Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January Photo a Day Challenge Wrap Up

I know I didn't really mention much about it here this month, but I participated (and didn't hash tag... tsk tsk) in January Photo a Day Challenge. What I didn't know when I started this challenge is who came up with it. Somehow, half way through the month I started following Fat Mum Slim and what do you know! There it was!

I didn't want to share my photos here, or maybe I was just too lazy too, I really don't know either way. But I decided tonight, to wrap up January and be really ready for February, I would post my favorites. The first and last picture in the block are the first and last from the challenge, all the others are shuffled about. 

Did you participate? Am I not following you on instagram? Let's fix this! If you don't have instagram you can find my pictures here... I mean, if you want to take a gander. :)

I am so stoked and ready for the February Challenge! I am also listening to a song called February Air right now. I typed February and she sang it... fun. Not on purpose... 
This month I will hash tag correctly and may post more of the pictures here. Or I might wait for an end of the month wrap up. No idea. I'll take it as it comes.

So here it is... are you with us?


Monday, January 30, 2012

52 photos in 52 weeks: Week 4

I'm starting to think that Sundays are going to be my adventure days or something. This is the second time I've cruised around Encinitas taking pictures of things I meant to take pictures of so long ago. Today I had my Rollei with me which was super awesome and fun. I really, really hope that this set of shots comes out even semi decent. I learned a couple new things since the last time I used it so I'm crossing my fingers and toes that at least a couple of the pictures come out how I imagine them. It's not like with the Holga where no matter what you can't expect anything. A Rollei is a fine tuned photographic machine and if the picture doesn't come out quite right it is user error. 

Anyway, the picture above looks distorted to me, like I had a slight fish eye on it but I can assure you that was not the case. Maybe it's the circle of clouds in the middle. My main focus was the Liquor sign. I've driven by that thing I don't even know how many times and always thought it would be a good part of a picture. Finally today magic was made. 

After the liquor store (I didn't buy any alcohol I promise) I went to a part of the railroad tracks and then I went to my high school. Train tracks, always awesome... going to my high school after 8 years... total trip. But more on that another time.

Last but not least, a silly shot. This is what I do when I am awake at 12 or 2 at night. Seriously, I don't even understand how I'm almost 26 sometimes.

So there you have it, week 4. 


Sunday, January 29, 2012

I'm not going to lie to you dear readers... I decided on the word tonight. I've been going back and forth, round and round on what my word for this year might be. I liked achieve, aspire, responsibility and more... My one little word for this year is about action, about doing things and making an effort and getting out of my comfort zone and being proud of myself and satisfied with the way things are going in my life. It's about progress and pushing myself and flexing my mental and physical muscles past what they are use to.
I thought achieve because I wanted to cross things off lists, but I wanted more than that. I didn't just want to cross things off lists or reach a goal, I wanted something that was about reaching for, coming to and continuing on. Responsibility, though not about achievement or doing something was about taking personal responsibility for EVERYTHING in my life. Job, no job, good, bad, indifferent... my life, my reactions, my responsibility. 
Truth be told, I'll be living and working through all of these words but strive seemed to sum up most of them and it fit really well in the space. It looked good. 
So here's to crossing off another project from my first quarter goal list :) and here's to striving to be a better me and make a more positive and fulfilled life in 2012. 

While we're here do we want to play a little game of what's on my desk? Yes? Awesome! So do I!

Starting from the bottom left: Pictures that I tore out of magazines, cat stickers and a blank thank you note, my weather owl, world pen holder, journals, clorox wipes (I'm a little crazy about germs sometimes), a bento box that I used to put the little bit of paint I needed, paint, behind the paint a picture of my sister T and I Christmas 2010, one of my favorite pieces of art by The Black Apple, delicious blueberry acai chocolate covered things, aaaand a VS bag full of different candies.

I do most of my work leaning on pillows in my bed...

Well, I'm off to go read some more. 9 books so far this month!!! Maybe I can read one more in the next 2 days!


Friday, January 27, 2012


A while back my dear friend C Town sent me a link to a website where you could upload your résumé information and have a pretty document churned out for you. Unfortunately when she sent it they were just a intro page with nothing to do yet. 

As time went on (like months and possible a year or so) I kept thinking of the site when I would think of my job hunting necessities and finally, after all this time, I am able to say I have successfully signed up and used this site!

I'm going to go on a mini rant before I gush a little... are you ready? Here it goes. I have THE HARDEST time with personal essays and résumés. Some of my friends have the skill down and when I ask what they do or how they managed to put their successes on paper (or make the mundane look even semi interesting) they just breezily say, "oh, you just brag about yourself." 
Ohhhh, my bad. Right. Just brag. Hmmmm. Is there a class on that? 
Seriously though, I'm at the point right now where I need to write a few personal essays and in the back of my mind I know that my résumé could look better and more impressive, even if the content doesn't change. 

So, in response to that rant is a small fix to a part of the problem. Go to visualize.me and you can put all that info in, pick your color scheme and layout and voilà, a handsome résumé is at your disposal. You even have a link that you can send people to. Definitely helpful in the current times where more and more people are working for themselves and/or freelancing and need flexibility in their documents.

So, as of now, I have one place on the internet where my résumé looks like it is properly dressed for a day of work. Fancy, pretty work. 

It reminds me of Legally Blonde, hers is pink and scented... or is that Clueless. Nevermind, I can't send fragrance through these links yet so this will have to suffice!

Am I the only one in constant state of discontent with my résumé?


p.s.  here's where you find mine :) visualize.me/butwewillstay

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I've Been Cooking!

Dinner last night was:
tilapia seasoned with garlic salt, seasoning salt, lemon, and pepper
spinach sauteed with garlic, lemon and olive oil
brown rice
white wine sauce (that unfortunately I spilled a lot of before putting it on my food...)


Dessert you ask...
warmed pumpkin muffin á la mode


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Today was a day full of awesome. I don't have another, not overused, word for it. I started by waking up to the sound of light rain outside. Stayed in bed and woke up with my instagram, twitter and Facebook feeds as well as my email. I know some say that's a horrible way to start the day but it's really the only thing (besides realizing my alarm didn't go off and I'm running late) that wakes me up. 
If I can get my brain reading and processing information it's less likely that I'll fall right back asleep.

Anyway, enough with the excuses for my guilty pleasures (tomorrow's instagram picture prompt!), after I read and looked over the feeds I ate some breakfast and started cleaning out the pantry. It is my most loved and hated chore to clean and organize cupboards or other areas. I think I just find so many things I can organize and overwhelm and tire myself out. But today I had a time limit and so I could only do the pantry and one cabinet that holds tupperwear. 

Can I just past myself on the back for a second when I tell you how great it looks? Or, how much better than it looked before?! AND as I was going through everything I was getting ideas for food to cook. I'm going to be real honest here right now, I am Broke. Capital B, R, O, K, E. I'm working this one SUPER part time job and working on getting some others in the line up but I'm pretty much needing to only buy things from the grocery store. I'm pretty lucky with how many options are available in mom's grocery store (I mean, the pantry of course). 

Again, off track, my day of awesome... RIGHT, so I organized and felt accomplished and then took a good ol' shower and put on a pretty cute outfit. I love this skirt but it's been in my closet for months. First I thought it was too long or too small and then I realized it was suppose to fit higher on the waist AND it would be a perfect length. (well, I really don't know what perfect is and if it really hits the right area of my legs but it served my cute-for-today purpose!)

Do you see those buttons?! They are the real reason I bought this skirt. Honestly, I picked it up from the bins months ago in Portland and I didn't know if it would fit or not but I figured if nothing else I could have the buttons for a dollar or less! Oh pay by the pound bins how I miss you sometimes. 

I attempted some outfit pictures but really wasn't that impressed with my lighting, location or time to take them so I stopped with a couple and went to my super part time (but totally, completely awesome... seriously I love every minute I spend there) job. Great day there per usual, then talked myself into going to the store for some chicken breast, some spinach and cooking wine. I had in my mind what I was going to make for dinner and those were some of the necessary little pieces.

What did I make for dinner you ask? Well, first, I made myself a nice pasta fresca inspired by the dish by the same name at Noodles and Company. I'm not saying it turned out exact, I was lazy with some of the ingredients and measurements, but it was delicious, and I made enough to have it cold tomorrow for lunch. BONUS.
Oop, I lied, first I cooked what would be the main meal, I made creamy mushroom chicken. It was super simple and didn't end up quite the way I wanted but it was still delicious. Made that with brown rice for my mom, my sister and I. Just call me Suzy (you know, like Suzy Homemaker...). 

After cooking two dishes I still hadn't had enough of the kitchen and I was craving something sweet. I wanted chocolate which I have in my room but I also wanted to whip something up. While greek yogurt, fruit, honey and a little bit of granola is usually my go to dessert, I wanted something different. I remembered seeing two different cans of pumpkin puree and so I made pumpkin muffins (I consider them cupcakes really, I mean with all the sugar, let's just call a spade a spade...) and my goodness. The recipe called for a pound of pumpkin and the can I had was one ounce short but I figured it would work and it did! It DID I tell you!
I ate more than two...

While the muffins cupcakes were baking I sat down to finish up a painting I've been working on. It's going to house my word of the year though I'm still deciding between two or three very similar words. I figure tomorrow, or at the very latest, sometime later this week, I will have my word and will finish the painting. Exciting right? Then I'll be able to share my word of the year!

Cute plate huh? Bought it from Target a few years ago and just found it again. I left it behind when I moved last time and that was just silly. I mean, look at it. It's my paint plate.

I watched Pretty Little Liars and painted until all was done.

A great, great day. Now I'm sitting in my bed under my warm blanket typing this and while pictures are uploading I'm reading The Art of Eating In. So far, really great book. Helping me not be sad that I am not allowing myself to buy fast (or restaurant of any kind) food as often if at all.

I'm starting to get this whole synchronicity thing Julia Cameron was talking about in The Artist's Way. I still have a way to go, but I'm making a genuine effort and keeping my excuses to a minimum and programs that I'm choosing to be a part of are lining up with things I'm reading, or things I'm going through almost perfectly.

Feels good.

2012 is shaping up to be just splendid!


p.s. did I mention I also did two load of laundry today? Seriously, new name Suzy... or should it be Susie? or Suzie? Ms. Homemaker? Yeah. There we go. ;)

p.p.s. And just in case you are wondering... cardigan: Urban Outfitter, shirt: American Eagle, skirt: Goodwill bins, ship pocket watch: Urban Outfitter, shoes (barely shown): Target!

Monday, January 23, 2012

52 photos in 52 weeks: Week 3

This week was full of great pictures. Well, I'll be honest, Sunday was the most full of great pictures because I went on a little adventure... took the Holga 120 out on the town in Encinitas, but the beginning of the week held some good ones and so I could not just pick one.

The one above, my favorite for awe factor, not design or sheer brilliance, is of a man who was waiting for his wife to get through her doctor's appointment. I was waiting on my grandpa to get through his (he's doing okay right now, he is out of the nursing home and back in his home and chair but every day is a gift at this point, especially when it's without blood pressure skyrocketing or any slips) and I saw him sitting there reading a book, just like I was (though, in all fairness, I was reading on my iphone...). I had to snap a picture. More cute (and strange) older gents later...

My other favorites are as follows:

One - I take notes and make passages in books, I've started keeping a little notebook of all my thoughts and quotations this year. Mostly for business/self help/etc books. Nice to refer back to. :)
Two - End. One of my favorite broken down buildings in Encinitas. They more recently put gates around it which is a bummer, I would have loved to go up the stairs and such. I figure it was an apartment building at one point. Don't know what happened since.
Three - My first favorite broken down building... or at least the address.
Four - It's a school in great need of repair. It's been closed off for years and there have been people working on it or in the fenced off school yard for the past three years but nothing seems to change from where I can see. How big of trouble would I get in if I jumped the fence? I mean, all I want to do is take pictures. Not even to sell...
Five - Boats without motors. House boats. I think these things are just so cute. I guess the city was trying to get them torn down because they aren't up to city codes or something (probably blocking someone's view... ugh) but the people prevailed and the boats shall stay another day. Aren't they cute?!
Six - I figure that these tiles were made by kids in junior high at the oldest but there's one talking about the gangster (not gangsta) of love. Made me chuckle.
Seven - The side of the cutest little post office in Leucadia. It's tiny, sooo tiny. Probably been there for so long, but the paint looks fresh and people still use it. I love it so.

As promised I'm going to leave you with more older gent pictures...

One: Cuuuutest couple. The woman was scared about some tests she was suppose to be getting, the husband was teasing her but you could tell it was in love, not in any way mean like my grandpa is to my grandma. I figured he was way younger than my grandpa but it turns out they are the same age. Sigh.
He was chuckling and she was chuckling and they were both giving each other a hard time about different things. So much spirit and affection. I am crossing my fingers for that kind of relationship at that age.
Two: What I first noticed about this woman was that she had the same kind of walker my grandpa has. Then I noticed the HUGE purse she kept on the seat part, and THEN I noticed the go-go like red boots she was wearing while using the walker. I mean hey, do what you want, but if you think you might need a walker, maybe you shouldn't wear heals? Or carry a purse even larger than mine (which is really, really saying something). But that lady had her sense of style and she wasn't going to budge from it no matter if she needed a walker or anything else. I give her a mental high five for that. Spunk. 

With all this talk of those of a different generation I just have to mention Betty White's Off Their Rockers. I had the great pleasure of seeing some of it last night and oh goodness, I love Betty White so much. So, so much. The show is just awesome. Premise? Older people pranking younger people. Great stuff.

I hope I'm still this excited about this project 30 weeks in!


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Happily Wasted

I'm starting to feel like the weeks go by really fast but then I look back to Monday and it seems so long ago. I mean, this Monday I was taking my grandpa to some doctor's appointments and then mid week was getting some hours in training for a job (a part time job, still not out of the dark yet) and then the weekend was a couple of sick days followed up and closed off with a Sunday of a library visit, solo photo adventure then quality chat time with dad and Dad's house family dinner. 

I even managed to get dad's family (minus my lovely sister T, who is away at NAU right now getting pinned in her sorority and everything, baby girl I love you) to watch the movie Hanna. I knew I could get them with the previews because it shows her being all intense fighter/hunter like, but I also knew it was somewhat artsy (read: not all explosions and fights like my dad and brother like best) and so we started it and we managed to finish it. Hehehe I take full blame for that choice. Suckas! They will probably never trust me again on movie choices... I'm not sure why they trusted me in the first place, they know I like deeper films. I mean, DUH my favorite movie is Easy A! Hahaha, okay, it is, but I'm joking about it being a deep film. Social commentary, yes, hilarious, definitely. Deep, nah. 

So there's a lot about nothing... get to the good stuff! links links links!!!

Not even a mama and I want this look!
I love organizational tools. Seriously. It's almost a problem. (Read: others probably consider it a problem)
I can't get enough of the coffee cup chats over at Life as an Artistpreneur!
This woman is incredibly remarkable. I'm in awe. So many struggles and still a beautiful outlook.
Ms. Elizabeth Haley's beautiful room... not to mention blog layout changes!
Gorgeous snail mail!
I want to make a pinhole camera out of an altoids tin!!!

And that is that.

As you may have noticed (I expect you to keep very close tabs and notes on my doings), I have been pushing Happily Wasted off in favor of 52 in 52 photos on Sundays. I thought about it a bit tonight and have decided instead to keep Happily Wasted on Sunday and move 52 in 52 photos to Monday. Start off the week with something pretty? I think so.

Remember, drive through mail box is that a way... no fries.


Friday, January 20, 2012

Another Sick Day

I'm crying on the inside because I'm sick... again. I guess it's been a couple (few) months since I was last sick but I'm still not happy about it. My sinuses are giving me hell right now. So swollen I can't breathe and then I'll sneeze and be able to breath for a second and then NOPE all locked up again. Thanks nasal passages, love you too. 

Robitussin isn't helping at all. I took it an hour ago and there has been no improvement in my quality of sick life. I might even say my symptoms have intensified over the last hour. Or maybe not, but they definitely haven't improved and I'm a big baby when I'm sick. Just look at the picture above. Rubbing my eyes like a crying child.

Just thought I would share. I think it's time to read and go to bed early now.


Body Goals Inspiration

This woman is absolutely incredible. I will work to find even half of that balance and control through this year. 


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Book Needs

Dear Lovely Readers,

Recently I have signed up to be a part of a book club (# 11 on my 25 before 26 list) and I'm really, super incredibly, amazingly (should I find more descriptors?) excited to go to my first meeting half way through February.

Only one little problem. The book that we are to discuss at that point is The Night Circus. Now, I've been meaning to read this book for a while, and have glanced at it longingly while in the Target book aisles (or aisle I should say... the other ones are just trashy novels...) but told myself it wasn't a good idea for the price because I would probably read through it in a day or two.

That being said, I knew when I signed up to go to this meet up that I would need to read this book. So I put my name on the waiting list at the library. I knew it was a popular book but I figured with 6 copies (or more, not sure) that I would probably get the book into my hands pretty soon. I looked at the status today and saw that there are 42 people ahead of me in the line for that book.

Not ideal.

So, I'm putting this out to you dear readers... have you read the book? Do you still have it and not know what to do with it? I will send it back if you send it to me. I will cherish it and take good care. Or we could do a book switch and I could send you something I have... current list being:

Trade for keepsies:
The Help - Kathryn Stockett
Safe Haven - Nicholas Sparks
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings - Maya Angelou
One Day - David Nicholls

These I would want back:
The Book Thief - Markus Zusak
The History of Love - Nicole Krauss
Her Fearful Symmetry - Audrey Niffenegger
If You Have to Cry Go Outside - Kelly Cutrone
Good Omens - Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett

I know this is a bit of a long shot but let me know! I am trying my darndest to not by any books (over $5) this month and quite possibly for the whole first quarter of the year! I'm starting to go to the library and check out books and read them in a timely fashion and look for others I want, put them on hold and wait for them instead of being impatient and buying them immediately.

Until next time, 

Happy reading!!!


Monday, January 16, 2012

Happily Wasted

For starters, these are my bears from when I was just a tiny little thing. Like right after the womb tiny. Bixby is the bear on the right and Guardian Bear is on the left. Poor Guardian lost his button nose to a tiny dog I think... and his ears are lopsided due to years of squeezing and cuddling. Just thought I would share. 

This past week was crazy busy. I am not use to having such a busy week considering my unemployment for a bit and such. But it was crazy and wonderful and I went dancing three nights in a row (!!!) and saw two of my best friends and had so many hilarious run ins with random people... last week was a success to say the least.

Some of the things I read in the small amounts of downtime (or the week before...) are as follows. A great bunch of links if I do say so myself. :)

Confidence assassins. Hilarious.
I love this blog and I love her month to month goals.
A cozy new year celebration.
Non-goals... these are awesome and beautiful. I decided to do some myself.
These goals/resolutions are awesome!
Time management....
Adulting, my new favorite blog! Definitely need to do this and this.
...And then she saved, another new favorite.

Congrats to one of my favorite bloggers! Her and hubby just had their baby boy!


52 photos in 52 weeks: Week 2

My favorite picture from the week has to be this one. Well, there were some awesome pictures from the beach, but I think I posted my favorite from those already. So here's my other favorite. I'm going to attempt to make all of my 52 in 52 from my point and shoot (or a DSLR if I ever get one...) instead of from my phone. Of course if I find a favorite polaroid from the week, or get Diana/Holga/Rollei film developed in the same week I shoot it then that's fair game too.

Aren't those little siamese kitten salt and pepper shakers cute?! Unicorn Sparkle(bottom)s gave those to me for my birthday one year. She's the best. The little Kodak camera is one of my favorite Goodwill finds... the thermos behind it is another favorite. My favorite looking polaroid camera, though my 600 is what I like to shoot with best, sorry sx-70, you're being a pain... user error you say? No way!

And then the mug that my mom and sibs gave me for Christmas. I mean, at least they know it. ;)

Oh so sleepy. This week has been a whirlwind. I'll update about it all later. Don't worry, it was a wonderful whirlwind.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

two thousand twelve: first quarter

This year I want to do so, so many things. Like, so many things, big and small. There are books I want to read and movies I want to see, and then there are projects I want to do, and fitness goals I want to achieve.
After thinking and thinking I realized the best way to figure everything out and not get bored half way... (or let's be honest, a quarter of the way) through the year is to break the year into 4 pieces. I have year long goals, and some not so year long goals, and this way both can be tracked in the same place! I'm so smart! Anywho, if you want to look at the year long goals, just click here.

WIth so many goals and lists, I have decided that when I turn 26 I  am doing away with the 2_ before 2_ project lists. I will have more than enough in my 2012 goals list to cover everything!

So with that being said, here's the first quarter, January through March!

+ get a car
+ get a full time job (so far, part time tutoring/admin/social media gig and job at local movie theater)
+ exercise 3 times a week for at LEAST 30 minutes
(w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, w8, w9, w10, w11, w12, w13)
+ pay for someone behind me in a drive thru line 
+ complete 3 crafts (one: photo an hour, two: word art, three: pattern painting)
+ go on at least 3 adventures, 2 of which are at least an hour away
(one, two, three)
+ shoot 3 rolls of 120 film either in the Holga or the Rollei (at least one of each)
(one, two, three)
+ read 6 books 
(one, two, three, four, five, six
+ pay off $3,000 on credit card
+ say yes to one thing I would normally say no to
+ make one vlog

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Artist's Way: Final Week

Confession: I skipped documenting some of the weeks. I really finished this workbook last week (a week late) and didn't really know what to say at the end of it.
Honest, I still don't.
The benefits are hard to really find at the moment, I don't know if I'm growing as a person because of the book or because I'm getting older and wiser as each situation happens. 
I can say that I've been nicer to myself, I've worked on spending my money more wisely and I don't get on my own case nearly as much as I use to. That might have started happening before this book though.

I know people have a lot of great things happen with this book, or so they say, and I don't regret reading it, but big things didn't happen. Maybe I didn't put enough time or energy into it. Maybe I should have stuck with the morning, or even evening pages. But I didn't and here I sit wondering what magical things were suppose to happen. 

I would like to try again someday with this 3 month (12 week) program. I would like to do it in a group, because I don't feel like posting at the end of the week to here was helpful. It felt boring because when I made it personal it was too personal. There are some things that don't quite translate.

So, do I regret reading this book? Not at all. I write more than I did, I take more pictures, and I am more gentle with myself than I was before. 
Did I have some big life changing epiphany while reading this book and doing the tasks? No. 
Would I recommend it to someone else? Yes. I would like to see what they get out of it in the end.

So there you have it, my thoughts on The Artist's Way.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

photo an hour: january ninth

nine o'clock

ten o'clock

eleven o'clock

twelve o'clock

one o'clock

two o'clock

three o'clock

four o'clock

five o'clock

six o'clock

seven through twelve o'clock

twelve o'clock

nine: after waking myself up by looking at instagram, twitter and facebook on my phone I feed myself
ten: I crawl back into bed, but sit up and read for 30 minutes, answer some of the 95 questions, I'm working on, and apply to a job
eleven: my lovely Chelsea calls, she's FINALLY in town!!! We set up a time to meet to start our day of wonderous hang outs. I pick out my clothes, take a picture and send it to Nicole to see if she approves, do my hair and make up and finish up with a end result picture.
twelve: wait in car reading for Chelsea to get to Rico's, then eat delicious burritos and chat chat chat. Chelsea wanted no pictures...
one: head off to run around, start with post office, then urban outfitter. it's new to our area and Chels had yet to see it. She is the sprinkle to my donut in case you are wondering.
two: Anthropology!!! Where we justified buying Anthology magazine because it was on sale (and gorgeous). I found a new friend AND we found a note forgotten in a book!
three: stopped by Rhino art... both guys working were super cute. then we headed to Pipes beach where we walked and looked at the tide pools until I asked to sit down because it was a little breezy.
four: started heading back to the car, enjoyed the beginning of the sunset. then went to Pannikin in Del Mar.
five: at the Pannikin, I ordered banana creme pie, Chels ordered coffee cake, she had coffee, I had tea. more chats to be had. we always have something to talk about.
six: stopped by the quilting section in Barnes and Noble. just keeping my mind open and ready for when I get to start it (read: when I have a job and therefore money).
seven through twelve: Chels and I went to our friend Kate's house for dinner. I didn't take pictures during this time for the sake of my friends and conversation. we at dinner with Kate, her boyfriend and her roommate/our friend Rachel (I hope that's how she spells it). I know there were lots of chatsies during the day... but you have no idea. we can talk. and laugh! I shared some awesome youtube and other videos... like the landlord, the weekend update where Kristin Wiig is a flirting expert, big group of girls, and more.
twelve: headed home, picked up milk at the store, stepped out of my car at home to a gorgeous sky, got ready for bed and answered a couple emails.

I picked a very eventful day to do this project. I'm so excited to be able to cross it off my list already. I didn't put filters on the photos or anything, this is really how it looked, well as much as the camera can pick up with the lighting in any given situation.
