Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Safari Adventure with The Brows

This kid has my heart to the end. I'm pretty sure everybody knows that already, and when (read: if) I'm rich and have lots of money I will find creative ways to spoil this boy like no other.
Did you know he's like 2 times the size he should be, or that's my lame math that's probably totally not correct when in reality he's the size of a four year old but he just had his second birth day! I brag about him like he's my own. I was smiling the whole day because he's such a character. 

Our day went a little like this:
We met in the parking lot, Baby Brows just waking up from a short nap. He went into the stroller and we walked to the front gates. Señor Brows treated me to this trip which was oh so awesome and so we went in. We started by getting The Brows some food (I had eaten an El Pollo Loco tostada on the drive over, a juggle for sure) and I just laughed while Baby Brows became more and more animated with each french fry and chicken strip. By the raisins he was chattering about his milk, saying yum and calling Señor Brow's soda "my meel."* After pouring some milk in a cup similar to dad's Baby Brows thought he had the same thing as dad and was content.

We then walked to find the Safari tour so Baby Brows could wake up a little more and see all the different animals, and ride the "tuck."** After a very short wait we were sighting animals left and right. Baby Brows had his game face on but was bouncing when he was allowed. He may have been more interested in the mode of transportation we were taking and the kids in the seat in front of us, but every once in a while he was really excited about the animals too. The tour ended just in time, because he was ready to start running around.

And run he did.

I pushed the stroller as we made our way through the maze that is the Zoo Safari Park, formerly known as the Wild Animal Park. He stopped to look at the ducks, smell some flowers, and to sit on a little bench. He tired out and went back into the stroller until we found the elephants. Again Baby Brows was more interested in his surroundings and playing with his stroller than the animals... he ran circles around the poles, then around some benches, then would look back at us, then run toward us, dance a little bit and go around again. 

I did take a little bit of time to watch the elephants, there was one really young one who was sooo cute. Oh baby animals!

Then we moved on to find the petting zoo. Baby Brows went back into the stroller at this point, exhausted from running around. At first he didn't want to get out of the stroller then he saw the goats and became pretty excited. He ran right up to the first one petting it until the goat threw his head a little... nothing hard or hurtful but Baby Brows ran back to dad to get his bearings. Then it was off to see the brushes (and use them on his own hair for a second... hahahahaha kids!) and find other goats to pet. He and another little boy were petting the resting goats when two others started sparring. It was cute to watch. Then a bigger goat started choking or something and Sebastian thought that was the funniest thing. He couldn't stop laughing which made the other boy's family laugh. 

After a couple minutes Baby Brows was done with petting goats and we went off in search of a soda and churro for me, I really can't resist at theme parks of any kind. I love churros. 
Then we attempted to have birds land on us but that exhibit was closed once we arrive and so we trekked back toward the tigers. We managed a tiger sighting (and also saw a young boy pushing his sister's stroller down a hill, letting go of it and running in front of it to scare her.... while the parents chatted on) and then headed toward the exit. They were ushering us out through arrow signs at all exhibit trail entrances. Very helpful, like I said, this park is a maze.

All in all a wonderful adventure. Baby Brows didn't disappoint. I haven't been to this park in probably over 12 years and probably wouldn't have gone if friends and a child hadn't been involved. Theme parks regain their magic when sharing them with a kid. 


* my meel is my milk in Baby Brows speak
** tuck is truck


  1. What a lovely day at the zoo! He is so precious!

  2. Night safari in thailand is one of the awesome thing to do in thailand. People enjoy a lot during the safari.
    Jungle Safari Thailand
