Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Artist's Way: Week 2

Before I get started on my summary of Week 2, I'll do a little recap of the goals  and tools of this project. 

Goals of 12 week program: 
1. Learn to be gentle and positive with and about myself
2. Start habit of morning pages that will carry on for life
3. Break down the liver's (like to live, not liver like thing my generation abuses) block

Morning Pages:
Three hand written, pages about anything and everything. You can whine about how life is unfair or about how blocked you are or about how the wall is white. You could write the same word over and over until something comes up, you could start a story, but the point is to get pen to paper and have words come out. Any words. This is about quantity and repetition, not quality.

Artists Dates:
Artists dates is a time you spend with yourself, not with anybody else, and you explore something. It could be walking around an exhibit, going to a new restaurant, taking a long walk or hike, jumping rope for 20+ minutes, seeing a movie you've been wanting to see, browsing a record store... anything.
But they have to be by yourself and they have to be enjoyable to you. 

Have you been doing these things in your life already?

Week Two: Recovering a Sense of Identity

In week two the lessons are about finding who you are and what you are interested in. It's about letting go of what you THINK you are and like and letting the real thing come through. Sometimes the interests will be the same, sometimes you'll find you are interested in a completely different craft.

My favorite quotation:
...the truth of a life really has little to do with its quality. The quality of  life is in proportion, always, to the capacity for delight. The capacity for delight is the gift of paying attention.

I've been experiencing this a lot lately. Maybe reading this chapter before different parts of my life starting going south all at once was helpful in a subconscious way. I will never fully know. All I know is that there have been some interesting things going on and I still have a smile on my face more times than not. I'm not anxious or sad, I'm just sitting here knowing somehow that things are going to work out. I've never been like this, so that's something.

Favorite Task:

List 5 imaginary lives you would lead if you could do so. Think of things you could do to put a tiny part of those lives into your reality.
1. Professional Traveler
2. Baker: Think Maggie Gyllenhaal in Stranger than Fiction
3. Fiction Writer
4. College Professor
5. Photographer - focus on art 

While it was an easy move, I definitely took photos, with my Holga, during week 2 and went and had a contact sheet made and then picked which ones I wanted to print. Awesome experience. I don't think I want to shoot with 35mm as much as I want to shoot with 120. 

Check In:
1. Morning pages: again 5/7
Again making enough time for the pages in the morning was a problem but I did like writing at night sometimes instead.
2. Artist Date:
Once again I took myself on a Sushi date and this time ordered some different rolls and pieces. I wrote again and enjoyed the time I had before going to class. 

3. Issues with the week: 
Must learn to balance work through out the week! So into it at the beginning of the week and then after Wednesday it's all of a sudden Sunday and I haven't done anything but the Morning Pages. I do think about the project every single day but I don't devote enough time to it yet.

Thoughts on week 2: Still in love with this book and this process though I do feel like I am slacking. I am actually writing this during Week 4 and I've decided to give myself a 2nd go at Week 4 to actually get something out of it and get on track. That will also make it easier to get caught up here. But that's just a bonus.

What projects have you been working on lately?


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