgeous. While the songs aren't raw, the emotions, thoughts and circumstances they describe are. 

I could go on forever about how much I love this album and Bring Me Your Love but you're just going to have to see (hear) for yourself how wonderful this man and his band are. But don't you think about trying to steal second place in his heart from me. ;) I'm going to start drawing hearts on my binder with his initials just to make sure you know I'm serious...

now go listen!!!


***Dallas, if you read this (hahaha yeah right) ... I will probably always have the biggest crush on you ever but I do wish you and your wife eternal happiness together. 

Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday Mayhem: physical goals







My Monday mayhem post is all about exercise and what I need to get back into. Don't worry, my idea of the perfect body is in line with my body type already. 


My Eight Weeks: Week 7

Last week's goals:
1. Finish attaching cloth to bulletin board and hang it. I did, but it didn't work the way I wanted. Must buy stapler to finish this. 
2. rearrange living room: Yes! Did this! Things are still a mess but it's getting closer to the way I want it. 
3. put up 3 posters: Did not do this at all. I really want everything framed so I am going to have to get the measurements of all pieces so I can get frames for them. 

This week my goal is to bring back goals I didn't complete from the past 6 weeks... That way next week will be the forward thinking to the future.

This weeks goals:
1. Wake up by 12 pm every day.
2. Put $70 on credit card at the end of the week
3. Spend 20 minutes each day on a project of your choice (ie rainbow blanket, camera refurb, blog, pictures scanned and edited, etc.
4. Write down one positive, beautiful, wonderful thing every day.
5. Go on 2, 20 minute walks.
6. Bake vegan pumpkin muffins.
7. Put up 3 posters/pieces on wall.

As you can see there are a lot of things to get done but I think I can do it. Let the positivity flow and motivation take control! :)


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Dreaming of...

Lately I've been dreaming of an escape. You know, somewhere to get away (hopefully with a few days in a row of warmth and sunshine... maybe) and just breath in the air. While there are several different escapes I could thoroughly enjoy the one most present on my mind is of staying on the shore of one of the Carolinas. I want to stay in a beach cottage that has steps leading straight to the beach. I want to wake up and smell the sea air, write my Morning pages on the back porch as I sip coffee or eat a bowl of cereal. 
I want to play in the ocean, the warm, gloriously warm water, and possibly sun bath for 10 minutes at a time. :)
I want to read book after book and relax, maybe go into the small town and look around. Send some cheap postcards and go back to writing on the porch. If I was really devote to the practice of a healthy escape I would take time to stretch my body throughout the day, I would eat mostly vegan meals that I cooked from scratch and I would take picture after picture of all that I saw.
It sounds like heaven. 
Maybe at night, if a friend or two came on this adventure (escape) with me we could crack open some beverages or mix some and sip until tipsy laughing and talking and listening to the ocean.

I really don't know what could be more perfect to me right now. 

So that's what I am dreaming of.


*pictures found on some rental company's page but I don't remember which one, pretty sure this was a North Carolina house though.