As you lovely readers may have seen, I have been wanting to bake a rainbow layer cake for some time now. I've mentioned it in a few mayhems I'm sure as well as random goals. Well, tonight I finally set myself to the task...
Here's how it went:
First the pouring
Then the mixing of colors... yes I was also taking pictures with my polaroids, holga and rolleiflex during this process...
First 4 colors in the oven!
All colors out...
Oh man, need some help on that :(
The frosting begins. Silly me only getting one container of frosting. Figured I would leave the other layers to do tomorrow then realized that I wouldn't ever do it so I went back to the store (really close) and bought 4 more containers...
And so the layers stacked... yes this is my leaning tower of rainbow cake...
Frosting cakes is no easy task. Maybe I should have cooked the cakes more or heated the frosting or frozen the cakes THEN frosted them so the outsides didn't crumble... so much to research about making layer cakes.
Almost there!
And Done! I threw some confetti sprinkles at it, yes literally threw them on the sides :) that was possibly the most fun, well, that and mixing the colors...
All in all I can't say I'm impressed with my own creation, my perfectionism gets in the way of that but I did set out what I meant to do and I've learned many lessons.
1. Do NOT make a layer cake with 3 boxes of betty crocker cake mix and 8 inch round pans. That makes a very large cake which will be quite daunting for your first layer cake...yeaaaah
2. Get smaller cake tins
3. research how to keep each layer flat without losing pieces
4. wait until cake is 100% cooled to take out of tin or dish
5. do not set cake on tin foil, even if you spray it the foil with pam... you lose some bits
6. buy lots of frosting for layer cakes
7. research how to frost side of cake
8. research how to frost top of cake
I give pastry chefs THAT much more credit. I also give Hula Seventy a whole lot of credit. She made her daughter the cutest rainbow cake.
I already knew that lady was fantastic, I mean, look at her photography... but sheesh, good at rainbow cakes too! Look at the color of those layers. I'm just shaking my head in wonder.
Back to my point though... I DID IT! I didn't excel but I did complete and now I need to find people to eat it for me. I had way too much sugar today.
Oh yes and I went and saw Bridesmaids this evening. So. funny. I highly recommend it.
Now off to do some writing and call it a night.
MAKING a rainbow cake is totally on my to-do list! I like seeing all the steps that went into making yours. I really need to take a day and just DO it. Good job :)