Goals of 12 week program:
1. Learn to be gentle and positive with and about myself
2. Start habit of morning pages that will carry on for life
3. Break down the liver's (like to live, not liver like thing my generation abuses) block
Week 7: Recovering a Sense of Connection
This week was all about letting yourself connect to your creativity. It's not something that is forced but drawn out. This week was about risk and not having to be perfect at something the first time you try it. This week also had a section on how to use jealousy as a map to what you want to do and who you would like to be instead of a road block.
My Favorite Quotation:
Trust in yourself. Your perceptions are often far more accurate than you are willing to believe.Sometimes this is a good thing, and sometimes it's horrible. Sometimes your perceptions are negative about situations and people you don't want them to be negative about and so you tell yourself you are overanalyzing and nit-picking when really a feeling that strong is nothing but right. I've been through it so many times and each time I still question it. But this time was the last of debating with myself when something hits my gut in such a way.
- Claudia Black
Favorite Task:
Create one wonderful smell in your house
I recently bought the Taylor Swift perfume, Wonderstruck. It's delicious. The perfume came with this scented thing and so I hung it in my room and it makes me happy every time I walk in the door.
Check In:
1. Morning pages: 6/7
2. Artist Date:
I took myself to get my current favorite meal at Boudin's then went to Yardage Town and a quilting shop to start asking questions about my quilt project. Afterwards I took my sewing machine out and taught myself how to thread the needle and the bobbin. I also purchased the PDF version of the original manual so I can learn more stuff.
3. Instances of Synchronicity:
Not that I know of.
4. Other issues:
Personal matters, struggling with gut feelings versus oversensitivity and insecurity... Not enough quality me time because any time I was alone I was worrying about someone that didn't deserve it. Still don't know what is coming out of the morning pages. May switch to pages before bed. They'll get done then.