Monday, September 8, 2014

Big News!!! I'm Moving To Nashville!!!

It is official, I found a place, put in notice at work, parents have been notified...

I, Corey,  am moving to Nashville, Tennessee!!!

It's still doesn't feel quite real. I've packed almost everything up because I'm staying at my parents house until it's time to go. My walls here are now bare, everything is packed into a couple bins and suitcases and smaller plastic tubs. I will soon be test running the space I have in my car with the amount of stuff I think I am taking. I'm hoping it will be adequate.

Truth be told, I'm nervous. But I'm also so excited for all the place I get to see and explore. So many states so close together. A new part of the U.S. I dream about this kind of thing often. It's funny how when you get closer to something you have dreamed about it starts to scare you. But I've learned many times in the past that if I'm nervous it's because I'm testing my boundaries, and that's where my growth happens.

Here's to a new adventure. I'm ready, it's time.

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