Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A North Park Date

Sundays are my only real days off and so they are usually filled with an adventure or two. This week I met up with Lisa and had lunch. We met at Rancho's in North Park and chatted over delicious mexican food. I ordered the shitake enchiladas and she had a fish taco. I don't think I'll order the same plate again, but that's because the menu is insane, so many options, and next time I'll try something different. 
After Rancho's we took a little walk around North Park checking out a store or two and adding things to my never ending purchase wish list. I felt like an addict a couple of times when I would see lovely tattoos or we would walk by a tattoo shop. The one I got my food done at was right there and I just had to ignore it and look at trinkets instead.
After browsing a couple of stores and finding some awesome wall murals, we ventured back to our cars and decided to head west to Hillcrest.
I had a bit of an ordeal with a parking meter. For some reason I was absolutely sure you have to pay the meters on a Sunday there so I was feeding it and after a while I realized it wasn't adding more time. It was under the limit so I looked into the slot and saw my quarter just resting there. I took out a bobby pin but I had little luck. I decided an hour of time was enough and ventured away. 
I found Lisa who parked elsewhere and we looked in a bookstore for a book I wanted to get for a friend and then we strolled to Urban Outfitter. I found myself an awesome rug on sale (ON SALE) and tried on some maxi dresses, but the dresses just weren't meant to be. 
I realized an hour had past (so fast) so we went back to the meter. We tried to see if it would take a quarter or two and it would not, I started to call the number on the thing but decided it wasn't worth it and went to park in the Rite Aid parking lot... for $3 an hour. When I left I saw a woman pulling into the spot behind me and I thought... well goodness, she's going to have to figure it out herself. 
We parked elsewhere, walked around and made our last stop at Pinkberry. I love Pinkberry. I always forget.
On our way back to the cars we passed the spot I had left and looked at the meter... and then looked closer. Guess what people? No payment needed on Sundays. Awesome. Many a lost coin and I probably had people watching me from the cafe wondering what the heck I was doing the whole time.

Oh well, live and learn... to read signs even better.

Nevertheless, despite about $2 lost, the day was great and conversation wonderful and there were pictures taken. So, really it doesn't even matter does it? :)


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