Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Fire Starter Sessions - Core Desired Feelings

Week 3... I'm doing two worksheets/chapters this week. This one is about working out how I want to feel. It's about getting to the root of all the different words I could come up with (don't worry, I'm not talking about the latin root, we aren't conjugating) and finding the main ones. I know how I want to feel changes from time to time and so this kind of exercise can be tricky, but I'm reminding myself (over and over) that there are no wrong answers and each time I go through I can change. Turns out I had different answers yet again, I've done this exercise like 4 times now. But I'm getting there, I'm starting to really figure out what it is I want to feel, more than anything else.  I am getting to the foundation feelings, ones that will allow me to find ground to stand on so I can add other ones in later.

... choosing to focus on the feelings that you want to feel is a surer way to create the experience that you want to experience.

How do you want to feel in your life?
- excited
- capable
- desirable
- intelligent
- able
- wanted
- important
- beautiful
- confident
- composed
- elegant
- graceful
- strong
- flexible
- fun
- loved
- admired
- charming
- creative
- agile
- curious
- prolific
- worthy
- helpful
- influential
- artistic
- valued
- powerful
- well rounded
- alive
- stable - in my body and mind
- alluring
- energetic
- captivating
- supported

Whittle down the list to 3-5 words...
- invigorated: I want to WANT to get out of bed because I am excited and full of energy for the day
- prolific: fruitful, productive
- confident: in who I am and what I've done and what I will do in the future
- open: welcoming of new possibilities, opportunities, abilities
- valued: in love, in life, in friendship, in work... I want to feel that I bring value to the table.

Five to ten accomplishments or experiences that will make me feel this way
Confident -
moving out
paying off credit card, doctor and car debt (and library fees)
landing a job that speaks to me

Prolific -
writing daily, blogging weekly, photographing every couple of days
having a picture and writing published or in print
performing and competing

Valued -
dating/getting into a relationship
listening to friends... being there for them
landing a job that speaks to me*

Invigorated -
landing a job that speaks to me

*I found a pattern it seems, time to start getting excited about job hunting

Three things I will do today to generate these feelings:
1. write, crochet, take pictures
2. talk to a friend, answer a friend's email
3. review my resume

Three things I will do this week to generate these feelings:
1. polish up resume
2. search jobs
3. go on an hour long photo adventure

Three things I will do this quarter to generate these feelings:
1. get a full time job that challenges me and keeps my interest
2. move out
3. save for a trip

Three people to collaborate with who help me feel this way:
1. Beth
2. Brandi
3. Chelsea


The Fire Starter Sessions and all included worksheets were written and created by Danielle LaPorte


  1. You know I'm so there for you!
    Can I challenge you a bit on some of these? I think you need to rethink some of your "things to generate". Will saving for a trip make you feel invigorated, or will taking a trip do it? The trip doesn't have to be a big one, even if it's just a day trip to the desert or Julian or something like that.
    Let's talk about the others next week, yes? I'm definitely going to push you a bit, but we all need friends who push us.

    1. YES! Challenge and push! That's why I want someone to do this with! My mind only takes me so far.
