It's already July. JULY. Six months in! Where has it gone. Days can take an eternity, heck, 6 hour work shifts can take an eternity, but then months, they just fly right by.
I didn't do very well
last quarter with my goals. I didn't pay for someone behind me in a drive thru, I didn't always exercise, and I definitely didn't put on my cleaning gloves once a week. For shame.
Despite all the didn'ts, there were a lot of dids.
I did leave a job that left me feeling unsatisfied, and shortly after I found a new job to take it's place. All while keeping the second job in tact.
I did go out and hang out with friends which felt so good after being a hermit for so long.
I did flirt and meet new guys, I did get sad about ones I had crushes on. I was taken on a date which bombed fantastically but it's a good story and I regret none of it.
I saw my friends from Boston that I wish were closer or were able to come through more frequently, as it is I see them maybe 4 times a year (if I'm lucky) and great times are always had.
I drank more adult beverages than ever before but I don't think I ever ended up hungover.
I may have spent a bit but I also kept my promise to myself of not using my credit card. As of July 7th it has been 4 months since I've slid that card or entered those numbers for a purchase! I've also made sure to pay at least a little over the minimum each month.
These things may not seem like a big deal, especially since I'm living for free at the moment, but considering I've lived for free before and haven't managed to keep these habits up, I'm pretty proud.
I've walked in to Barnes and Noble countless times, picked up books and placed them back on the shelf before walking out. The old me would have justified any and every book purchase but this year and this me is different. It feels good.
While I haven't been on top of the number of times a week I work out I have improved some of the skills I have wanted to improve. I've learned new tricks, increased my muscles to a visible level (not just to me but to my friends and family) and I've started feeling stronger.
Overall, despite not being able to check off most of the bullet points I made at the beginning of the quarter, I'm pretty happy with all that happened.
With all that said, there are still going to be goals made for third quarter... and here they are:
- Start cooking. I mean it Corey, you better start cooking and preparing your own food. Get away from those fast food habits.
- Save, save, save money, don't use the credit card and continue paying off debts.
- Write, write, write. Work through The Fire Starter Sessions again, this time blogging while going through them. Write daily even if only a line or two. Write. That's the rule for July, August and September... Write.
- Continue the exercise habit. It feels so good to be stronger, slimmer, better... It feels great to master a new trick. Healthy is better than lazy. I don't care if it's only 10 minutes of reverse crunches and some push ups... do it.
- Take pictures. Anytime, all the time... who cares who's looking. Take pictures.
- go to the mother loving dentist please... your teeth are begging you.
Oh Third Quarter... let's do this.