Thursday, January 27, 2011

100 flickr worth picture, set 9

Oh goodness! Set 9! Almost there!!! Here's another set of Mini's.


blanket plans

wall decoration

kitty house

bird house

christmas tree reflection


mini mary

ooooh balloons!

the art above my bed

all sets

Wednesday With Baby Brows

I know it's Thursday but last night there was no time to put together the post, so here it is!

Right after mom and dad left we somehow ended up with one sock and one shoe. I quickly corrected this so he wouldn't have trouble walking around.
Lost a shoe at some point

We watched some Handy Manny and Mickey Mouse Club House. He read the book both upside down and right side up... :)

Reading right side up

Then I attempted several different things for breakfast. Every day is different. Sometimes he loves oatmeal and eats a lot and sometimes he wants only a couple of bites and then eats raisins and yummy gummy snacks. I think he likes the things he can feed himself best, he's not as fond of spoon in face anymore.

Seriously contemplating the raisins.

After making it clear he was quite finished with being in the highchair we moved on and played a bit in his room. He's figured out the drawers on his changing table which can be dangerous to those little fingers. His favorite part of the drawer is taking everything out and throwing it around the room. I think I did that with diapers when I was a baby. 

Play the song mr. button!

We had a short ride around the house on his quad. He made sure to keep the engine sounds going with the button. Before we took a ride he was just pressing the button so he could dance to the song it plays on the third press. Super cute.
After that it was nap time, he's getting to where he tries to communicate that he wants to sleep which is awesome! He finds his blanket, pushes his head in a pillow, finds his pacifier. He sometimes even cuddles! That's my favorite.

Woke up with my hood on, so what?!

Nap time was a little short but he woke up happy so all was well.  

I got it!

I stacked the green ball on the blue thing and he thought it was the funniest thing ever. It's times like those that I really want to know what babies are thinking. What could possibly be funny about toys being stacked? I like their happiness. So then he would grab the two pieces and try to put them together like I had. He was pretty successful most of the time. Then he would throw each piece somewhere in the room. I would grab them and put them together again by him and he would start laughing again. 

trying to stay awake

After play time in his room and several episodes of Yo Gabba Gabba Baby Brows was tiiiired. He went to sleep an hour early for his second nap. I tried to keep him awake and was about to take him to swing but I look at him and he's asleep on the floor in the living room. So I gathered him up and put him to bed where he slept to his normal waking time. 

I noticed today that he wanted more attention than usual. He wanted to interact more with me whereas before he was totally fine looking at his books and playing with his toys without me close. Even when I would attempt before to join in he would just keep doing his own thing. Now he really wants me there. He wants to climb over me if necessary just so long as I am at his level.

Oh I love this little man so much. 


Monday, January 24, 2011

Today was quite lovely

I started it here. Well, I really ate breakfast and job searched on the couch for a bit but after I got dressed I sat here and played on Pinterest a bit.

Then, in a sudden fit of inspiration I decided I was going to take a walk around a thrift shop close by. I usually have a hard time in thrift stores because I don't know where to look but I made myself really take some time today.

I took some pictures as I walked around of cute things that I liked but for one reason or another didn't make the cut.

cutest apron but it was $5 compared to another cute one for $2. 

pretty pretty plates. I don't have the money or the space to invest in those at the moment.

I just thought this was the cutest BUT the actual slate was cracked and they were asking $12 for it I thing. HECK NO!

 I was able to find some great stuff though. There were some things I picked up and then put back but what made the cut is this:
A couple of strawberry cards, rose napkins, two little handkerchiefs and a yellow scarf that I can't wait to put in my hair.

 I also found these sweaters and while I'm not usually one for poofy sleeves or cropped shirts I knew it had potential. As for the other sweater I think I'm going to call that my librarian sweater. Maybe I'll even put a pin or two on it. I may dye it a completely different color now that I think about it but we shall see.

After all that I came home to find:
A package and a pen pal letter and a baby shower invite!

letters (the one in the camera envelope goes along with the package.

contents of the package! every once in a while my wonderful friends Nicole and Bryan send me fun little gift packages in the mail. The fuzzy creature with eyes is a bee, there is little mermaid chapstick(!!!), an exploding valentine, a coin purse made out of a baby sock, a crystal tree maker AND a book by a Spanish writer.

working on exploding... and I didn't shake it enough, had to help it along...
There it is!

Now I'm off to read some letters

and then head up to Sarah's house to watch PRETTY LITTLE LIARS!! My fav.


Monday Inspiration Mayhem

Definitely woke up on the grumpy side of the bed this morning (it's funny how the side always changes so I can never be sure where to wake up) but after looking at these pretty things I felt a tad better. Enjoy! 

Gorgeous hair and simple outfit.

UMMMM Awesome! I want this so bad. Going to have to make my own somehow.

Could I just live in this for a couple of years? Well, I need a bathroom too.

I want a headdress so bad. How great is that?!

Cutest "What I wore today" I've ever seen!


I'm jealous of her hair... and her face... and her exquisite taste!

Best use of a pantry.

I want a place to put a bed like this.

Pretty tattoos.

The best baby (toddler) fashion. So cute! I want those boots!

What side of the bed did you wake up on this morning?

sources: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11

I'm quite excited about this blanket!

Today in my excitement of finishing my squares AND putting two rows together last night I sat down (for about 8 hours total) and sewed all the rows AND connected two more to the blanket. Now I have 4 sewn together rows and 5 unattached rows. Tomorrow (or later today I should say) I will be putting them together (hopefully all of them after some job hunting.) I have to say, I look at the progress and get a jolt of excitement every time. I put this together. Me! I created this. That must be 1/1,000,000 of what a parent feels with their first child or any child for that matter.

Well, I wish I had more to say but my eyes are closing as I'm quite sleepy.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

YES!!! Project squares moved to phase 2!!!

As I've been mentioning from time to time I've been working on a blanket made of many, many smaller granny squares. This is the very first time I've made a blanket this way and let me tell you I am SO FRICKIN EXCITED to be at the point where the squares get sewn together!

I've put together one row so far and I'm starting on the second. I don't want to sleep until I've put two rows together! Oh goodness!

Well, I'm off to keep working on this lovely thing!


Saturday, January 22, 2011

100 flickr worthy pictures, Set 8!

I know it's been a while and the end of 25 before 25 is drawing very near! I still have some polaroids to scan but I will definitely have the last 2 sets up in the next week!


A pretty tile


pondering his reflection

It says tny tipi

best view

my favorite animal

so cute



shielded from the sun