Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Snow (Ice) Days are For...

- realizing it's more of an ice day than a snow day
- wishing I had taken the weather warnings seriously gone grocery shopping
- wondering where the heck my oatmeal is
- rushing outside with four cameras to get some pictures of the backyard ice and snow
- mopping the entryway
- then deciding that the grout really needs some cleaning
- reminiscing about the age when I didn't even pay attention to grout cleanliness
- Does this mean I'm a grown up?
- baking some cookies with the dough from a couple days ago
- Googling how long you can keep cookie dough in the fridge
- (A little less than a week)
- cleaning the baseboards in the stairwell and around my room with a piece of magic eraser
- cleaning the edges of the carpet in room and on stairs with a gloved finger (try it, disgusting, vacuum can't reach there)
- wondering what age the OCD started setting in
- vacuuming stairs
- Going through Tinder options about two handfuls of times with no good swipe rights
- Catching up on Nashville and New Girl
-admiring cleaned grout in entry way but have bathroom grout nagging back of mind
- freaking out about cabin fever... one day in
- going to bed figuring tomorrow is going to be more of the same
- waking up and reading TN is in a state of emergency (the last one of those I was in was city wide, not state, and was for fire!)
- feeling very cagey
- walking to the grocery store across the street and stopping in Starbucks to see other people alive and working
- Watching If I Stay and crying a bit more than expected
- freaking out about the next three months to year of my life

Snow (Ice) Days are also for wearing snuggly layers and breathing in the crisp air while appreciating that our power is still working and our dwelling is nice and warm. It's for looking in wonder at the tree branches encased in a centimeter of ice and hearing them crackle when the wind blows. It's about remembering that I am not in control of everything.


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