Monday, February 6, 2017


January didn't go as planned (it never really does).

January Goals:
- Start a Low FODMAP Diet - absolutely crashed and burned on this one. Managed to: continued with a probiotic, start taking a multivitamin, and try out a lot of different recipes though
- Work out 4 times a week - ACCOMPLISHED!!! Most of those times were in my apartment gym but a couple times they were out on trails and a few they were dancing in a bar (preferred method of cardio)
- Family phone calls - Not so great, definitely need to get better at this.
- Spend less than I make - this was a draw. Didn't put anything on credit or dip into savings but did have extra money from Christmas AND spent way too much on food trying to figure out the Low FODMAP stuff.

Unintentional January Goals:
- Do more social things away from line dancing bar: Did this well. I did go a couple of times but I also stayed away for a couple of weekends and caught up with other friends. Success.
- Find causes to volunteer for and donate to: Started donating to Boot Campaign and have some others in mind for the next few months.


I looked at my list and didn't really feel anything so I will be reworking my goals yet again. I'm looking for smaller changes over longer terms. I want to end 2017 feeling better than I ever have and while I would love it to be with huge things accomplished I may have to settle with gradual improvement. Here are some of the possibilities for this month:

February Goals:
- donate to one new organization: this month focusing on reproductive health/women's rights and environment/land conservation
- one date
- at least one call to each of main family members
- plan my 31st birthday party and/or mini trip
- read books I am excited to read (try to keep it at 4)
- exericise 4x a week
- spend less than I make
- create something... seriously anything (paint a picture, work on the blanket, edit some old photos)
- take a walk/hike in a new park and visit a new part of Nashville every weekend
- continue on with gratitude/daily pages
- file taxes - done!


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