Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Week 4: The halfway point

Last week's goals:
1. Finish blanket, that means connect last two strips and crochet border. : Did not finish, but close!
2. Finish film roll for Rolleiflex and develop. : DID IT!!!! All blurry but here's to learning.
3. Do 3 morning pages each day starting today. : YES! Done and done.
4. Do 3 loads of laundry : I did two, I need to do two more.
5. Make at least one thing off of this list. Take picture.  : Oh the lovely rainbow cake!
6. Blog 4 times (other than this). : Pretty sure I did that :)
7. Spring clean Facebook, Twitter, Bloglovin, etc : Did that before I posted this, cheating? Maybe haha

Wooooo I did really well this week, always had my goals in my head and laundry was the only thing I got really, really lazy about. I connected the last two strips of the blanket and did the first row of border, I just have to complete the border and I'm not sure how many rows that is going to be.
The rollei film came out completely blurry and I was a tad upset, more with the Diana film that also came out blurry, but it just means I have more to learn I guess.
Morning pages were lovely to do and of course the first day I don't have to check off I didn't do them but I went back to them again today and I'm glad I did. Sometimes they are hard to motivate myself to do.
The rainbow cake was a success with all I shared it with. 
Spring cleaning was needed, I'm also limiting what I post on facebook and twitter, bringing my thoughts back and not sharing every one.

This week:
1. Communicate only positive thoughts with others, friend, acquaintances, strangers.
2. Put $1/day toward credit card. This will increase each week.
3. Finish Dark Tower book VII aka Complete the series!!!
4. Two loads of laundry, trying to keep it simple and realistic.
5. Spend at least 20 minutes per day on any of my projects.

What's on your list this week?


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