Monday, August 8, 2011

A Super Sunday

Today has been awesome and rad and wonderful all wrapped in one little package.

Today I had the pleasure of meeting a new friend, named Amanda (through my dear friend Chelsea), who sometimes blogs... and loves reading like I do.

I woke up quite late in the afternoon just in time to get ready to get my lazy bum downtown to Powell's (you know, my favoritest and the most dangerous places ever) and I just had to find this one book... which turned into 4... but I guess I don't call it the most dangerous place for nothing.

We then ventured to the Ace Hotel which one of these days I will just have to do a Portland Love post on. There we talked to my dear friend Donovan who I worked with back in the day, I spotted a very attractive boy, Amanda and I took some photobooth pictures, I bought and half way consumed a decaf iced coffee and then we went upstairs at the Ace because that is where the scanner use to be to put the photo strips on the computer.

We tried our best to show the faces that get us all da boyz. Mine, second down, hers, third down.

We get up there and a tattooed youngish man is sitting at the only computer there and so we sit on this comfy wall of sofa and wait. We chat and chat and at one point this woman comes by to sit at a chair that is behind the man at the computer and he tells her she probably shouldn't sit there because earlier someone had peed in it.
It gets better... a little bit later Donovan comes up and tells this guy that he has to get off the computer, shut the window he is on and leave.
I thought maybe the guy had just overstayed his welcome on the only computer. Maybe a guest really needed to send and email and this dude was just taking up too much time but I figured I would ask Donovan about it later.

I decide to write the attractive boy I saw earlier a note so Donovan can give it to him. I sit down and mull over what to write and eventually come up with someone very me like. (I just want to say I once hit on a guy by giving him a note that said "strip jenga?" with yes no or maybe boxes and I think my number. He worked at the grocery store right by my work and so I saw him a lot... He wasn't single but it did make him laugh and I think that's good too... right?)
I didn't offer this boy strip jenga and just for the record I probably wouldn't have gone through with a game of strip jenga with grocery boy until like at least date five. Because I'm a classy lady like that. Thank you very much!

So, wrote note, went downstairs and Amanda's man showed up at that time. Go to Donovan and tell him/give him the note and then ask him to scan the picture strip we took. THEN ask him about the guy he kicked off the computer...

Get this...

Are you sitting down...

I laughed pretty hard at this one...

The guy got kicked off the computer because he was watching porn. When D told him to shut the window there was more than one to close. Porn. In a very public place. He had no wall behind him, no blockers on either side of him. It wasn't a cubicle...
A lightbulb went off in my head after Donovan told me the story. I said "OHHH! So no one peed in that chair up there today then?" Donovan just shook his head and laughed.
So, dude bro was not only blatantly watching porn in a hotel guest sitting area, he had come up with a story to keep that chair unoccupied. Who does that?!?! Besides that dude I mean.

Okay, in all fairness I don't think that came out as funny in words as it was to all of us at the time. But, it was still good.

After that awesomeness I decided I needed food and we went up to 23rd for margaritas and burritos at this place I had just eaten at a couple of weeks back (on a Sunday) called Santa Fe. The place is lucky they have good food because the first time I went there the inside service was poop. The man making my burrito was just not stoked on anything at all and really not wanting to talk to me or take my order. The cocktail waitress however, was super sweet so I guess after the food was decent and the margarita was good going back wasn't totally out of the blue.
This time the service was MUCH better inside and we sat in the bar to get our drinks. I had forgotten my ID but they didn't card me and I exuded an over 21 attitude (or at least I tried) while I was there.
Amanda, while ordering the drinks, said "prime time!" about something being awesome or good and the bartender had a field day.
Expect me to start using that term often.

We then ventured on for a Voodoo Doughnut. We tried the downtown one but upon driving by the line I  decided we were going to the east side location. We get there, go through the line in like 10 minutes (way less than the possible 30 min to an hour wait guaranteed at the downtown location) and then went to meet up with their friend on Belmont. We were right across the street from my old apartments which made me feel nostalgic. I miss living on a street that has cute little shops, bars and restaurants within a stones throw.

Their friend took us to a bar called East Burn which was prime time. No joke, skee ball games downstairs with a rad/weird movie playing on a projector and I think there were some other games there as well. Upstairs there was a restaurant which had paper lining the tables with crayons in shot glasses and THEN outside on the patio there was a line of swing chairs. SWINGS, for chairs! I swooned. I'm easily entertained I guess.

By then Amanda and her Mr. were pretty tired and so I took them back to their car and we parted ways stating we were never going to be friends.

More like we're going to hang out bunches and have a rad time when they move here.

Oh yeah, I met Amanda through Chelsea because Amanda is moving here and Chelsea thought I'd be a good person to introduce her to the city. Yay.

So yes, today was fantastic and I'm sleepy but I'm going to watch an episode or two of Bones and then jump into bed and read as much of The Hours as possible so I can move on to one of the 7 books I've bought in the last week...

I have a problem, I get it.



  1. That porn guy is hilarious. Can you say addict? Wow.

    Glad that you had fun! :)

  2. that entire day = epic!


  3. For some reason I am just reading this post.... Love! We need another full day together.
