Saturday, March 9, 2013

Currently Seeking Employment

My time at one of my current jobs is coming to an end and I am looking for something to fill that space. In fact, I am looking for something to fill that space as well as take over at least one of my other jobs.
I'm putting the thought out to the universe, talking to my friends, sometime I'll even look at craigslist, though I usually feel a little anxious... but I am starting to make some efforts and bringing it back to the forefront of my mind.

This year my word is endeavor... I'm pretty sure the year itself chose a different word for me as well, but I'm going to keep endeavor, because, more than anything, my goal with it was to grow in my job/career area.

In the past I have gone for jobs that I could easily do, this year I want to go for, and acquire, a job that is at least slightly above the abilities I know I have. So I can grow, and learn and be challenged.

My absolute requirements are as such: challenging and thought provoking, good group of coworkers, pay about $12/hour or more, at least 35 hours per week.

My other wants for the job are: acceptance of nose ring and visible tattoos though I won't always show them. Just don't want to have to hide them.

While I'm searching for that I'm also going to work on my writing, my photography and, well I'm going to keep on reading those self improvement and interesting business books.

If you know of anything dear readers, shoot me a little link or message! If not I'm just using this as another vehicle to get my interests out into the world. New job, I'm coming for you!


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