Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Fire Starter Sessions - Sizing Up Simpatico

It takes a village.

A pithy summation of your life philosophy. Finish these thoughts first:

I think that most people are: looking for answers... to crossword puzzles, to their significant others inability to put the toilet seat down, to why we are here, to why we have to lose those we love... to why massacres happen or wars go on for a decade. I think we're all looking for different answers.

I believe that life is: full of surprises, and willing to work for you if an effort is made.

I hold the opinion that:

I'm the kind of person who: can go to a movie or dinner alone. I love my friends, I love going out with friends, but sometimes they aren't on the same schedule and sometimes I just can't find someone interested enough... and I'm not going to wait forever... so I go. I also did the drive up to Portland and then back down to San Diego by myself. It was very peaceful.

I relate to people who are: inspired and in awe of the simple things that are beautiful... I relate to people who are fascinated by human sexuality. I relate to people who make things and travel places... even though I haven't done that much of either. I relate to people who are willing to be related to... who have a more even temperament than I do. :)

I love people who: are friendly to waiters and waitresses, who read and fully admit to what other people would call guilty pleasures... who work their butts off but are humble and don't hold anything over anyone's head.

People who think that __________________ make me _____________________

My evil twin would say:

I have faith that: if I make an effort, like 110% good things will happen. I know that some possible bad things might happen too, but that's life, and I have faith that sometimes there will be good days, and sometimes there will be days to just get through.

I see my work as a means to: travel, tattoos, books, crafts, meet people, buy food, support my picture taking habit...

What I value most in myself is: my willingness to always be improving upon what and who I am.

What I value most in other people is:

I cherish working with people who: are motivated, creative and funny.

I found this to be quite challenging. I think about myself and how to improve and many other things but these questions throw me off a lot. I answered the ones that didn't take me five minutes to think about. I didn't answer all of them but maybe next year I'll take another look.

My life philosophy? Do things, see places, meet people, learn, learn, learn. See the beauty in the simple... be thankful for what you have and shy away from thinking you have not. Love your friends, your family, those you wish to be close to. Simplify, weed out the toxic that may try to hang around. Don't take things personally but also take responsibility. Make time for that which is important.
Be who you want to be.


The Fire Starter Sessions and all included worksheets were written and created by Danielle LaPorte

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