Thursday, February 21, 2013

where have you been?

As you may or may not have noticed, I have been a bit absent from this space lately. Once in a while I have popped back in to say hello, maybe with a little dish to share or a Currently to go through, but other than that I've brought the silence. I'm sorry. I have been feeling a tad overwhelmed and unable to stay super positive lately and so I haven't said much of anything.
I plan on doing monthly recaps from now on, and this one is a little late considering we are halfway through February, but it is what it is.

January and this part of February have looked a little like this:
the not so good
- a stomach sickness/irritation carried on since the day after Christmas... it still has lingering affects
- my friend took his life on the 7th
- my grandpa passed on the 8th
- doctors and testing and medical bills on the credit card
- the coldest days we've seen in San Diego in 20+ years... in a room built off the garage without a heater
- went on antibiotics for possible stomach issue... they screwed me up far more than I already was. Never want to take antibiotics ever again.
- got my taxes done... awful.
- everything I paid off in the last year and more back on the credit card due to medical bills and taxes

the good
- a class to get myself excited about the year of photography
- pictures with one side of the family, it's been at least 10 years since we've all been together in a picture
- a new friend
- stopped drinking Diet Coke due to stomach issues and haven't had one since. Still miss it really bad but I'm considering it good because it was a habit that needed to be broken
- a couple of meet ups, one at Belmont Park and another at an abandoned house
- cooked some fried ricepancakes and some duds
- cooked a few more delicious things (to be introduced later)
took pictures of a friend's cousins... my first job as a photographer, I got paid in a gas card and a target card... score. times a million.
- participated in a book swap
- saw my friends play at The Roxy in Hollywood with Every Time I Die

Basically the past 8 weeks have been filled with many ups and downs. A lot of sleep not had, a lot of tears in the first 3 weeks, a lot of just carrying on because what else is there to do. I would be lying if I said I wasn't discouraged, but I am finding a need to focus on one specific thing in the next few months and I'm hoping that by finally focusing on it, and jumping in despite being scared, that things will start turning around. And it will feel lighter in my head.

My birthday is coming up in two weeks! Somehow I still get excited about that.


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