Friday, October 7, 2011

Sick Computer

Lately my Mac has been going really slow and pausing at random times. I couldn't figure out what was wrong, I deleted a lot of files, transferred others to an external hard-drive and did system check ups but nothing changed.
The issues happened most while on the internet but sometimes happened when browsing my files. 

After hearing all different kinds of things it could be I decided to bite the bullet and take it in to the store. I figured it was beyond my very limited knowledge.

They told me that my hard-drive is failing. They also told me I have done nothing wrong. Thank goodness. I think once I loaded the last operating system onto my poor little Mac it just couldn't take it anymore and became very run down.

So now, today, I am to take my baby in for a hard-drive change. They are also going to replace the key cover area as mine has chipped and cracked with wear. 
While I'm happy that he's going to look all new, I am reluctant to take him in. I mean, who knows how long it's going to take! Ugh.
But they work on them every day of the week and hopefully tomorrow afternoon my computer will be back to me and it will be like we were never apart!

If not, I'll be quiet on here (again). My apologies in advance.


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