Thursday, March 31, 2011

Books of March

Wow how months fly by so fast. I thought this month was going to end with me only reading one and a half, maaaaybe two books. But I pulled through in the end (again) and added a couple more to the list!

Finished up:
I found it at the bins and just couldn't help buy it even though paperbacks are now $1 instead of fiddy cent... I mean $.50, my bad. I knew it was going to be a fast read. It looked like chick lit and by golly it was a whole lot like the Shopaholic book series (I haven't seen the movie and hear it's nothing like the books so even though I love Amy I'm staying away from it). Should you buy it for more than $1, probably not. Was it worth the $1 I paid, maybe. I did enjoy it  but I could have spent that time reading other books too. Eh.

Started and finished in March:
Stephen King's The Dark Tower Series Book IV
Glorious book. Made me want to cry in some parts because there was a bit of romance. I'm definitely a softy. Seriously though, good good read. Took me forever but I finally finished it half way through March!

Yes this series has come to an end. I was so sad to see it go. Totally bubblegum chick lit at its finest. I read every word! :) Many I love me some Lauren Conrad. P.S. paid about $3 for the book at Urban Outfitter! SCORE!

How Starbucks Saved My Life
This man's story of how he went from hero to 0 and then got offered a job at Starbucks and how it changed his life. I have a lot of friends who have worked for Starbucks in the past and their reviews of the place were no where near as happy and lighthearted but I guess it depends on where you are at in your life... and, I'm a sucker for a happy reawakening story. It was definitely that!

This is a very short book. It's actually a speech (address) that she gave to a graduating class. It was a good read (from the first page to the last) and definitely had a couple of different parts that are really good to remember as I go forward, now and forever. Technically it probably doesn't count by official 52 by 52 rules but I'm counting it anyway. Yeah, how do you like dem apples?!

Official Book Club Selection
Kathy Griffin's memoir is quite funny. I read it in 2 days! I saw this at Goodwill (sorry Kathy, if you're reading this, someone did give it up BUT, good news, I then purchased it and read it) and for some reason couldn't leave it behind. Probably because she's a female comedian and a redhead... best part, I bought the book and the next day I was watching a roast of Joan Rivers and Kathy was hosting it. So then I dove into the book.

This months reading has inspired me to pick up a couple of Ernest Hemingway's books and I want to get a bio or even autobio of Joan Rivers as well as Barbara Walters. More to look for at the Goodwill along with my continuing search for Miles to Go for under $2.

52 in 52 count: 19/52

What have you read this month?


*all images are google search of the title

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