Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Thursday, October 25, 2012

52 photos in 52 weeks: Week 42

week 42: There have been a few absolutely breathtaking sunsets recently, and on one of those days I had just gotten off of work, less than a mile away from the beach. So off I went to sit and enjoy.
These are just two of the pictures I took that day. I love how the bright the sun made the rocks. No filters on the picture on the left. The one on the right I think I put through the VSCO Cam app.

I plan on visiting this beach quite frequently, though I will be missing the sunsets after a couple more weeks. They will be too early. The price we pay for Fall and Winter.


The Fire Starter Sessions - Purge the Past and Glory Boarding

Despite wanting to keep each of the worksheets separate, life came in again and this week was mostly about hanging out with friends after work and getting acquainted with my new place. Luckily these two worksheets go hand in hand... so here we go a couple days late but still full of truth and heart:

Purging the Past is about getting rid of those unresolved feelings, the ones that pop up during your thoughts of the current and the future. The ones that make you doubt. Purge it, acknowledge it, ruminate for a second or two and then it's time for Glory Boarding... looking to the same past, but the good parts, the things I did well, doesn't matter if I was 5 or 25 when it happened, acknowledge it, gain strength from it and let's go!

You can't face forward until you've processed your past.

Think about your three favorite screwups. 
Not putting myself out there enough to screw up majorly...
Letting doubt control my decisions. 

What did you learn?
I'm learning that there's something to be said for failing. I'm looking back and wondering what I have to show, even if I screwed up I would have a lot of work to show before the screw up happened. I've had small setbacks, but I've never put myself out there enough to have room to fall that far.

Can you see a pattern from the lessons you learned?
A lack of push once things get rough, a shut down in the mind. I stopped wanting my first passion after I turned it into a failure in my head. Looking at it now, I'm not sure it was, more bad timing and eventually a burn out of the passion. It happens. 

How did what you learned change the way you approach things?
It's time to put a little (lot) more heart in it, a little more of me. Time to allow passion and hope to flow again, not to keep it bottled and safe so that I don't get hurt. Turns out disappointment still comes up even with a protected heart.

Now it's time to Glory Board...
Create a resume of wonder, what have you done well in your life. Go back as far as you want... use the prompts, etc.

launched: this blog and a couple of others...
earned: money to pay rent, buy clothes, buy food, get tattoos...
graduated: cum laude from Portland State, with honors from SDA
wrote: a short piece about one of my sisters, this blog, wrote some awesome essays over the years
raised: my standards, my confidence level
traveled: to Argentina with a group of people I didn't know and spoke Spanish to strangers. 
motivated: myself to move out
bought: the art on my arm and foot... there will be more
made: Four (+) blankets for my friends and their babies.
organized: my friend's garage, my room countless times, local band shows

- booked a show, all by myself, that brought 300 people to the Epicentre. That show led to the next show with the same band that sold out. 
- was a part of a 100% A+ paper where we, as a group, dissected a piece of media... the paper was selected for a conference and published in the anthology

my thoughts: These kinds of exercises are very difficult for me. I have trouble thinking of things I have done well in my life. Everything seems so average to me. Yes I had good grades all through high school and college... but so did a lot of other people. I've moved to Portland twice, one time I had to move out of the comfortable apartment I had with my best friend of the time to an apartment I found on craigslist, before finding that one I spent an afternoon riding the bus everywhere in 30 degree temperatures looking at places that were sketchy. Not only that but I ended up walking a good 15 blocks at the end of the day, in that cold, because the guy at the bus stop I was at was smoking in the little shelter and I just didn't want to wait for the bus. I mean, it's not like we don't all have hard-ish times to get through, but remembering those kinds of days makes me realize I have a little more fight in me, a little more wherewithal than I give myself credit for. Sometimes you just do it because there really is no other option, even if it is way colder than you have ever experience before and even if there's a creepy man at the bus stop smoking where he isn't suppose to. 
Even if.


The Fire Starter Sessions and all included worksheets were written and created by Danielle LaPorte

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

New Home!

This weekend was a busy, busy one! I worked all three jobs between Friday and Saturday... Saturday was a 12 hour day... and then Sunday was moving day. I have this thing where I can't just move the boxes into a room and leave it, I need to get a system or a set up going so I can figure out where everything goes. I did that, and unpacked a good amount of my stuff on Sunday.

I'm really excited about how it is looking and feeling. My room has a lower ceiling (and window) in the back half of the room, the front half has regular size ceilings and a closet... I HAVE A CLOSET!!! I'm sorry, just needed to get excited about that for a second, I've been without one for almost a year now. It's nice to have doors to slide closed and have more room to walk around in. And as you can see in the picture on the right, I have a reading spot!

The room was pretty clean on Monday but I still had stuff to pick up from my mom's. So today it's not quite how I want it yet. But there will be a (very short) tour soon after I figure out where everything goes and then put pictures and art up!

I'm so excited!!!

In blog news 52 in 52 will be posted later today and then The Fire Starter Sessions will be as normal tomorrow and Friday!

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Fire Starter Sessions - The Burning Questions

(not to be mistaken for questions about a burning feeling in your lower region... see a doctor)

Week 3, Part 2: Eleven questions to be answered with honesty... some were easy for me, and others not so much. 
Freedom starts when you can identify the aggravation you've been accommodating for so long.

When someone at a party asks you what you do, what do you say? And how do you feel when you say it.
I work at a movie theater and two photo studios. I read a lot and I like to take pictures with a variety of different kinds of camera. Oh yes, and I blog. Aaaand now since fall is kind of here, I make blankets.
I feel embarrassed about the low wage jobs that don't have a goal to connect with other than making some money. I don't like that I work for $8 an hour at a place that is below my experience and expertise. I feel bad writing that because I think it makes me seem snobby. Or maybe that's when people remind me that some with Master's degrees are working these kinds of jobs as well. 
No matter if that is true or not I hold myself to a higher standard despite the state of the economy. So, I feel bad, or dumb or embarrassed.

What do people thank you for most often? What do they come to you for, or say about you, most frequently? (+ or -)
On a good day they ask for advice or a listening ear. They ask for ideas of how to get through a tangle with their significant other or good friend. They ask for questions on what's next... either or... positive and negatives. 
People ask me or come to me with organization needs. 
When they talk about me the positive is that I'm funny, fun, blunt, hard working...
Other times I'm bitchy, have attitude problems, blunt, selfish

When do you feel powerful, passionate, free, incredibly useful, excited or inspired?
taking pictures
when traveling
when writing thoughtful pieces
when I help someone learn something new
while looking at beautiful photos
inspired when reading certain books
organizing things

What do you think your form of genius is? What are you amazing at? 
I don't feel like I am amazing at anything, no genius, just common knowledge. That being said, I am on a hunt for passions and genius. Not a hunt with guns and knives, there will be no trapping... more like a wandering adventure... taking time to stop and appreciate. Let things sink in.

Who do you think is really cool, elegant or powerful?
Lauren Conrad (so shoot me)
Emma Stone
Taylor Swift
Danielle of Sometimes Sweet
Becka of Life as an Artistpreneur
Elise of Enjoy It
And then my friends. Each has their own quality that I find incredible and inspiring and look up to.

What's chronic, repetitive, or inflamed in your inner and outer life?
- wanting someone to tell me what to do next and how to do it, but then finding reasons not to do just what they say
- hiding from rejection; guys and jobs
- perfectionism in anything and everything
- self doubt and self deprecation
- lack of money for bills and projects
- depression, it's a cycle I go through and I think it's situational, but I also think it is caused by my interpretation of things

What's always in the back of your mind?
- framing the image I'm seeing in a camera
- doubt, certainty that I'm not good enough
- lack

What would you like to stop doing?
- second guessing
- self doubt and loathing
- biting my nails
- spending more than I make
- waiting for the "right" time
- whining
- making excuses

How much money would you like to be making?
Eventually $70,000 per year. 
Right now, in the next year I would like to be making $35k - $40k. 

How would you like to be seen, recognized, acknowledged, awarded, praised?
I want to be appreciated. I don't need something big like a tv segment or anything but I would like to be known at least by a group of people, and the work I create appreciated. I don't need red carpet fame, just to be valued.
By a significant other: with cuddles and forehead kisses and small (or large) out of the blue surprises. I want to be in a balanced partnership where wants, needs, dreams and aspirations are respected and applauded. Also, great sex. I mean, duh, girl's got needs.

So... what would you like to do with your life and career? (Money is no object... dream)
Travel, see places in the states and out of it. Write. Live in an apartment flooded with natural light. Decorated simply and elegantly with little bits and bobbles that show a bit about me. I want a room for a pole or to exercise. I want a work space with a large desk cleared of clutter for a computer with photoshop and such for blogging, photography and other work stuff. Eventually I want a house but that dream isn't quite set in stone. Currently the house of my dreams looks somewhat like the one in The Lucky One... wide open, lots of light, lots of wood, cavernous rooms that are not too large square foot wise but with higher ceilings. I want a porch for this house. I want a balcony for the apartment, must be able to sit outside. With that being said I want the upstairs apartment if it's only two levels, maybe higher than that if there are more stories. I want to see Barcelona, Madrid, parts of Greece, Paris and England with Chelsea. I want to take Chelsea to Portland and show her the fun times. I want to work in an inspiring and artistic job with people that become lifelong friends. 
I will have a kitten that will grow into a small cat. I'm not sure if I'm still going to name her Miss Moo but she will be my buddy. I won't go back to living with family or relying on them monetarily. I am my own person with potential and abilities and education that rivals just about anyone else. All that's missing is confidence. 
I would take classes in Argentina for photography and move there for 6 months to more fully explore what I had a chance to see a few years ago. I would try out Nashville and the Carolinas. 
I would have an awesome wardrobe that wasn't overflowing but had pieces for just about any occasion. My walls of my apartment or house will have beautiful art and small amounts of decoration. My bed will be comfortable, covered in blankets (mostly during the winter) and look soft, fluffy and white. I will be in a committed relationship and eventually in a long term committed relationship (not necessarily the same just like there is a time for a well lit apartment in my life and a time for a house) with a gorgeous individual who adores me just as much as I adore them. One day there will be a child. One day.


The Fire Starter Sessions and all included worksheets were written and created by Danielle LaPorte

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Fire Starter Sessions - Core Desired Feelings

Week 3... I'm doing two worksheets/chapters this week. This one is about working out how I want to feel. It's about getting to the root of all the different words I could come up with (don't worry, I'm not talking about the latin root, we aren't conjugating) and finding the main ones. I know how I want to feel changes from time to time and so this kind of exercise can be tricky, but I'm reminding myself (over and over) that there are no wrong answers and each time I go through I can change. Turns out I had different answers yet again, I've done this exercise like 4 times now. But I'm getting there, I'm starting to really figure out what it is I want to feel, more than anything else.  I am getting to the foundation feelings, ones that will allow me to find ground to stand on so I can add other ones in later.

... choosing to focus on the feelings that you want to feel is a surer way to create the experience that you want to experience.

How do you want to feel in your life?
- excited
- capable
- desirable
- intelligent
- able
- wanted
- important
- beautiful
- confident
- composed
- elegant
- graceful
- strong
- flexible
- fun
- loved
- admired
- charming
- creative
- agile
- curious
- prolific
- worthy
- helpful
- influential
- artistic
- valued
- powerful
- well rounded
- alive
- stable - in my body and mind
- alluring
- energetic
- captivating
- supported

Whittle down the list to 3-5 words...
- invigorated: I want to WANT to get out of bed because I am excited and full of energy for the day
- prolific: fruitful, productive
- confident: in who I am and what I've done and what I will do in the future
- open: welcoming of new possibilities, opportunities, abilities
- valued: in love, in life, in friendship, in work... I want to feel that I bring value to the table.

Five to ten accomplishments or experiences that will make me feel this way
Confident -
moving out
paying off credit card, doctor and car debt (and library fees)
landing a job that speaks to me

Prolific -
writing daily, blogging weekly, photographing every couple of days
having a picture and writing published or in print
performing and competing

Valued -
dating/getting into a relationship
listening to friends... being there for them
landing a job that speaks to me*

Invigorated -
landing a job that speaks to me

*I found a pattern it seems, time to start getting excited about job hunting

Three things I will do today to generate these feelings:
1. write, crochet, take pictures
2. talk to a friend, answer a friend's email
3. review my resume

Three things I will do this week to generate these feelings:
1. polish up resume
2. search jobs
3. go on an hour long photo adventure

Three things I will do this quarter to generate these feelings:
1. get a full time job that challenges me and keeps my interest
2. move out
3. save for a trip

Three people to collaborate with who help me feel this way:
1. Beth
2. Brandi
3. Chelsea


The Fire Starter Sessions and all included worksheets were written and created by Danielle LaPorte

52 photos in 52 weeks: Week 41

week 41... you gave me this beautiful moment. thank you.

also, I figured out what next year's 52 in 52 is going to be! So excited!!!


Friday, October 12, 2012

Happily Wasted - Topics of Current Rumination

This week is a little different than usual, not much, but a little. Instead of all of the different things I might find over the internets in the last week or two I've decided that this week is all about things that have been hitting me real close to home. It's funny, these posts came at a time when the issues were weighing heavily in my mind. I love it when that happens.

"I’ve rediscovered again and again that I don’t get as lucky when I push for things as I do when I relax and allow opportunities to reveal themselves when the time is right."

- In Praise of the Unplanned Career

This advice assumes that we all have a pre-existing passion waiting to be discovered.
Following a Career Passion? Let It Follow You.

- "I first want to get one thing off my chest. I have never thought I was fat." I love reading Emma's stories, and this one was really good... per usual.
Emma's Fitness Story

- These make me want a road trip and San Francisco in my very near future. Oh, and to take more pictures with film...
One. Two. Three.

- "Changing the way I think about the tasks I have to do anyway, has really improved my mood." Must learn this with cooking! 
Ways to Simplify

- "You make 'making do' your normal. You’re giving up precious space to something that isn’t precious to you." Must make room, get rid of the metaphorical ugly chairs in my brain's living room.
How to Make Space for Quality to Show Up in Your Life

- "I'm sorry dude. That sucks." The power of JUST listening.
The Inestimable Power of "I'm Sorry, Dude. That Sucks."


Thursday, October 11, 2012

How I Missed the Rain

The rain made it! The air is cool and smells fresh and clean. It poured and then it sprinkled and I just hope it keeps it up all day. I want to see the lightning. I heard the thunder. So close, so powerful. I love, love, love a good storm. It's going to be tea all day here. 


The Fire Starter Sessions - Easy Priorities

Well, here we are, week two of The Fire Starter Sessions. 
This week is about making more time for things that we find to be easy. It's not about being lazy, it's about getting things done and building confidence in your abilities and in projects. Without further ado... week two:
The path of least resistance isn't about shortcuts, cutting corners, or being clever. And it's certainly not about making mediocrity acceptable. It's about optimizing the truth. It's about casting your seeds on the most fertile soil for your best chances for success.

What actually needs to get done in your life and livelihood... what MUST happen for things to run smoothly?
- Food, water, shelter, sleep
- exercise (dancing)
- earning a living
- managing finances
- laundry, household cleaning
- cooking
- reading
- writing
- spending time with friends
- getting out of the house and meeting new people
- trying new things
- creating
- blog
- taking pictures
- shower and primping
- date, cuddle, make out etc
- AT LEAST one day off a week
- shopping for groceries
- travel and exploration

What's your competency level for each activity?
- food and water  -> decent
- sleep -> Okay right now, I give up sleep to read more lately.
- exercise, specifically what I love doing -> decent, had a patch of not great
- earning a living -> needs improvement though I'm not in horrible or bad land
- managing finances -> decent, on the way to good
- laundry, household cleaning -> depends on the week, decent to great
- cooking -> needs improvement... not in the actual cooking but in the motivation to do so
- reading -> brilliant
- writing -> eh. I must write more.
- spending time with friends -> I have my weeks of good and my weeks of hermit
- getting out of the house and meeting new people -> sorely lacking
- trying new things -> lame
- creating -> lame, need to get back to my blankets and other projects
- blog -> decent, goal of great
- taking pictures -> decent with a goal of brilliant
- shower and primping -> it wouldn't hurt me to shower more. But I look pretty good most days.
- date, cuddle, make out, etc -> lame
- taking a day off -> needs improvement, have to get those days to actually feel like they are a day off
- shopping for groceries -> lame
- travel and exploration -> moments of decent, mostly bad

Which of those activities actually makes you feel strengthened?
-exercise (dance)
- reading
- writing
- spending time with friends
- meeting new people
- blogging
- creating
- taking pictures
- dating
- travel and exploration
- trying new things

Which of the activities don't really light your fire?
- grocery shopping
- laundry
- going to a job I don't like even if I make money there

What can you do to develop the strengths and interests?
- taking writing and photography classes
- taking different types of dance classes
- short trips with days off
- taking my camera more places
- following different online tutorials for my camera
- plan more blog posts
- photoshop and classes

What three actions will you take this week to nourish your true strengths?
- go to at least one dance class
- write once a day
- have an hour long photo adventure

What three actions will you take to decrease your time spent on activities that drag you down?
- make one big meal that can be taken for lunch at least a few days
- spend 5-10 minutes a day cleaning part of bathroom, kitchen, or room
- write down purchases right after I make them

I'm going to end this with my other favorite quotation from this session...

If it isn't a "Hell yes!," then it's a no.


The Fire Starter Sessions and all included worksheets were written and created by Danielle LaPorte

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

two thousand twelve: fourth quarter

It's the time again. Oh goodness, so it is. I feel like these quarter goals have been a good idea but I have not written them down to look at daily before this quarter and so they have sometimes gotten lost in the shuffle... but no matter, this quarter is for learning and trying new things.

Before I get into what is going to happen, let's look at what already transpired:

Third quarter I:
- saved some money and I spent some money... but I did not use my credit card without paying it right back. No purchase that I made with those numbers was for fun, one was to a doctor and the other was a purchase for my boss that was paid back. I immediately paid both back with some extra.
- took pictures, not enough (never enough)... but I did take them
- wrote some, but not nearly enough... that goal is continuing on
went to the dentist!!!!!!
- started cooking and bringing a lunch to work occasionally, plans for more of that in the future.
- met some new people and spent time with people I already knew
- read a lot
- started appreciating beer...
- started job #3
- did a boudoir/pin up (well, mostly boudoir) photoshoot
- started Onward and Upward
- had a much needed adventure with The Brows
- went to my first Creative Connection! Met Lisa who I then...
- went on two adventures with (one, one and a half, two)
- went to Renegade Craft Fair and Santa Monica Pier (both with Lisa)
- finally redirected this blog to www.butwewillstay.com!!!

Well it appears the last three months haven't been without accomplishment! That is well and good. I want even more out of the next 3 months. Time to change more things!

To finish out the year:

-say yes to something I would normally say no to

- recommit to exercise and dance which means at least one class a week from now until January

- pay for a stranger in a drive thru

- move out (October 20th!)

- start a writing habit. once a day, every day. It can be a line summarizing the day, it can be a paragraph, it can take hours. Pen needs to meet page and thoughts need to come out.

- take a picture a day

- cook a meal a week that can be saved for lunches

- blog at least twice a week

I underlined the measurable actions so I can't find wiggle room out of it. None of these are hard, sometimes they just seem time consuming. But they are things I want to do. So, they will be done.

What do you want from the rest of the year?


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Walking the Halls

It was quiet because it was Sunday, though there were cars in the faculty parking lot. I walked up to the front entrance and some of the feelings of high school just swept back over me. I only meant to take a picture of the front area but curiosity got the best of me and I ended up walking most of the campus. So much had changed but so many things were the same. I walked by one of the science classrooms and the smell was as it always had been, a bit musty, a mix of the rubber hoses and cleaning supplies. It took me back to my first couple of weeks of freshman year. 
I kept thinking of how I missed the familiarity of it. High School wasn't all fun and games, I battled depression (thinking it was just me being emo) through the second half of my time there, but I still missed it. I think I missed the invincibility that comes with that age. You're not really out of reach but you feel like you are, you feel like you have a pretty good handle on things. And then graduation comes and college follows and there goes the carpet. 
I'd give a lot for some of that confidence. I gained confidence in other aspects of my life, I'm way better off there, but the feeling of invincibility, that feeling was better than gold. 


Monday, October 8, 2012

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Fire Starter Sessions - An Introduction & Passion Play

The Fire Starter Sessions, an Introduction:
For the past few months, scratch that, past few years I've been feeling a little lost. I'll think and think and think and try to find something I want to do, something I am meant to do, but I don't dream big, I don't believe I can have anything I ask for (big or small) and so I don't ask people, bosses, the world, the universe, for what I want. I usually have to have a really great reason for asking for something, but the problem with finding really great reasons for them to say yes, is that I can always find decent reasons why someone's going to say no, and I anticipate it, and then take it as the last word when it comes.
I've read several books that could be labeled "self improvement"over the years, I've read magazine articles, I've written words and thoughts and ideas, I've made half assed promises to myself through these readings and still, I find myself in similar circumstances feeling like my travels have been in circles on a level field, no upward movement, or if there is, only a very (and I mean very) slight incline.
Then I picked up The Fire Starter Sessions. And with TFSS I promised myself that I would read, and re-read this book, I would do the worksheets and stick with them even if the questions made me cry (and they did and do, often) until I got something out of it. The good news is, the book is awesome. From page one I was drawn in and I connected with what was being said. The first step was there, laid out, made easy for me, Danielle LaPorte was putting things in terms I understood.
During the first run through I searched for other bloggers who were sharing their answers to the worksheets because I was confused or unsure. I knew technically there were no wrong answers but I wanted examples, I often do.
The first run through was tough, I didn't have a lot of answers, my dreams were small, very small, and I figured out I'd stopped hoping, like hoping enough to believe something could without magic. So I decided to go through the exercises again, I decided a second reading would be great, and this time I would share my answers here, on the blog. If I was searching for some examples, surely there's someone else out there looking for them too.
Every Thursday (and sometimes Friday) from now until the end of the year I will be posting my answers to the worksheets along with a quotation that I found helpful or enlightening. Some of these worksheets will still be difficult for me, but I promise I'll do my best to stay positive and full of hope.
Oh yes, and I highly recommend this book. There have been many tears to grace the pages, but also a lot of enthusiastic underlining and ah ha moments.

With all that said, here we begin!

"Be careful what you're good at - you could end up doing it for years."

Worksheet #1: Passion Play
What are you intensely interested in... include moderate curiosities as well.
- dancing
- reading
- writing
- self improvement
- the dynamic of relationships, family, friend and romantic
- photography
- collecting beautiful pictures
- trying a new project and succeeding (ie: making something)
- sharing stories, interests and suggestions
- story telling
- making people laugh, comedy
- making connections with other humans
- self expression
- blogging
- cooking and baking
- drawing and painting
- crocheting and sewing

You go to the best cocktail party ever. You meet the most awesome, helpful, resourceful people and they offer to contribute to your career and interests... Who's there, what info did they share, what did they ask, how did they offer to help?

Who's there:
Lauren Conrad, Kelly Cutrone, Zooey Deschanel, Emma Stone, Alexandra Patsavas, Ryan Gosling {I'm just going with dreaming big okay? ;)}, John Green, Becka Robinson, Ellen Degeneres, Taylor Swift, Hayley Williams

Lauren Conrad - Her real life and work story. People can say what they want about how she got where she is but she got what she wanted and is doing great. I've love to talk about her different projects, her Style book, her YA novels, her website The Beauty Department and everything in between. I would even promise not to ask about Heidi. I would also love to watch the show she was suppose to have that MTV ended up not picking up because it wasn't dramatic enough.

Kelly Cutrone - read her book If You Have To Cry Go Outside and fell in love. She's such a fierce woman and has so much more to her than was shown on The Hills. I mean, duh, it was The Hills... but still. I feel like I could get a good strong kick in the pants with strong steps to follow from her. I am not interested in breaking into the fashion industry, and I know the first two ladies I put in are both involved in that, but their work ethic and their projects inspire me. I want to be as in love with what I do as they are.

Zooey Deschanel - Another power house of a woman. She sings, acts, and has Hello Giggles. She does comedy, she can be serious, she basically seems to do what she wants, no questions asked. Also, I would love for her to take me shopping so I could find some of the stuff she wears. Adorable.

Emma Stone - teach me to be as cool as you. I feel like we could really get along though. I mean, of course I feel like that when I've never known the person but seriously, I think we could be funny together. She could teach me more of her ways. She's incredible.

Alexandra Patsavas - I use to want this woman's job SO BAD. I mean, she chooses the soundtrack for some awesome shows, gives small bands an awesome opportunity, she gets to listen to new music all day and decide how it will fit in a 30 minute to hour long show. Awesome.
I don't want that job anymore, but she did start her own company and became really successful and well known (at least I think so) and I could definitely hear about that.

Ryan Gosling - duh (Just search Ryan Gosling reads Hey Girl)

John Green - Definitely my favorite author. I love the voice that he creates, I love the characters and the feelings he puts into his novels. I just love, love, love it all. If the terms of meeting him meant I couldn't ask him specific questions about any of his books I would be fine. I want to know more of the process and the inspiration behind what he does. How he got to where he is... etc. If he really believes in the love he writes about.

Becka Robinson - She's my all time, favorite business, inspiration, get it together and go blogger. The Coffee Cup Chats I love so much, she's honest, she says what needs to be said and she likes to read. She talk about books that I end up liking a lot. I also love the design of her blog, it's so visually pleasing, blog crush for sure. Also, I would get photography lessons from her.

Ellen Degeneres - She's so frickin funny and I love her. I would love to know more about her transition from coming out on her show to then getting her talk show. It definitely wasn't an easy time but she kept going and she's rocking life and I want to hear that, to remind myself that I haven't had that kind of thing to push past, that there is a way to be happy or at least continue pushing when things look bad.

Taylor Swift - I mean, I would want to be buddies and talk about boys and such. Don't get me wrong, I feel like she has a LOT of information to share about her success and her work to get there... but I feel like we could giggle too. And then we'd go shopping and after we would come home to an apartment because we'd end up being roommates (despite the face that she probably has her own house etc) and we'd bake cookies. This girl and her music keeps me from feeling crazy, she reminds me that sometimes you just need to get it out, and then move on and make big bucks being talented and awesome.

Hayley Williams - Ms. Hayley has been one of my favorites since I first found out about her. A voice that just keeps getting better, plays with the boys but can also be a girl, rocks out, writes what's going on even if it gets a little crazy in her life. Her energy and dedication is something to aspire to.

If you could go to five conferences or events this year which ones would you go to or what would they be about?
- Camp Shutter Sisters
- The Wild Rest
- pole convention
- tattoo convention
- SXSW Interactive

What could you talk about late into the night with like-minded people without running out of things to say?
Life, past stories, relationships, all types of photography, books and music and back to life experiences. Give me the right people and we will talk forever.

What activities make you feel really useful, alive, and strong?
- pole and go go dancing
- photography
- when people get something good out of what I say or do
- listening and helping out friends

What do you want to be known for?
I want to be known for the positive impact I've made of people's lives. I want to be known for the work I do because it's beautiful and inspiring, two words that get used very frequently and seem to have lost a lot of meaning. I want my beautiful creations and words to inspire positive feelings.

Next week: Easy Priorities


The Fire Starter Sessions and all included worksheets were written and created by Danielle LaPorte

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fall Please Get Here

I know I'm not the first to say this, and I won't be the last, but I am so incredibly ready for Fall to be here. Technically it is here, the calendar says it and I want it... but San Diego just isn't taking the hint, in all fairness I don't think many places on the west coast are taking the hint quite yet.

I'm ready for tea, sweaters, scarves, fires in the fire place, the turning of the leaves, soup, lots of blankets and holiday parties. I'm ready for curling up in bed under blankets with cozy pants on reading and not getting too hot.

I'm so ready. Hurry up fall, let's do this!
