Friday, March 23, 2012

here is the place where I love you

No spoilers here, don't worry. I rather just go on about how perfect their faces are. I mean Katniss especially. Her face is perfect and dewey and symmetrical looking the whole movie, even with dirt on it. 

And Peeta, well... I'm on team Peeta all the way. Gale who?

As you have probably figured out by now, I went to the midnight premiere along with everybody and their mother living within 20 miles of the San Marcos movie theater.
Well, maybe not THAT far.
But seriously, there were many, many people, and it was, well it was an experience.

There were some people dressed up but not as many as I assume there are for Harry Potter. But there were people that had been there since after school at 2pm. I arrived with my brother at about 8 pm then jumped into a different line with some friends and ended up being let into the theater first... at 10pm. A lot of joking, yelling, magazine reading and then drowsiness happened during that time. 
Then an hour before the movie they started playing some previews... that lasted maybe 20 minutes and so we were left to wait again.
Don't worry, there were more previews at 12am too.
After a movie marathon of previews The Hunger Games finally started, just when my eyes were wanting to close, and well... it began.

Again, like I said before, no specific spoilers. 

From the beginning there were some parts left out. Some parts that I'm am left wondering how they are going to fill the gap in the next movies. Is that a spoiler? I don't think it is... there's more than one movie just like there's more than one book.
So, as I was saying, from the beginning a couple of things have changed from the book, but they aren't changes big enough to make me disappointed. More just curious.
I love Katniss, I LOVE Peeta... I'm waiting to see how they develop Gale... 
The other tributes were pretty spot on...

The movie itself, the way it was shot and edited was a little unexpected. There was more movement than I thought there would be, but it suited the story really well. The shots they get, the points they focus on... part of the time I just thought of what great pictures they would be.

One last thing... I may have cried. 

Okay, I did. I totally did.

I've read the books, I knew everything that was suppose to happen and I cried. Good job actors, you played those scenes well.

Umm, did I mention how great Katniss looks...

and Peeta?

oh Peeta....


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