Friday, September 21, 2012

Happily Wasted

This weekend brings fall to all of us, well, all of us on the Northern Hemisphere that is... I wonder, do planners and such say that this weekend is the start of Spring on the Southern Hemisphere? If so I want one of those, not because I want Spring to be here, I'm happy with Fall when it decides to really show its face, but because that would feel backwards and sometimes feeling backwards gets things moving again.
The weather has been anything but fall like here in North County San Diego. It still feels like summer and I'm ready for that to be over. I've enjoyed my summer, even made it to the beach a couple of times, but I'm ready for leaves to change color and for it to be a temperature that is good for scarf and sweater wearing. While I'm not missing the constant mist that is Portland, I am missing the changes. So San Diego, please get rid of this heat wave and bring on the crisp mornings and cuddly nights.
Thank you oh so much. Oh yes, and some rain, I'm willing to cry and do a little rain dance if I could get some rain.

until then, the links of the week:
- Someone who is as in love with school and office supplies as me!!!
- 33 things in 33 years
- "No one tries to pick a fight if they are having a good day..." words on letting go of the dramatic in your personality
- One of my friends just started a skin care blog... I'm stoked to see what she has to say!
- Elsie and Emma's studio looks quite heavenly. I love all the natural light.
- A triangle quilt, I must, must, must make one soon!
- Two post about Sauvie Island in about a week make me miss Portland something fierce. One, two.


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