Monday, November 11, 2013

Lately I've Been...

I'm taking some time (probably again, maybe I have always been taking time) to figure out what I really want to go here. What I will be motivated to share and update. Until I have a better idea of a schedule or even what I want this space to look like, I will be posting sporadically. But that's not really anything new.

Lately I've been:
working on... a new blanket, super excited about this one because it's black, white and gold!

learning how... to be in a relationship. I tried to think of a better way to say it, but that's what it is. I'm learning how to shift and communicate and do anything but pout. I'm learning how to bring down some barriers that I didn't even know were there. Being in a relationship is turning into a humbling thing. I'm not perfect, and I'm not always easy to be with. That doesn't mean I'm not worth it (which is what I use to think) it just means I have to remember that it's a two way bumpy road.

also learning how... to enjoy the process. I'm learning this with cooking and with the aforementioned relationship, and just about everything. Not everything needs to be done fast, nothing needs to be rushed through. Enjoy it, the process isn't so bad when you learn to enjoy it. Everything gets a little better when you develop a respect and even an affinity for the process.

baking... donuts like a woman on a sugar driven mission. Pumpkin spice, blueberry lemon, buttermilk with cinnamon and sugar topping, cinnamon roll... and who even knows what's next!

acclimating to... my new job. I now have a 9-5, monday through friday job and it has been overwhelming because it is in a field I have not been in, ever, but the people I work with are pretty awesome and the boss is generous and caring... so I think I'm in a pretty good spot. AND I was able to put my availability at the job I was so tired of, on hold. I might need some extra cash on a weekend or two in the future, but for now, I can work my 9-5 and spend the weekend exploring and stuff with the man.

brainstorming... possible ideas for side jobs, one of which may just be teaching booty bounce classes. Another idea... holiday card photo shoots.

reading... Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore and re-reading Catching Fire. So excited for the premiere!!! Mr. Penubra's is really, really good, stoked I picked it up. I've been taking a break from self improvement books lately, I wanted to give myself some time to acclimate to the new job, which can be overwhelming. But I will be back in the thick of those sooner than later I am sure.

enjoying... going to bed before 12, generally before 11:15 (!!!) and waking up semi early. I'm even thinking about asking to come in 30 minutes earlier each day so I can leave earlier. Old Corey would NEVER have thought about that.

realizing... in bits and pieces that I have made progress this year. Sometimes it felt like I was taking giant steps back, but somehow it's been working out. This is definitely been a year of (sometimes painful) learning.

Well, I'm falling asleep sitting up so I must sign off for now.


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