Friday, September 16, 2011

Between the Lines: Wildwood

Normally for Between the Lines I share a favorite quotation from the book. This time I'm going to give you my kind of review.

I picked up Wildwood a couple weeks back while looking around Target. I was instantly drawn to the cover art. Don't judge a book by it's cover they say... but they make beautiful tattoo inspiration, I say.

While I am not getting any tattoos of the art on the cover I still wanted to read the book. It looked like a Portland-esque young adult book and as I showed it to Nicole she said, "Oh yeah, Colin Meloy's book" to which I first replied, "Um I dunno, look at the cover." And then I had a moment of second thought because The Decemberists were more than played out there in Portland (in my oh so humble opinion) and I have a hard time getting behind the over played. 

But the cover couldn't be ignored so I placed the book I had previously thought I was going to buy back where it came from and then purchased this one.

I didn't have a chance to start the book until today. I am dog sitting for Nicole while she is in Venice (her dog is currently yipping in his sleep... Benny nightmares) and so I've decided to take the time to read. Also, my latest blanket project is done (I will post pictures once Christina receives it) and I wanted to take a little break before I started in on the next one. There have been so many books staring at me and I wanted to read a few before I got wrapped up in episodes of Bones and yarn.

So today, today I started Wildwood. I'm not going to lead you astray, I definitely had the goal of reading it in one day. I knew it was probably possible and when I would take breaks in reading I realized I rather go on with the story than do anything else.
A point or two for the book already.

Okay, my opinion. At the end I loved the book. The last page leaves you with a smile on your face which I always appreciate. The start of the book gave me a teeny, tiny bit of trouble. Not that I didn't understand, just that I couldn't quiet my mind to focus for the first few pages. But once I read about two chapters in I think I was hooked. Honestly my distraction could have had reasons totally unrelated to the book but I'm not sure.

The illustrations found sporadically through the pages are gorgeous (and done by Colin's partner). 

I'm not really going to tell you about the story, just that it is definitely written with a slightly younger audience in mind (well younger than me) but the book is filled with great words that I wouldn't expect a young adult reader to know necessarily. Also, most of the subject matter is youngster friendly but there were a couple moments where I stopped and wondered if a young reader would know what the phrase I had just read meant.

I was not disappointed in the books. I say read it if you have the chance and if you don't, at least flip through a copy at a local bookstore (if they still have them in your town, if not, go to Target), the art is worth looking at. 

Last but not least I can say it was awesome to see some Portland locations reference in the book. While the story starts in what is mostly a modern day Portland it quickly finds itself in a different world but sometimes references the city the main character comes from. Sauvie Island gets a mention!

Have you read Wildwood

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