Stellar Things

A list of things I love

soda bubbles
blowing bubbles
homemade popcorn
going to the movies with a friend
being startled with a best friend then laughing about it
making blankets
accomplishing a task big or small
a clean counter
a clean desk
a clean bathroom
a freshly vacuumed living space
meeting blog friends in real life
a meh pictures made awesome by filters
a really good photo of yourself
looking in the mirror and thinking dang! I look gooooood!
new date butterflies
a good morning text
surprise wake up calls from friends
surprise house calls
thinking of the perfect gift for someone
making a sad person laugh
the feeling of your hair right after you get it cut and styled
water after being in the sun
finishing someone's sentence
feeling smart
getting lost in a good story
the release of crying
a shower after getting really dirty
the shower on a summer day after playing at the beach
inside jokes
milk duds and popcorn
strawberry banana smoothies
souplantation dates with best friends
introducing someone to something awesome
petting dolphins
when a cat runs up to you and brushes against your leg
when a dog sets his head in your lap
looking at your phone right before you get a call or text
the smell and feel of a warm summer night rain
thunder and lightning storms
heat after feeling really cold for months
a cool breeze on a hot day
jumping in the pool
holding your breath under water longer than someone else
finally winning against someone you always lose to
things you've wanted for a long time but couldn't afford, on sale
helping a friend out
holding a baby
playing with tiny fingers and toes
a new tattoo
the sound of the tattoo machine
a rush of memories with a smell
hearing a song you haven't heard in years but use to love
a really good hug
smell of books, all kind
finding a great shop that very few know about
immediately falling for a song, first listen, first chords
thick paper
old cameras
getting the hang of something
finally mastering that backhand spring or splits or other physical goal that you could never quite get
being able to do pull ups
realizing you are stronger than you thought
when you think the carton of liquid is going to be heavier than it is and you get a surprise when you lift it
rain on a mostly sunny day
hot tea on a cold day
when something hits the spot perfectly
acing a test without studying
acing a test having studied really, really hard
acknowledgment for your successes small or large from someone you look up to
acknowledgement of your successes from just about anyone
baby laughs
a cat's purr
soft kitten fur
extra large paws on pups
new car smell
a bath with the perfect playlist
finding money in your pocket
finding something you thought you lost
rereading some of your writing and liking it
getting a compliment on your hair when you didn't do anything to it
getting a compliment on your hair at all
roses, every color
completing a long term goal
feeling accomplished
learning a new skill
a silly sport with friends
champagne for no reason
thick slices of french toast
daytime naps with the sun slipping through the window
the sound of the ocean
the smell of the ocean (most of the time)
stomach flip flop with a compliment from someone special
citrus smells
new perfume
clean towels after a shower
pair of warm socks out of the dryer
being witness to a baby's first anything
correctly spelling a hard word
when people remember you from a long time ago
when you hear someone was saying nice things about you when you weren't around
new pens
colored pens
when someone compliments something you made before they know you made it
when someone really understands
laughing so hard your cheeks and stomach hurt but you can't stop
big dogs that think their little and human
cats that act like dogs
the mysteries of science
having a kid think you're the coolest for the simplest things
teaching a child a new trick
a delicious (and healthy) meal
the word "stellar"
crossing a task off a list
having a great comeback in seconds
telling a joke perfectly
getting letters in the mail
getting money in the mail
surprise money
stuffed animals from when you were a baby
simple decor
finding a new mentor
meeting up with an old mentor
learning a new fact
learning something new about yourself
perfect hair
perfect eyeliner
hot air balloons
watching hot air balloons take off
gaudy things you love because they remind you of your grandparents and/or childhood
people's look of amazement at your organization skills
feeling like an adult 
feeling like a kid

and the list goes on...