Soooo, it is known by family and long time friends that in the past I was vehement about the fact that I was not going to have a baby, EVER. Seriously. I contemplated permanent surgeries and such. I wasn't as devoted as needed to be to get them though, which is good I'll admit, and in the past couple of years more and more baby things have pulled at my heart strings. I can tell you now this makes my parents very, very happy. I think my mother was almost moved to tears.
What has been nudging my biological clock and softening my heart? Well, first was the pregnancy of Unicorn Sparkle(bottom)s. Then, when the pregnancy came to fruition, Baby Brows melted my heart so much.
Then I lived with the family and started baby sitting Baby Brows a day a week. Oh how that SHOULD have made me think I'd never have a baby, not because he was bad. No, no, he is a doll, but babies are in need all the time and learning to juggle a day, get a shower, take a nap, wake up late, read when you want to, not watch children's shows... those things use to hold the top spots of importance. Baby Brows was too cute not to put as my number one however and from there on I was a lost cause.
Lately I've found more and more baby blogs, or blogs including babies and they just kill me with their cuteness. Seriously. I almost roll over on my bed or off the couch when I see the pictures on these blogs. I've apparently been a closet baby cooer this whole time.
In honor of this realization and looks to the (somewhat far...5 years maybe) future, I am sharing all of my favorite baby blogs.
Take a look! (Blogs are not in order of favorites, I couldn't pick if I tried!)
Oh how I melt at every post. Their little family is so cute, Rowan is the sweetest name, and the "what we wore" posts are adorable.
I started reading this blog a good year or so ago (about the same time as A Beautiful Mess) and have been so inspired. More than just a baby blog, there are older kiddos in this family and all of their posts together are so cute! When they announced the pending new addition I was so excited for them. I get really excited by happy news even for people I don't "know" in "real life." Baby bird looks like she is full of smiles all the time. All of them are so stylish too!
This little Ruby is not quite a baby anymore but she's made my fear of the toddling years a little less great. I decided when I was watching Baby Brows that the first year would be find by the end of the first toddling year I wouldn't know what to do with the thing, yes I thought thing... then I met a little boy at the beach and knew it would be alright some day. Ruby looks to be quite a ham for the camera and I just love it! Sebastian, who is pretending to be spiderman in the last picture, is also super cute, though again, a tad out of the baby phase. :)
Another blogger I started reading before she announced her pregnancy. I loved Danielle's honesty and her stories about being a teacher. I also loved her tattoos and the fact that she could teach with all of those tattoos! I mean, of course, but I was surprised that schools allowed that, thank goodness! I thought it might kill my chances. Anyway, when she announced her upcoming baby I, again, just about died.
Look at this little guy, I swear every picture she posts is of him with this huge grin. How could you not grin/squeal/roll off of the couch in happiness? She has a little of everything on her blog, posts about Henry, posts about her little family as a whole, posts about being a stay at home mom, and so, so much more.
I was just introduced to this blog via Sometimes Sweet I think and oh man the cuteness of daddy blogging is so great. Daddy blogging, yes, daddy blogging. So awesome! I don't think I have anything else to say but that. Awesome and adorable.
Oh my goodness gosh. Very recently, like last Wednesday, Sydney announced her little bun (or lemon) in the oven and all I could do it say "I KNEW IT!" Not because I was reading between the lines but for some reason I had happened upon an old post, like months if not years old and it said something about the future when they were to have a baby and for some reason my intuition clicked and mentally said it was to be soon. I'm so excited to read along through her pregnancy and through birth and beyond. Awkward/Awesome Thursdays might just get even more awesome, or awkward. Either way, Congrats!
What baby blogs make you smile? Do you plan on having children? Were you ever against having kids?