Monday, June 27, 2011

Love From the First: the iphone 4

This week, I, Corey, purchased myself the iphone 4. I was going to hold out until the 5 came out but I just couldn't wait for the camera apps and Words With Friends any longer (ps on and Words With Friends I am Butwewillstay... play with me!) I don't think I've let my beautiful phone out of my sight for more than 5 minutes since I became the proud owner. I hate to be one of those people that I use to complain about with the "apps this" and "apps that," but oh my gosh I love this phone!

I'll spare you the rest of my gory love sesh with my phone (we make out on the daily) and just skip to the good (great) part, the photos!

The Manwich... oh Target.

A blanket fit for a baby king.

Just realized both my and Nicole's reflection is in this scale!

Tent as a dressing room? Rad.

Nicole's lovely gams.

My favorite thing, besides my phone now of course!

A great way to start a day.


My favorite tattoo picture and the most comfortable shoes ever. Not even Tom's... they are by Soda and pretty inexpensive.

Airport parking lots.

A friend's new kitten. I am eternally jealous. Next big purchase is a kitten (the pet deposit part), or a tattoo.

The cutest little candy store inside a school bus!

self portrait

Morning, before I went to bed...

Plain Jane but oh so pretty.

I've been collecting all the camera applications that I've drooled over and dreamed about for years, well, a good amount of time. I'm incredibly stoked and believe me, this is only a small portion of all the pictures I have taken.

I'm excited to be able to document even more of my day to day in pretty ways. So excited to add more apps to the collection and work with different cameras and films without actually having to have all of them. Glorious.

Not to mention, Words With Friends is a great way to keep my mind working hard.
