While there were a couple of things I did not like in the series (all toward the end) I overall found The Dark Tower series very intriguing. I'm not interested in SK's scary stories but this epic was definitely worth the time I spent reading it.
While I don't know what business I would start, I did really enjoy this book and plan on keeping it around for the future when I second guess myself or when I need a little advice. I use books as pep talks I am starting to realize and this one is very positive and inspiring.
I am so very glad I took the time to read Floor Sample a while back before I started The Artist's Way or any other book Julia Cameron wrote. I was very skeptical of the whole thing, I've read methods and such but never really believed in any of them but Julia Cameron has definitely inspired me again and again in her memoir as well as this book. There are short essays and after every short essay is something to try to keep inspired or positive or open up new ideas in your head. I definitely would use these when I was needing a grounding point, when I was a tad anxious or didn't know what to write about. Highly recommended.
Really funny but not cheesy. Loved this book and I'm thinking of writing my own stories, not to publish necessarily, just to have something to laugh about. A way to process.
Got me excited to see Argentina again. A very fast read. Also made me miss horseback riding.
This book was tough. It wasn't hard to read, the language wasn't out of this world and the ideas weren't uninteresting but for some reason I didn't find myself craving reading time with this one. I finally set myself a page goal for each day so I could finish it before the 1st of July and I'm happy to say that today, June 30th, with about 45 minutes before July, I finished it. Definitely a worthwhile read. Definitely pertains to my concerns about female welfare and hit on some points I have yet to work through with myself. I'm glad I kept with this book. Really glad I didn't put it away for never.
What about you lovelies? What books have you been reading?
I'm at 31 ( and a 1/2) books out of 52! 52 in 52 I'm really working on you! That means I'm about 5 books ahead of schedule! I must, MUST keep this up!