Tuesday, July 31, 2012

52 photos in 52 weeks: Week 30

Week thirty was full, full, full. Mostly of wonderful, exciting, great things. There was some incredible sadness, but I'm going to celebrate life (his that was cut too short, and in turn mine because I have once again been blessed with another day) and just keep on pushing.

I'm so in love with the first picture, if I had to pick just one for the week that would definitely be it. I feel like I should take the time now to say that most of the pictures I post on this series have not been edited. I put them on my computer, choose which ones I like the best and pop, put them in a post for you.
I don't edit most of them (that includes cropping) because I am constantly challenging myself to take a great photo that needs as little work as possible. I know I could take the ones I have done and bump up their loveliness a bit here and there, and one day I probably will with my absolute favorites, but for now I'm enjoying their unaltered state.

Yes, week 30 was one for the books, and the day that these pictures came from will definitely be talked about more this week. It was a great adventure.

Until then, I need some beauty sleep.


Monday, July 30, 2012

An Untimely Goodbye


This is so hard to start, I have so much to say and so few words that seem adequate enough to convey it. What is there to say? You were taken from this world too soon. I wish that the only thing I had to say to you was Happy Birthday, that you only had 365 more days until you could legally drink. That you are amazing and wonderful and one of the best, most positive people (but not annoyingly so) that graced Cinepolis's halls. I wish that tomorrow I could come in and we would continue any joke that we started when I first met you.
I hope harder than I hope for just about anything else that you've moved on to something or somewhere else. Something that we humans on earth could never understand. You make me want so badly to believe in heaven or some sort of afterlife. I don't want to think that this is really the end for you.
I hope you're in that place, high above the clouds, I hope there are miracles waiting there for you. I hear your transition was instantaneous and I hope that means it was painless.
You brought smiles to all you worked with Sebastian. I hope somewhere you can see how deeply you affected us being who you were. We're a little lost right now.
I wish I had taken the time to joke with you more, to give you a hug, to ask about your life.
I think the last time I remember seeing you was when you came back in for a phone charger someone else had left behind for you. How could I have known that would be the last time I saw you? How could anyone have known?
I guess the point is that we couldn't have known and I hope this tragic event at the very least makes others think twice about getting into a car while intoxicated. Your friend, do you still think he is? You seemed like the forgiving type. He will be spending a long time, possibly life, in jail. I wasn't there when you guys got the in car so I have no idea what either of you were thinking... did he not seem intoxicated? Was the speed he was driving the real issue and intoxication finished the job? Why did you  trust him enough to get in the car? No blame, no anger, just questions that have impossible answers.
I could wish forever until my heart and head explode that the choices made were different...
But wishing at this point is fruitless and useless and all I can do is believe that you're out there somewhere doing greater things than we could ever accomplish here.

Rest in peace Sebastian Aranda. You will be missed, probably more than you could have ever imagined.


Friday, July 27, 2012

Happily Wasted

It's been quite an interesting week over here. Interesting good, not interesting bad. Lots of projects and possibilities in the works... I've been sending happy, excited emails to friends instead of despondent "what should I do" ones. It's been great. Absolutely gratifying and wonderful to feel this way for longer than a day. It's been a whole week! Maybe even more!

During this busy week of mine I haven't really read deeply into too many of the posts on my blog roll but a few did catch my eye and usually waning attention. 

Read them, they come highly recommended!

An adorable proposal
Another e-course I want to take
Celebration over slaving away to make a great thing "perfect"
These sisters make working with family look so easy


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Bits and Pieces

Sometimes a walk around a new place snapping pictures is just what I need. I'm still learning how to work in Manual but I refuse to go back to the other settings. My new lens is interesting to work with and I'm always a bit happier after I push that shutter button a few times.


Monday, July 23, 2012

52 photos in 52 weeks: Week 29

As you can see, this week was pet week. That and walking around Carlsbad, but most of those pictures are on other posts... so I'll keep this cuddle buddy related. 
I am totally one of those people that thinks her pets are just the cuuuutest and will take plenty of pictures of them. I mean, this isn't the first picture of Saki or Zeus that you've seen.

I'm almost afraid to see how many memory cards I go through when I have a child... insanity will ensue. Sorry future husband and baby daddy... also sorry to all the friends I will end up sharing the pictures with.


Sunday, July 22, 2012

San Diego Love : First Lap Around Carlsbad by the Sea

Recently I took some time after work to explore a new-to-me part of San Diego. I have been missing the Portland Love posts that I use to do and figured that it was time to explore the place I've been living in for so many years.
Lately I've been taking the time after my morning job to take myself on little dates to eat and take pictures around my workplace.
I can't believe I haven't taken time to explore this place before! I mean, the beach is beautiful, the different food places are cute and delicious... basically this should be my new hang out area.

The latest me date went a little like this:
I couldn't decide what I wanted for food after I found out that this pizza place I want to try is a food card and you can only find where they are through facebook and twitter (SERIOUSLY? But the pizza looks soooo good.)
Anywho, after giving up on that kind of thin crusted pizza I decided I would try a local hotspot called

Señor Grubby's and had their California burrito. I have to admit, I was very skeptical of this place at first.

I wondered just how good their mexican food could be considering it looked very... well, white.
It was soooo delicious. 

I stopped myself (somehow) from eating the whole burrito so I could stop by Boxd: Handcrafted Waffles.
The place is adorable. It's this little box type thing, looks like a huge storage box but they made it into a small restaurant (Portland food carts... I'm sure you were a part of the inspiration) where they make sweet and savory waffles.
Now, it's no Waffle Window with seasonal berry waffles and lemon curd but goodness they are still delicious. I ate my waffle with nutella and banana and talked to some strangers that came to the shaded seats where I was.
Did I mention the seating area is outside on fake grass with lounge chairs? SO CUTE!

So basically, if you are in the Carlsbad by the Sea area check these places out. I think next on my list is to stop by Red Oven Pizza when they make a stop somewhere convenient for me and then who knows.


Saturday, July 21, 2012

Happily Wasted With a Bit of the Currents

reading: Youth In Revolt, The Start-up of You, The Fire Starter Sessions

listening to: City and Colour
craving: rain, rain, rain. I know it's summer and that excites everyone but I miss the rain.

wanting to purchase: a maxi dress! still looking for one that will work... also a sunhat, a jean jacket and maybe a belt to complete the maxi dress outfit... and a ticket to the races!

saving up for: some tom's flats. so cute. also another tattoo... but that won't happen until I have saved up to move out... then tattoo

enamored with: sleep, because Batman means lots of people at the theater meaning lots of cardio running people their food up and down stairs.

working towards: a good attitude. I woke up and read the news about the shooting in the theater in Colorado and I just don't understand. So much suffering for no reason.

looking forward to: this weekend and next, checking off two big things I've been wanting to do for a looooong time (more details and a bit of an unveiling soon) and then going to Renegade with new bloggy friends!

and finally some ways to happily waste time:
20 things I'm still learning in my 20's
The Fault In Our Stars left Danielle crying... oh it made me cry too. It's a fantastic, wonderful, out of this world book.
Cold brew coffee... want want want to make
I die over picture of Birdie over at Bleubird Vintage... I mean really? How adorable.
Stoked that someone else loves Morning Pages! Maybe I should get mine back on track...

And finally... so excited to have new San Diego blog friends! A Day With Kate and Let's Move To The West Coast


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Looks Like I'm Growing Up...

It's true ladies and gents (do gents read this blog?)... I'm getting older. What made me realize it? My adoration of some Gap clothes. I don't know about you, but Gap wasn't quite popular with my crowd in high school and beyond. I think it was a little too preppy and I had kept that belief until recently when I was walking around a mall in Portland with Nicole (okay, so not that recently) and she said she wanted to go into the Gap. I thought she was kidding at first. Hey High School Corey... stop being so judgy okay? Once I realized she wasn't joking and my oh so not preppy high school persona went away we went in and I had to admit that I liked more than a few things.

Fast forward to yesterady... while perusing my blog list I saw a shirt that I liked. It looked quite like a perfect denim shirt that I've been wanting to add to my basics for a while now. So I looked at where it came from... That's right, The Gap.
Well I'll be...

A quick tangent about chambray, denim, heck anything long sleeve and button down... plaids too. I guess I have a wide back and I know I have a small bust (it's okay ladies, I still love you), so I often have trouble finding the right fit in these types of shirts. I have a hard time finding ones that are a nice slim fit while also not too tight between the shoulders. Anybody else have that problem? Any solutions?

Back to topic: So I went to their website and looked around... I liked at least 30% of their stuff on the first couple of pages. Now that might not seem like much, but I'm really picky with clothes. That's incredible.

And then I went to the sale page, and found what may be the exact maxi dress I've been looking for.
REALLY? I thought I had been searching high and low on the webs and it turns out I missed an easy one.

While this is all well and good, The Gap is still out of my price range at the moment (let's be real, Forever 21 is barely in my price range so everything else is pretty far out) so I'll just have to dream, and maybe stop by their outlet store. (And visit my sister at her work while I'm at it.) I once followed a blog about a girl who scrimped on food so she could buy clothes instead... my stomach will have none of that.

Just so you get an idea of the things I'm drooling over, I'll leave you a couple of pictures....

Oh to be grown up...

oh yes: one two, three four, five six

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

a little rain never hurt

I don't know about you guys but I am wishing and hoping and whispering to Mother Earth about getting some thunder storms here in San Diego... more specifically Carlsbad. I figure she doesn't read blogs but getting it out into the universe one more time and one more way couldn't hurt. I mean the last time I said I was missing the rain it rained (granted only a tiny bit) the next day.

Crossing my fingers...


52 photos in 52 weeks: Week 28

The weeks are going by crazy fast. Even when I have days off they just go by in a blur and I feel like I'm constantly busy. Not a complaint, just a feeling. I love just about everything I'm doing, and when I don't love it completely (my non photography job) I am making money to pay for the things I do other times and you know, that pesky habit called bills.

All in all, life is feeling pretty good. Had some meals with friends, caught up, worked on projects, met awesome new people at Creative Connection... etc etc. I'm hopeful and excited and motivated and that's really the best things to be when you want bigger and better things to come along.

As you can see I'm having some fun with my new 50mm lens. I'm still getting use to it and the differences it has from the lens my camera came with. So stoked on this lens. Next goal lens: wide angle. Now for some more monies! :)

How was your week?


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Renegade - Come With Me!

Who wants to go to this with me? I'm going to have a bit of a late night the night before but I really, really want to go. I think it would be better with a buddy though and not alone. 

Let me know!


Little Reminders

Do it.



Big ol' news guys! I decided once and for all to connect this lovely blog to the URL I bought almost a year ago. I've changed the layout a bit and still have plenty more tweaks until it looks as lovely as I want it to but I'm really excited about my progress and I just wanted to share. 

So what that means... I am no longer Click Click Corey. I liked the playfulness of the name but it just wasn't me. I gave myself the username a long time ago of But We Will Stay and I can't shake it, so it's in and CCC is now on the outs. 

I don't know what this means for those of you finding me in readers? Did it already screw everything up? I don't even know! I have blogger redirecting and such, but still. 

I'm crossing fingers and toes that those who have been reading can find me again!


Tomorrow I will be doing my 52 photos in 52 weeks... I didn't forget nor am I putting it off, I just feel this announcement needed to come first!

Anywho, thanks for reading and commenting and being radical and if you can still read this direct yourself to www.butwewillstay.com instead!


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Creative Connection San Diego at The Pearl Hotel


I'm going to start by loosely quoting Easy A here and pretend to go around the group of people I just met and say " Awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome... now let's change lives today."
Creative Connection was a great experience. I showed up and immediately people were friendly, everyone was talking to each other about their individual creativities. I didn't know exactly what to say about myself, but I remembered a think Danielle Laporte says in The Fire Starter Sessions about being enthusiastic and positive about whatever you are and are doing so I went with that. Basically my creativity right now is learning what my creativity is. 
I had my camera so people assumed it was photography which is actually true. I talked about this blog and the plans I have for it and where I've been and where I'm going. I talked a lot... 
I met awesome people and am so stoked. I drove home excited to blog and to look at my pictures and to keep trying new things. I was also excited to get back to The Fire Starter Sessions. I need to find (or start) one of those groups around here.

Anywho, the event was great, and The Pearl Hotel... fantastic. It reminded me of The Jupiter Hotel in Portland mixed with The Ace Hotel in Palm Springs. There was a pool and a succulent wall and Tiffany blue towels and an outdoor shower and plastic globes in the water...
There was a drink called the Marie Antoinette which I had hopes of liking because there was champagne in it but alas it was too sweet for me so I reverted back to my tried and true, trusty dusty Diet Coke. 
Back to going on about The Pearl... There was a white backdrop/screen type thing attached to the balcony that you could see from any of the courtyard seats which I guess they play movies on sometimes. I should have asked to see one of the rooms, I wonder how they are decorated. 
The lounge where we were moved to after a couple of hours of chatting was covered in shag carpet and there were games galore... I saw a rock 'em sock 'em as well as an etch a sketch and Apples to Apples... I could imagine myself sitting there with a friend playing a game or two and just having a relaxing time. 
If I ever need a staycation and can't go to Palm Springs (such a short drive really) then The Pearl would be a great choice. The servers, the bartender and everybody else was so nice and friendly and helpful. Good stuff.

Now I'm sitting at home invigorated and excited for all of the things I'm going to learn and I'm so stoked I went tonight. 

A big thank you to Jessica and Marissa for organizing and putting this thing together. So wonderful!

To everyone I met and somehow directed back here... you are lovely and fantastic and I'm so pumped to have met and had a chance to talk to you all. Please, please leave your information, blog links, twitter, pinterest, instagram etc links. I found myself with only two cards and I talked to way more lovely ladies than that. Still have to get a hang of the networking/sharing information thing!

With that all said, I think it's time to get back to work on a project or two.



currently... learning how to write on the tablet

loving life.

It's the truth. I keep thinking it and then trying to find reasons it shouldn't be true but it is. Yes, I try to find reasons for why I shouldn't be happy. It's not complete self destruction, it's more finding out if I'm just telling myself I'm content so I don't have to push harder. Turns out I'm doing a-okay and on the up and up. Feels good.

watching: I'm going to start watching Modern Family. I can't believe I've missed out on this show. What was I thinking?! (I was probably thinking I didn't need to start watching another show, but I'm sure I have some things to crochet...)

reading: Re-reading The Fire Starter Sessions. Love, love, love it. 
Also just finished Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella. Definitely my favorite of her books. 
Finishing up Writing Down the Bones and starting to get into Youth In Revolt

my new Bamboo Wacom tablet. 
my new 50mm lens for my lovely Lady Rebel
the work I'm doing and the things I'm learning about this blog
my new nightstand
my new full length mirror
the few choice pieces of clothing I added to my wardrobe (from H&M, no big spending there)
my enthusiasm for all of my projects

hoping for:
a continuation of this motivation and enthusiasm
rain... there, I said it. I miss the rain. Not as much as there was in Portland, but still I miss it.

working towards:
changing the blog over... it's coming soon. new url, pretty much the same look for the blog with some tweaks and such. 

loving these links
two beautiful pictures that make me want to travel
- a little DIY to try...
- a beautiful post about summer
- per usual: a great Coffee Cup Chat by Becka
- What are you bored of?
- Going to take this workshop... learn more about CSS, pretty please

and finally...

excited about
-going to this tonight!


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Half Way Through - Third Quarter Goals

It's already July. JULY. Six months in! Where has it gone. Days can take an eternity, heck, 6 hour work shifts can take an eternity, but then months, they just fly right by. 

I didn't do very well last quarter with my goals. I didn't pay for someone behind me in a drive thru, I didn't always exercise, and I definitely didn't put on my cleaning gloves once a week. For shame.

Despite all the didn'ts, there were a lot of dids.

I did leave a job that left me feeling unsatisfied, and shortly after I found a new job to take it's place. All while keeping the second job in tact.
I did go out and hang out with friends which felt so good after being a hermit for so long.
I did flirt and meet new guys, I did get sad about ones I had crushes on. I was taken on a date which bombed fantastically but it's a good story and I regret none of it. 

I saw my friends from Boston that I wish were closer or were able to come through more frequently, as it is I see them maybe 4 times a year (if I'm lucky) and great times are always had.

I drank more adult beverages than ever before but I don't think I ever ended up hungover. 

I may have spent a bit but I also kept my promise to myself of not using my credit card. As of July 7th it has been 4 months since I've slid that card or entered those numbers for a purchase! I've also made sure to pay at least a little over the minimum each month. 
These things may not seem like a big deal, especially since I'm living for free at the moment, but considering I've lived for free before and haven't managed to keep these habits up, I'm pretty proud. 
I've walked in to Barnes and Noble countless times, picked up books and placed them back on the shelf before walking out. The old me would have justified any and every book purchase but this year and this me is different. It feels good.

While I haven't been on top of the number of times a week I work out I have improved some of the skills I have wanted to improve. I've learned new tricks, increased my muscles to a visible level (not just to me but to my friends and family) and I've started feeling stronger.

Overall, despite not being able to check off most of the bullet points I made at the beginning of the quarter, I'm pretty happy with all that happened.

With all that said, there are still going to be goals made for third quarter... and here they are:

- Start cooking. I mean it Corey, you better start cooking and preparing your own food. Get away from those fast food habits.

- Save, save, save money, don't use the credit card and continue paying off debts.

- Write, write, write. Work through The Fire Starter Sessions again, this time blogging while going through them. Write daily even if only a line or two. Write. That's the rule for July, August and September... Write.

- Continue the exercise habit. It feels so good to be stronger, slimmer, better... It feels great to master a new trick. Healthy is better than lazy. I don't care if it's only 10 minutes of reverse crunches and some push ups... do it.

- Take pictures. Anytime, all the time... who cares who's looking. Take pictures. 


- go to the mother loving dentist please... your teeth are begging you. 

Oh Third Quarter... let's do this.


Monday, July 9, 2012

52 photos in 52 weeks: Week 27

Look at me getting back on track with posting my 52 in 52's!
This week I purchased a new lens with saved up tip money that isn't going to paying off the credit car. I am so, so, SO glad I did. My goodness. I haven't done much with it yet but I'm so excited already.

picture one: new towel. I am a sucker for anchors. Thanks target.
picture two: strawberries. I think the bright colors was what I liked best though.


Monday, July 2, 2012

52 photos in 52 weeks: Weeks 23- 26

week 23 
all about graduations. My sister's from 8th grade and my friend Rachael's from High School. 

week 24 
A new job at a photography studio. I am a secretary and I love my mornings here.

week 25
Lunch with dad and very few pictures.

week 26
One for the books that for sure. Spent not one, but three different days with my lovely Boston friends. These guys make me laugh so much. Nutters really. I'm always bummed when I have to leave them or they have to leave me. 

I had little sleep during week 26 and I also had a cold, but drinks were still had, jokes were still made and I went to work every morning. What a champ! ;)

I didn't mean to take a month off from these posts but sometimes things happen. I also ended up taking off two weeks from shooting with Ms Rebel... It felt good to take her out again.

I would say that these will be more frequent but who knows. I'm staying pretty relaxed about my space here. So for now, when they show up, they show up and when they don't... well let's just hope I'm out enjoying life.
