Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Books of July

This month I fell a tad behind on my reading. I'm not quite sure why, maybe I had other projects I was working on. Oh yes, I spent a good deal of time working on a blanket and watching movies so that cut into my reading time. That and I've been connecting with friends and making an effort to get out of the house. So alas, I was behind for the month but definitely not behind for the 52 in 52 project. I'll just have to make it up this month!

Here they are:

I really enjoyed this book. I have Spooked on my bookshelf and I think I will be reading that soon. Her style of writing is easy to get into and stay interested in. I guess the subject matter wasn't boring either. As a person who wanted a public health and human sexuality minor (but didn't wanted to graduate more) this book was right up my alley.

So cute! So so cute. I have to read the two other books in the series now. My friend gave this to me after trying to start it a couple of times. I'm not sure if it was Nicole or Chelsea (sorry ladies) but either way I loved it. 

As I've come to the last book I realize this month, though few in books was filled with quality. 
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle is a book that is going on my Favorites list, no doubt about it. I've had this book on my shelf for a while (along with other great books I am sure) and after watching Food Inc. I finally dived in. 
This book is full of devotion to a craft that many of us have long forgotten though it was part of our existence for so long. I'm motivated to eat in season and local and start making my own sauces. I'm excited to really learn about what I am eating AND, truth be told, it made me question my actions with my vegetarianism. Not that I think I made a bad choice, just that, with my beliefs, there may be other things I can do, like if I do go back to eating meat only get it from farms that are local and breed heritage animals. That all is to be discussed (or written) at a different time though.
I recommend this book through and through. Absolutely gorgeous and delightful.

34 books out of 52. Still ahead of the goal but can't keep slacking! :)

What did you read in July? 



I read 4 books this month. I forgot about this book!

I'm always pretty skeptical of a christian awakening story BUT I am into spirituality and road trips and memoirs so I decided to give this book a try. I'm very glad I did. While I won't reread it ever I did get through the story pretty fast and have some lasting images. 

So that means I've read 35 out of 52 books and I'm still on track!




  1. Ooh! I love book suggestions.


  2. I've been dying to read "Bonk!" Still on my list.

    "The Psychopath Test" is fantastic and I highly recommend it. Reading "Chronic City" by Jonathan Lethem right now and it's super-good, too!
