Tuesday, March 8, 2011

25 before 26!

So now that a day of being 25 has gone by it's time to share my 25 before 26! I know that I already did 25 things last year but I like odd numbers best and want to do 25 again. This year the combination of my goals is really reaching but I think that's going to be a good thing. Reach for the moon and you'll at least end up among the stars right?! Here's to putting thoughts out into the universe!

1. Save $$ to participate in 4 month photography program in Argentina ($10k by August 2012?!)
2. Complete 1 year of Master's degree (Teaching credentials?)
3. Get hot air balloon tattoo drawn
4. finish 2 blankets
-Shay's baby blanket
-Unicorn Sparkle(bottom)s rainbow blanket
5. Learn basics of photoshop
6. Buy and paint Native American paint by number
7. Find perfect pair of vintage glasses, heals and little black dress
8. Write 30 letters
9. Spend a week waking up early (before 8 am) for reasons other than work
10. reach 50 readers on blog
11. Join or create a group
12. Date older dudes (and attempt to not date younger)!
13. Keep accurate log of $ to the dollar for one month
14. Read 5 self help or informational books
15. Read 10 for fun books
16. Watch 4 Spanish/Argentine/Latin films
17. Read 1 book in Spanish (allowed to be a kid/teen book)
18. Have a conversation in Spanish (more than just "hi, how are you, bye")
19. Go on 3 dates
20. Throw a party
21. Rent my own place
22. 100 pictures project
23. Go to dance/exercise class once a week
24. Pay off credit card 
25. Acquire a Canon Rebel!!!

Phew, what a year this is going to be! 


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