Friday, January 14, 2011

The day it changed


Normally I don't go out and out schooly on here but I rather liked this note I wrote for Facebook so I thought I would share... it's on the announcement of the Astrology sign changes. Read on:

I wonder if conversation about astrology and signs will change once those born in 2009 and beyond get old enough to talk about it. Will there still be the cheesy "what's your sign" pick up line or will it be "do you follow eastern or western astrology?"
Will people still say things like that girl did or will those who use to reduce due to sign no longer be able to because they will have to refer to two different ones? Like someone would have to reduce me to both Aquarius and Pisces if we go by both methods.
Will children born after 2009 understand why their sign and someone else with the same birthday (besides year) is different?
Will adding a 13th sign even if it's just to the Eastern method change how we talk about the 4 classic elements? Where does this one fit in? 

I know it doesn't SEEM like it's a bit deal, especially to those who find astrology and horoscopes to be funny and frivolous but anything that people believe in no matter how silly or sane can affect human life and communication as we know it. It may seem weird and hippie dippie or the invention of a quack but it caused a huge amount of response in a very short amount of time. Whether you know what your sign is or not, whether you read your horoscope every day or if someone read it to you one day as a joke it has been a part of your life. The fact that "what's your sign" is a pick up line shows how ingrained astrology and the zodiacs are in our culture. There are plenty of people like me who don't read their horoscope everyday but know their sign and for some reason they can't define know it as a part of who they are, their core being. For me it would be like changing my name (or my hair color for that matter but that's a whole other story) for good. (I have no clue what's going to happen when I go gray... total loss of all composure?) I don't know when I first heard about my sign or that I was a pisces, I don't remember reading my first horoscope or the first time someone said "Oh, you're a pisces, that makes sense." All I know is that my zodic, wrong or right, has become a personal identifier. No joke I had a small anxiety attack when I first read I wouldn't be considered a pisces anymore. Was that a logical reaction? No. But I definitely wasn't alone. Whether the claims made with each astrological sign are true or not they are read in abundance AND they are believed in. Because they are believed in they are given power to shape and change the way we communicate (be it flirting, joking or serious). 

I'm wondering if this will blow over and we'll go back to what it was before or if this will in fact change what we use to think we knew. Will I one day read this long after I retire my facebook (believe me I save many things to hardcopy) and remind someone of that one time when scientists (or the government) tried to change our signs, that was funny! Or will we start communicating slightly differently around this subject and forget where or when the change happened?

Here's a cliche for the ending: Only time will tell.

p.s. look at me thinking about the thing I got my degree in. woooooo. not a complete failure after all. ;)

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