Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Nothing Gold Can Stay

Yay! My self set up kit came today so soon, soon, soon I will have trusty internet. All I need is a desk and I'll be in line to start getting my posts regulated!

Life's been interesting lately, not necessarily in a good or bad way. Feeling a little down/ less confident and frankly, while there are many, many benefits to having your own place sometimes it gets a little lonely. I'm working on making more hang out dates with friends so that I don't get too deep into my own head again and end up sad. I've been doing a lot of reading though AND I've been eating out way less. Just going to have to learn how to balance everything so when I come home I'm happy it's just me. Or maybe I should just get a baby bunny...

Once I get my desk/work area set up I'm going to have to get back on my crocheting!

I have a lot of posts in mind that I want to do but I have yet to take the time to get them outlined and written so I'm stopping by now to tell you I'm still around, I still love this blog, I will be back with Monday Mayhem next Monday and thank you so much for reading!

As mentioned before, it is poetry month so here's another of my favorites and the inspiration for my "stay golden" tattoo.

Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost

Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.

Suggest poems or poets to me in the comments!



  1. That poem always reminds me of pony boy and johnny from the outsiders.

    'stay gold pony boy, stay gold.'

  2. I have "stay golden" tattooed on my foot and that's what everyone says :)
