Thursday, January 12, 2012

two thousand twelve: first quarter

This year I want to do so, so many things. Like, so many things, big and small. There are books I want to read and movies I want to see, and then there are projects I want to do, and fitness goals I want to achieve.
After thinking and thinking I realized the best way to figure everything out and not get bored half way... (or let's be honest, a quarter of the way) through the year is to break the year into 4 pieces. I have year long goals, and some not so year long goals, and this way both can be tracked in the same place! I'm so smart! Anywho, if you want to look at the year long goals, just click here.

WIth so many goals and lists, I have decided that when I turn 26 I  am doing away with the 2_ before 2_ project lists. I will have more than enough in my 2012 goals list to cover everything!

So with that being said, here's the first quarter, January through March!

+ get a car
+ get a full time job (so far, part time tutoring/admin/social media gig and job at local movie theater)
+ exercise 3 times a week for at LEAST 30 minutes
(w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, w8, w9, w10, w11, w12, w13)
+ pay for someone behind me in a drive thru line 
+ complete 3 crafts (one: photo an hour, two: word art, three: pattern painting)
+ go on at least 3 adventures, 2 of which are at least an hour away
(one, two, three)
+ shoot 3 rolls of 120 film either in the Holga or the Rollei (at least one of each)
(one, two, three)
+ read 6 books 
(one, two, three, four, five, six
+ pay off $3,000 on credit card
+ say yes to one thing I would normally say no to
+ make one vlog


  1. What a fantastic list! I have many things-to-do lists coming out of my ears! It's a sure way to stay focused and non bored :P

  2. Oh man, shooting 3 rolls of 120 film is going to be expensive to develop!
    ...although, the pictures always come out awesome.

  3. @Bianca I think it's really going to help me! Thanks for reading. :)

    @Iris it depends on where I am going to get them developed. I generally just get a contact sheet I think it's called. Basically tiny pictures on a sheet so I can then decide if I want any of them printed from there. Less wasteful than getting them all printed and realizing I don't like any of them, or even just one.
