Thursday, May 1, 2014

My Mission Statement - A Rough Draft

I've been flirting with mission statements lately. I've researched how to write them and what to write in them. I've looked at others and take bits and pieces. I've cried and shut down, I've written for pages and pages. I worked through a Mission Statement generator and didn't like the outcome, it seemed to square, too boxed in, chewed up and spit out.

I wrote notes about what a mission statement should have and the page with those notes found a home under a little cabinet I have by my bed. Not on purpose, but that's how things go sometimes.
I wrote myself a list of things I could do to get through the days until Dan and I adventure again. Yay for an Austin, Texas visit, and one of them was MISSION STATEMENT, written just like that. Caps, caps, caps.

I have been working my way through different worksheets that go along with Money: A Love Story and I think it's no coincidence the things I've been able to work through and the clarity I'm starting to find. In the past couple of days I've made realization after realization (and also had realization hang overs) and when I found that sheet of paper, hidden under the little cabinet, I sat down and decided it was time for another draft.

Instead of formulas, numbers and goals I have feelings. I wrote what made my heart feel free. I don't think it's done yet, I want to make it read pretty, but done is better than perfect, and a rough draft is better than none.

So here it is. I will read it daily, maybe even write it in the morning, and I'll see if anything changes, expands or simplifies. One day maybe I'll have a finished one, but until then I want to live by this. One day at a time.

It is my mission to:
Go on adventures large and small. Celebrate as often as possible. Love with an open heart. Take risks that make me feel alive. Phase out what makes me feel small. Sleep well, sweat often and eat food that makes me feel good whether it’s salad, steak or a donut. Dance. Build lasting relationships, waste no time on frivolous ones. Practice gratitude daily. Savor. Laugh freely. Get sand in my shoes and crumbs in my car. Whisper many “I love you’s” and act on many more. Be a mirror of other people’s potential, not what I perceive to be their faults. Explore that which excites me no matter how silly and no matter how bad I might be at it. Embrace the beginner’s mentality. Be authentic and unapologetic about who I am, what I love, and where I am going. No comparisons needed, I am enough. Not a problem to fix, not defective. Luminous.

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