Saturday, April 21, 2012


currently eating... and cuddling with (the blanket, m&m's don't make good cuddle buddies)

I've resisted for so, so long but alas I can resist no longer. I'm jumping on the bandwagon, well, I'm jumping IN it and then might just jump on it as well... and doing a "currently" post. I'm not sure if this will continue on in the future or if this will be a one time thing. It's all up in the air as they say.
LOVING: Summer music that I'm starting to hear... specifically the song, Call Me, Maybe by Carly Rae Jepson and how Bieber and crew did a video lip syncing it. Here's the deal, I was quite anti Biebs until... well, until his new song came out. Boyfriend, yeah. Love it. I just can't hate a musician without them making at least one song I like and having to swallow my words. Oh wait, Courtney Love... I still am totally against her as a singer. Seriously... gross.
THINKING ABOUT:  Life, love and the pursuit of happiness. Or how my back and neck hate that I end up slouching down when I do computer stuff from my bed. Slouch slouch slouch.
Also, I'm currently in the process of reading three books, none of which I'm super stoked on. I'm more than half way through with Catch-22 and I'm just not invested. Same with It's Kind of a Funny Story. And the last book I'm reading... Smart Women Finish Rich. I'm sure it's good but I haven't made it past the intro. 
Then there's the guilt I feel about dining outside of the house too much this week. Time to get back in control and take snacks, lunches, dinner whatever to work. And keep enough food in the house to be able to eat at home. I mean, besides a couple of places (Daphne's and sushi places) the food isn't mind blowing anyway. Taco Bell and El Pollo Loco don't need to be a weekly thing. 
Let's end the thinking about with a positive shall we... I mean, I'm in a great mood believe it or not! 
So, good thing I'm thinking about... reading and then cuddling up in my blankets and sleeping. Simple, but great.
ANTICIPATING:  Finishing aforementioned books and finding one that I hate putting down. Must. push. through.
Also, work tomorrow night. Hopefully it's a bit busier than it was tonight. More tips please, want to save up!
WISHING: I could fly out to Portland or San Francisco, or have a weekend in Palm Springs with some friends. Just basically wishing for a weekend full of fun and laughter and possibly a video of us dancing around like idiots to Call Me Maybe or Karmin's new single. 
EATING: Nothing, probably should have a snack or something before bed. But nothing sooooounnndssss goooooood. (Read that in a 4 year old's whine.) 
Oh wait, mini m&m's... not the snack that I was meaning.
WORKING ON:  Writing more, taking more pictures, addressing negative emotions when I have them, going to bed before 2am, washing my face every night, flossing again... 


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