While perusing my bloglovin subscriptions I happened upon this post by this delightful lady* and decided I would follow suit and make a list of my own Mid-Year Goals.
It's quite true, I have forgotten about my New Year's Resolutions and while I have been kind of thinking about my 25 before 26 I haven't been giving it quite the attention it needs. Plus there are other things I have been wanting to make habits of that seem even more important now and so this is a great way to get everything in line and a great new project to stick with after my 8 weeks.
Unless otherwise stated these goals are to be met by January 1st, 2012! :)
My first two very important areas of needed improvement are the two f's, fitness and financials.
1. Pay off credit card by March, 2012.
That means I have 9 months and need to pay roughly $350/month.
2. Read 31 Days to Fix Your Finances PDF and complete all needed steps.
3. Do barre classes (that I already paid for) and 3 other exercise classes.
4. Be able to do 10 pull ups and the splits on both legs with back leg bent up.
5. Take a walk once a week.
The rest of my goals are going to do with the norm, reading, photography, blogging, etc.
6. Have 50 I guess we'll make that 100 (!!!) readers (subscribers) between bloglovin and blogger. I wish I could count others but I don't know how to figure out how all of you lovely people are following otherwise, maybe google reader and such... (OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! Loves, I have already made my goal! I just checked google reader. Have I told you all how much I love you lately? Fantastic. That's going to need a post of its very own!)
7. Continue on the 52 in 52. Yes this is a 25 before 26 goal, just want to keep it fresh in my mind. I have about 27 more books to go, not counting the books of June which I will be posting in the next few days. Just want to complete one more in the next two days!
I think I am going to leave it at that. I am really excited with all of my goals, even the ones that pain me (credit card). What are some of your current, semi long term goals?
*p.s. Lauren and her blog are ultra stellar.
You can do it! CC's plan suck and once it's free of you- its the greatest feeling in the world. You should be proud of yourself for taking a handle on life.
ReplyDeleteSome of my current is to get healthier! and my other big one is to stop and smell the roses from to time to time.
Stopping to smell the roses (and even sometimes the sewer (in portland at least) is totally worth while. Being present is important and something I am trying to work on as well. One day at a time. :) The credit card goals are weighty but I feel like when I start making the first signs of progress it will be easier.