Friday, October 7, 2011

A Really Long Post About a Really Short Event

It has been almost a year (shy about 47 days) since my last car saw the end of it's VERY short life when hit by an incredibly drunk driver at 2am on Friday, November 12th. 
I freaked that night/day/morning/whatever you consider it. I was awake, I was putting together this post and then I heard a loud crash. I thought for a split second that a person had gone across the front yard and into the house. Nope, just into my car's back left wheel. Breaking the axle and my heart for a bit. Dramatic I know, but really cars and I don't have the best of luck or times together.

Today I was once again reminded of why I should ALWAYS be on my toes around cars. Not just because there are a lot of dummies on the road, but because, like I said, cars and I don't inspire lucky days*.

Tonight, at about 6:30pm I was driving down NW 23rd Ave with Erika and her lovely daughter when we saw this car about to turn out in front of us. They had a stop sign, we did not. I tapped on my breaks trying to figure out what the other drive was going to do and she paused, seeming to understand it wasn't her turn. I guess she mistook my defensive pause as a "go ahead" and gunned it (right hand turn onto the street I was cruisin along) and smashed right into the front of my car.
Our first reaction when seeing this lady at the stop sign trying to pull out in front of us was "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" and I reacted the best I could in the situation and by the time it was too late saw my car being pushed into the other side of the road. 

I sit there freaking out for a second, surprisingly keeping MOST of my cussing in check. I must admit, I can be a bit of a sailor when push comes to shove, and even sometimes when it doesn't. But I do my very, very best to hold my tongue around youngsters and I only let the bad words slip a couple of times. I apologized to her both times they came out.
The driver of the other car got out and walked over to where I was and asked if everyone was okay and said some sort of version of "sorry" or "oops."
Thanks lady.
I wanted to be really mean to her. She had just created this HUGE inconvienience in my life and her lack of judgement could have created some lasting damage to my passengers. I don't know what I would have done if Erika's daughter had been hurt, even if it had just been like a paper cut. I would have been devastated and felt completely responsible. It's my car, it's my responsibility. 
::deep breath::
But like I said, everyone was relatively fine (Erika is feeling some tension in shoulders and temples, she'll be getting it checked out tomorrow) and as I got out of the car I held my cool exceptionally well.

Maybe it was because Erika and her daughter were there, maybe it was because I know people make mistakes, maybe it's because I can't find it in my heart to be really rude to strangers unless they are dead beat guys trying to "smoothly" touch my butt in a bar, whatever it was, I answered the woman the best I could and tried to keep as much attitude and blame out of my voice as possible.

I mean, she was ready immediately to switch information, so I guess that was something.

People kept stopping and staring and asking if we needed help moving cars. That would have been great if the cars had been moveable. Seriously, I tried getting my car to do something and the wheel wouldn't turn at all. The plastic of the wheel well was shoved against the wheel so tight it wasn't going anywhere.
::another deep breath or two::
Erika called the non emergency police line, I called insurance, other driver called her tow truck people and Miss. J (Erika's daughter) played with the my little ponies I had in my car. Perfect I guess.

Eventually a police woman came, then two different tow trucks and then we were on our walking way back to Erika's house. Miss J wanted me to stay the night but we compromised with getting sushi instead. 
Then dear, dearest, lovely, wonderful Amanda picked me up and took me home. I had too much stuff (luckily my car was relatively empty, like really clutter free) to try and battle the bus.

When I got home I gave the insurance company another call to finish up with the information, lucky for me (and maybe not so lucky for the woman in the other car) I remember step by step details pretty well. And I can take inventory of damages pretty well too.
I gave all my information and all of the information she gave me and asked if she had called in a claim yet.
She hasn't.
Am I to quick to judge when I say I think that's irresponsible of her?
She got a ride home. She lived really close to where the accident happened. I know she just moved here from California (and hit me doing a California stop haha!**) but really?! There was a person in the shop on the curb watching the whole thing, there was my passenger AND her daughter... I just hope she doesn't try to twist the story. 
And I hope my back and neck don't start hurting. 

All in all though, I have to say, I'm taking this a LOT better than I took it the last time. 

This is what I consider to be my good fortune:
1. Totally not my fault.
2. Erika's little girl was not hurt at all.
3. Airbags didn't deploy
4. She didn't push my into oncoming traffic
5. Everyone is alive
6. I didn't assault the woman and end up in jail
7. I have a different insurance company than I did last year, that company SUCKED.
8. We're okay. (Yes basically the same as all the other ones but it's really true.)

Maybe when I wake up tomorrow I won't be as positive about it but I really hope I can be. I don't understand why this happened exactly, if I have been doing things wrong or throwing off my balance/karma/etc... all I know is, things are going to work out. 
If nothing else, I learned that from last time.

Things will work themselves out. 

Now the fun part, DAMAGE:::

Something plastic fell off of this area...

yeahhhh! Look at that metal bend!

yup the hazard lights ARE reflecting on that broken piece of plastic

getting an inside look

I'm hoping that reservoir is for something like windshield wiper fluid... I hope they didn't put something flammable right by the front bumper. 

I should have asked her first before showing all of her private parts

Alright, you really can't see it here but all the crunch from the front made it so this door, passenger side front... can't open more than an inch. SUHWEEEEET!!

Does this mean it's totaled? Is it bad to hope so? I don't even know anymore.

*As I typed more I realized something very important. While I have had unfortunately things happen to all three cars I have owned, they have happened in a way that has done very little to no damage to me as a person. Yes they were all inconvenient but the first problem with my Jetta could have left me broken down on a busy freeway onramp, the second time with the Jetta could have had the transmission quit in the middle of a busy freeway or worse at night on my way south on the 5 from San Francisco to San Diego. Stranded. Or I could have been in the car when the drunk hit it or he could have killed someone and in this case, someone could have gotten hurt, but only the thing did. I guess it can be considered lucky that things happened as they did and not as they could have.
** My mom said I can't make fun of her for being a California driver because I'm a Californian which I responded, NOPE! I have my Oregon plates now! You can't prove it!
AND, I've never been in an accident because I did a California stop. SO THERE! :p


  1. wow!--- glad you are okay! It does look totaled to me, but I'm in no way a car expert.... but I had less damage done to my car and it was totaled. Silly drivers!!!

  2. Definitely looks totaled, considering my steering wheel wouldn't move and the front passenger door wouldn't open I'd be really surprised if it wasn't totaled.

