Monday, January 16, 2012

52 photos in 52 weeks: Week 2

My favorite picture from the week has to be this one. Well, there were some awesome pictures from the beach, but I think I posted my favorite from those already. So here's my other favorite. I'm going to attempt to make all of my 52 in 52 from my point and shoot (or a DSLR if I ever get one...) instead of from my phone. Of course if I find a favorite polaroid from the week, or get Diana/Holga/Rollei film developed in the same week I shoot it then that's fair game too.

Aren't those little siamese kitten salt and pepper shakers cute?! Unicorn Sparkle(bottom)s gave those to me for my birthday one year. She's the best. The little Kodak camera is one of my favorite Goodwill finds... the thermos behind it is another favorite. My favorite looking polaroid camera, though my 600 is what I like to shoot with best, sorry sx-70, you're being a pain... user error you say? No way!

And then the mug that my mom and sibs gave me for Christmas. I mean, at least they know it. ;)

Oh so sleepy. This week has been a whirlwind. I'll update about it all later. Don't worry, it was a wonderful whirlwind.


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