Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Artist's Way: Week 8

Goals of 12 week program: 
1. Learn to be gentle and positive with and about myself
2. Start habit of morning pages that will carry on for life
3. Break down the liver's (like to live, not liver like thing my generation abuses) block

Week 8: Recovering a Sense of Strength 

This week was about time and how we use it as an excuse. We don't have time to work on a masterpiece, we are too old or too young to start the activity we would start if we weren't the age we are, now is not the right time, etc.

My Favorite Quotation(s):
'Don't let the bastards get you down.' Artists who take this to heart survive and often prevail. The key here is action...

Surround yourself with people who respect and treat you well.
-Claudia Black 

Creativity occurs in the moment, and in the moment we are timeless. 

Favorite Task:
List 20 things you like to do:
take dance classes, stretch, write, read, laugh
eat popcorn and milk duds while drinking diet coke and watching a movie, 
take pictures, blog, draw, paint, crochet
swim, travel, sing when no one can hear me, horseback ride
flirt, make out, go to a club to dance, sleep

Check In:
1. Morning pages: 3/7
This week was horrible for morning pages. There was a lot going on and I just didn't man up and get to the page. I've been slacking in this second month and I really need to get back on schedule. Next month, the last month... December, is going to be better. I am switching to night pages for the first week, see if that goes over any better.
2. Artist Date: 
I did not go out and do anything alone, for myself this week but I did spend a lot of time with my younger siblings driving to the beach, getting food and just going on adventures. 
3. Instances of Synchronicity: 
Well, this week was a doozy for a lot of different reasons. There were hints of synchronicity once I brightened up and let go of some things so I'm hopeful again.
4. Other issues:
douche-baggery from the opposite sex, but I bounced back pretty fast and I've learned a few more things. 


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