Thursday, March 31, 2011

Books of March

Wow how months fly by so fast. I thought this month was going to end with me only reading one and a half, maaaaybe two books. But I pulled through in the end (again) and added a couple more to the list!

Finished up:
I found it at the bins and just couldn't help buy it even though paperbacks are now $1 instead of fiddy cent... I mean $.50, my bad. I knew it was going to be a fast read. It looked like chick lit and by golly it was a whole lot like the Shopaholic book series (I haven't seen the movie and hear it's nothing like the books so even though I love Amy I'm staying away from it). Should you buy it for more than $1, probably not. Was it worth the $1 I paid, maybe. I did enjoy it  but I could have spent that time reading other books too. Eh.

Started and finished in March:
Stephen King's The Dark Tower Series Book IV
Glorious book. Made me want to cry in some parts because there was a bit of romance. I'm definitely a softy. Seriously though, good good read. Took me forever but I finally finished it half way through March!

Yes this series has come to an end. I was so sad to see it go. Totally bubblegum chick lit at its finest. I read every word! :) Many I love me some Lauren Conrad. P.S. paid about $3 for the book at Urban Outfitter! SCORE!

How Starbucks Saved My Life
This man's story of how he went from hero to 0 and then got offered a job at Starbucks and how it changed his life. I have a lot of friends who have worked for Starbucks in the past and their reviews of the place were no where near as happy and lighthearted but I guess it depends on where you are at in your life... and, I'm a sucker for a happy reawakening story. It was definitely that!

This is a very short book. It's actually a speech (address) that she gave to a graduating class. It was a good read (from the first page to the last) and definitely had a couple of different parts that are really good to remember as I go forward, now and forever. Technically it probably doesn't count by official 52 by 52 rules but I'm counting it anyway. Yeah, how do you like dem apples?!

Official Book Club Selection
Kathy Griffin's memoir is quite funny. I read it in 2 days! I saw this at Goodwill (sorry Kathy, if you're reading this, someone did give it up BUT, good news, I then purchased it and read it) and for some reason couldn't leave it behind. Probably because she's a female comedian and a redhead... best part, I bought the book and the next day I was watching a roast of Joan Rivers and Kathy was hosting it. So then I dove into the book.

This months reading has inspired me to pick up a couple of Ernest Hemingway's books and I want to get a bio or even autobio of Joan Rivers as well as Barbara Walters. More to look for at the Goodwill along with my continuing search for Miles to Go for under $2.

52 in 52 count: 19/52

What have you read this month?


*all images are google search of the title

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

dreaming of a wonderful workspace

As you know I am excited beyond belief about getting my own place and taking time to make it pretty pretty (or even just less ugly). My first plan of action is to create a dream workspace where I can sit my bottom down on a chair and have my computer on a screen so I don't sit in bed and get lazy. There's so much I want to do and I want to have things all together so it's easy to remember my projects as well as easy to work on them and put everything back in a place where it belongs. 
Here's some of my inspiration today:

Love the little desk and the cabinet full of books... not sure I like just how small the desk is, looks cute in theory but won't work for me.

Love the simple desk style (basically just a table) and how everything is organized. I will need more pictures above or around my workspace however.

Getting closer, I love love love that inspiration board and would die if I could make my own that size for cheap. I looked online for different materials via office depot and ikea but I think something like that has to be a little more diy.

Another small desk but this one isn't as small. Love that it has a view out the window. Don't know if I'm going to be able to do that. My front windows look into a parking lot.

Simple, good length... I was leaning toward a white desk at first but this one is real pretty and making me think there might be other options.

Again, simplicity. A little too simplistic though. There's no way my workspace will be that empty. Good thinking on the two lights though, I really love bright lighting.

Last I will present my two favorites...

I love the wood, the desk's dimensions look great, there's room at the back for things to be stacked (maybe a couple of books or magazines) and instead of that little shelf I would have two inspiration boards, one in cork to pin pictures and the other a magnetic chalk board to take pictures of and list projects that I can work on.

I love how uniform the pictures are above this desk. All uniform and such. I could do this with some of my favorite things and then have my two boards on the other side of the wall (if I have my desk in a corner) so I can stand and pin things in/write things without having to lean over the desk. Hmmmm decisions!

What do your favorite workspaces look like?


Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday Mayhem: Apartment Fever

Moving day is coming soon and all I can think about are things to get/do for the new place! Here's my inspiration:

While I am almost 100% sure I can't paint I can get a pretty headboard, maybe in that sea foam green color instead of white!

I'll need a great workspace. I like one where my actual desk is clear but inspiring things are around, this looks absolutely perfect!

A bookshelf with a pretty backdrop. (I Love Yellow!)

A colorful set of drawers.

Framed art, some polaroids and some paint by numbers.

A bright and fun furniture piece.

Pretty fabric baskets for keeping things organized.

A big piece of art for one wall in the living room.

What are you excited about this week?


Thursday, March 24, 2011

I've found my future pet...

I was talking to a guy recently that owns a salt water aquarium store (or something of the sort) and he mentioned having octopuses in his inventory (that sounds weird when they are live animals to call them inventory... I didn't know what else it would be though). 
A lightbulb went off in my head when he said he had some octopuses. I thought.. wow, I thought I wanted a cat but maybe this will be better. Yes expensive, but considering cats can last many many years and have to get all kinds of shots a octopus can be quite a bit cheaper!

I did some research while looking for pictures to share here and found out a lot of good info. A pet octopus would be expensive and quite a bit of work, but he'd be my buddy! Octopuses are very smart and I think it would just be absolutely fascinating to be able to watch one move all around. 

Plus, how many people can say they successfully have owned octopuses? Better than importing a monkey that's gonna bite me! (I won't get the blue ring octopus that can kill humans...)

I wanted a cat but then I realized I also want to go to Argentina in the semi near future and then where would that leave my poor kitty? Asking someone to take care of him or her for six months to a year would be crazy talk. Octopuses live only one to two years, some only 6 months... I won't be able to go to Argentina in the next 6 months (unless a money miracle happens haha) and I probably won't make it in the next year (I'm shooting for August 2012). My pet Octopus, Atlas, and I would bond and have a great time, then his time would come and I would morn in Argentina.

Perfect right?

And maybe we could cuddle like this...

then again maybe not but I would buy that print if it were at least a tad less than $150!

What exotic pet would you get if you could?


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

To Make You Think! (Hidden announcement!)

My favorite picture from Hearst Castle. I what I call "I am here" shots!

Today Elizabeth Haley posted 5 questions to make you think and I decide to answer them myself! Go visit her blog, it's quite cute and fun!

1. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
Either Argentina or Spain. Not forever but for at least 6 months. I'm in love with Argentina and need to get back as soon as possible! I want to fully experience it and finally, finally become fluent in Spanish. 

2. Are you happy with where you live?
I am very happy with the fact that I live in Portland, OR right now. I just moved almost two months ago (gosh time flies) and have been loving just about every minute of being here. On April 1st I will be moving into my very own one bedroom apartment!!!!! I'm so excited. I feel like I can actually do the things I want to do here. There are still nagging worries at the back of my mind but I'm really inspired to become the best me I can. 

3. How often do you go on vacation?
At least once a year since I started college. I count moving as vacations too because when I move I take the time to see everything I want to on the way. I did a mini vacation (weekend getaway) to Palm Springs last spring and hit up San Francisco a couple of times, I even came up to Portland about a year ago to see everyone. Little did I know... :)
I love vacations and even if they are just a day or two they make me happy. 

4. If you could change your profession & start all over, what would you do?
I'm not sure I would change anything. I loved my classes, I loved my Major, I met great, great people through college and I'm a little confused as to what's next but I'm living and I don't regret my past so I guess that's better than nothing. I don't have one set dream of what I want to "be." That makes it hard sometimes (okay a lot of the time) because I mentally go through different options that would be cut and dry to go after but it just doesn't feel right. I am really big on things feeling right when I do them. 

5. Are you honestly happy right now?
Yes! 100%. It's amazing. The best part, I would have answered this question in the same way the past 2 months. I've been a tad melancholy on days but nothing that I would consider unhappy. I'm really and truly loving life right now. It's an adventure and I'm starting to really learn about myself and accept myself for who I am. How many people can really, honestly say that at 25?

If you decide to answer these in your blog send me a link!


Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday Mayhem: Goals

Lately as I've been perusing Pinterest I've come along some pictures that I associated with some of my current mental goals. Here's to pretty pictures to help stay motivated!

I want to be this flexible. That probably means stretching more...

Must finish this paint by number this week! 

Stretch ears one size up... I'll be at 9/16ths

Start reading up on eco friendly house cleaning methods. It's only a short matter of time before I am the proud keeper of my own place!

Relax and find beauty on my path. Yes this one is a tad metaphorical but the picture is beautiful.

While this "yarn" is made out of old t-shirts, I'm using the image to remind me to get on my crocheting! I've been slacking hard and I have at least 2 projects that need some love and attention. Shay, one day Bronson's blanket will be made, and hopefully it's before he turns 1.

Lastly, take pictures! I just got this from goodwill yesterday and I love love love it buuuuut it takes old Kodak 126 film which I remember having (only after looking at pictures of the cartridge.) I'm having a bit of trouble finding that kind of film so I might have to do some mods on the camera. That makes me nervous but I want to use this beauty!

What are your week/life goals looking like on this Monday morning?!


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Thrifting: My Tale

As mentioned in the money post I have a severe addiction to thrifting. It wasn't always like this. I would go into thrift stores and Goodwills and even the bins and come out with nothing or when I did leave with something I would wonder why I bought it about a week later. 

Working at Buffulo Exchange planted the seed to change all that. Because I was working there I didn't have to scour the racks all the time. Part of my job was making sure the racks were properly sized so while doing that I would come across things that I would have never thought to see if I had just been a customer. My previous way of shopping was to look over the racks real quick and if nothing caught my eye then I would move on to another store. Definitely a mall style of shopping... that is, before the days of Forever 21 and H&M. 
I think maybe the seed for thrifting was planted even before Buffalo now that I think about it. I mean, Forever 21 was awesome in high school but it was only awesome when you took the time to look through at just about every rack to see all the different pieces they had. It didn't mean to be a one off store but with how crazy the organization was (or lack there of) it kinda was. 

Tangent... whoo, back to point...

So with Forever 21 in high school and then Buffalo Exchange, I definitely grew the inclination to thrift but still was quite shabby at it. I wanted to like it but still couldn't spend very much time in a thrift shop. Then something switched. I don't know when or how or why but during my time in Chula Vista I went to this one thrift shop that Unicorn Sparkle(bottom)s swore by and which I swore I would never name. There, maybe the second or third time visiting something clicked. I finally took the time to look at most of the sweaters instead of just walking through the racks hoping something would jump out and grab me. I looked through all of the stationary just in case some pieces suited my fancy. I stopped looking at books because I already had too many. My transformation had begun!

When I moved back to Portland it was on! For the last month or so I have been thrifting like crazy. Nicole is quite the enabler in this addiction, or maybe I'm her enabler... We hit the bins for hours, sometimes waking up at 6am to do so! We've spent many a weekend going from one thrift store to the next to quench our special-find thirst. Really, it's a sickness. But I won't stop!

When I first arrived and took a look around the shops with Nicole I was quite grabby. Strawberries painted on just about anything got my attention. Then I started getting a tad more picky. I've found a couple of blankets I couldn't live with out and a couple of cameras. I found a good amount of dishes to stock my place when I move in (April 1st cross my fingers), and I've found some awesome decorations. 

I have things I specifically look for now that the grabbies are out of the way. I look for the perfect vintage/retro thermos or the next book in my Dark Tower series. A goal I have yet to meet is to find Miles to Go, Miley Cyrus's autobiography for $2 or less. I won't buy it unless it for less than two dollars so when I'm at the bins I mentally cross my fingers. I've found it at Goodwill but never for under $3 so I had to walk away.

The good thing about thrifting is I get use to low prices. This helps keep me from buying a lot of expensive things in other shops. I now ignore the main portion of Urban Outfitter and go for the sale items. While I use to think Powell's had good prices I now find myself turning up my nose at the prices of books at Goodwill. Plus you can't find the treasures in regular retail stores that you find at the bins or the regular Goodwill stores. I know find myself getting frustrated when I think about something I need and realize I can't find it at the Goodwill. It's almost silly but helpful in money matters. My shopping addiction is still in tact but I put a dollar limit on most of my purchases and stick to a mental list. 

While I am by no means an expert, nor do I make any sort of a living at this I would like to end this post with a few tips I've come to learn. Most are the sage wisdom of my enabler Nicole.

-Take your time
Even the best thrift shops or perfectly maintained Goodwill's make mistakes. If you are there before the rush of the day then you don't have to worry as much about things being out of place but make sure to at least briefly glance over areas you wouldn't normally explore. Mine is usually the sports and/or glass section of Goodwill, BUT I found an awesome camera on a random shelf with all the glass cups one time and now I don't ignore an aisle.

-Look closely
What appears to be an ugly thing could have promise or what seems to be a great thing could have holes. Go back to previous tip when looking over items. 

-Grab first, assess later
This is 100% necessary at the bins. If you don't grab what you even kinda

-Be picky with prices
I don't know if this is as much of a problem in other places as it is in Portland but goodness the Goodwill has started charging more. I remember the day of getting clothes for a couple of bucks, now sweaters are up to $15 if not more. I think thrift stores are trying to hire people with some fashion and trend knowledge now so they can get more money out of their customers. I'm a bit miffed at that but it hasn't stopped me from going. (obviously)
If you find something and it seems great but the price seems a little high it's usually best to hold off. You didn't come into a Goodwill store to buy something at almost full price. If something seems a little more than it should be to you then it probably will to others too and if you're lucky it will stay on Goodwill shelves for a few weeks and then get marked down.

-Have fun!
Above all make these trips fun. Take pictures of weird stuff you find so you can laugh about it later or send it to a friend. Think of thrifting as an adventure and then it doesn't seem like as much of a chore. Don't expect to find anything good so that you are happily surprised when you do. 
Nicole and I have had days where every shop we went into was a bit of a bust. I still managed a good amount of purchases that day but overall it wasn't a winning streak. That was the day we ventured out of the Goodwill thrift stores. We weren't completely discouraged though, we learned valuable knowledge (like not to waste our time at the Salvation Army in far out SE Portland) and I did find a cool old Polaroid camera.
Go with friends... but friends that are willing to keep an open mind. If someone is a germ-a-phobe or just doesn't have an easily sparked sense of humor then I wouldn't go thrifting with them. You have to want to laugh.

That's what I have thus far! I'll be sharing some of my thrifting adventures as soon as I get my own place! 

Happy Thrifting!


Adventures in Analog: Solidarity

I've been wanting to share some of my "failed" pictures with you for a while but always hesitate to press the publish button. I usually have a post already done that day or it just doesn't seem to fit right so I take the excuse and procrastinate more. A while ago one of my favorite bloggers Kyla Roma posted that she was starting a project.

In it she is sharing her successes and mishaps in analog photography. In an attempt at solidarity I too am going to post my successes and mishaps with analog photography.

I must admit this post was already composed, sitting and waiting for the day when I would share it with my dear readers. Finally that day has come, here it is, the Impossible Project mishaps:

I've been working with the first run color film and the color push from the Impossible Project and I've been having a really, really hard time of it. So far I have had maybe 3 or 4 pictures come out to the point of a stranger knowing what the subject was. I figured for fun I would share the pictures that didn't come out so well. They are pretty in and of themselves, but they are an expensive pretty.

baby brows

no idea

planter outside

self portrait


fence of bird houses

I've been having a tad more luck lately as I have been covering the print RIGHT when it comes out of the  camera. That has helped a bit but I'm still having trouble with inside pictures. Maybe the light in the house is not what the film needs. I'm really not sure but I've had a lot of duds and it's hard not to get frustrated sometimes.

Anybody else had this experience with the first run and the color push film from the Impossible Project?

I will be posting more from time to time now that I have all of my 35mm scanned in. 


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Etsy Love: Gallivanting Girls

While searching for birthday wishes (a little while back) I stumbled upon this lovely Etsy shop that may just break my bank (if I open my wallet). The shop is Gallivanting Girls and it might as well say "give us all your money" because that's what I feel like doing.

My favorites:

Maybe I'll forget about it all and life will go on as normal. Sigh.


Friday, March 18, 2011

A quick hello

I just wanted to say hi to all of you who have come over here from Sometimes Sweet! I'm so excited to be sponsoring this month. This is the first time I've sponsored and I'm really happy with how it is going! Isn't Dani's blog just the cutest thing! 

So hello, welcome, click around, read some stuff, leave some comments... I would love to check out your blogs!



Ain't that the truth! I always fluctuate between "we can't take it with us" to "hoard that money, HOARD IT!!!" I need to find a happy medium. I really, really do. It seems I have great self control with some things, ie alcohol, temptations from the male gender, meat etc BUT when it comes to shopping and/or exercising my good intentions fly out the window SO FAST when one pretty thing hits my eye. 

 Hi my name is C and I am addicted to shopping. 
It could be just about anything... Office supplies, love them. Stationery, die for it. Clothing, usually not so bad but recently... I'm making the excuse that it's my birthday month, we'll see if that shows true in April. Shoes: generally do pretty good but lately... Food... oh this is the BIG ONE. I eat like there is no tomorrow all the time. I buy groceries, eat those and then also go out and eat. I want to say I'll be better when I have my own kitchen but I'm not sure. That is to be determined and I need to be making better habits now when it's harder so it will be really easy later. Ugh.
Then there are socks and blankets and thrift stores and organizational products, things with strawberries on them and magazines... oh those magazines. Definitely books too. Luckily I've calmed down about being in the same city as Powell's again and have realized that the Goodwill has books for cheaper and that the bins are even cheaper than that AND I have a whole slew of books I need to read in my tub of books.

So tonight while looking over my Mint account (I do love it though it stresses me out) I decided on a couple of helpful tips that I just MUST MUST MUST live by for now and maybe just forever.

1) Be really picky when shopping for anything.
I know it looks good now but honestly are you going to like it in a week, do you have 3 similar pieces already? Even when thrifting or looking at sale items, really think about if I want it. It's like a cute guy, sure you like him when you first look at him but then when he opens his mouth do you get turned off? In a week are you wishing for someone new? Yeah, impulse purchases don't make anyone happy. Think about it...

2) Don't nickel and dime yourself!
This might mean something totally different than what I want it to mean... my issue is thinking "oh it's only a dollar, oh it's only a couple of dollars..." I do that and boy, turns out those dollars add up. Yes it seems inexpensive to get a meal at Taco Bell for 3 dollars but 1) eating at home could be cheaper 2) eating at home could be healthier 3) the crap I get at TB will probably negatively affect my health therefore costing me more in health bills in the future 4) I'm not full after the meal and THEN have to either buy something else or eat some of my groceries. Moral being: don't buy cheap things just because they are cheap. Did you want it in the first place? Did you NEED it in the first place. Are you only buying it because it's cheap? 

3) Speaking of Fast Food, eat at home more often.
Like a lot more often. Seriously, one meal out a day is too much. Try two meals out a week, save them for when you are getting lunch or dinner with someone else. OR if you REALLY just have to get something you don't make yourself make it a Date With Myself and go a tad big. Like sit down style, not in the car driving around trying not to get all the sour cream Muchas Gracias pours in their burritos on you shirt, or pants, or seat belt. Going out to sushi or burgers during a day of thrifting with Nicole is awesome, and if the food's good, totally worth the expense. If the food sucks and/or I'm alone and could have made myself something equally as decent if not more fulfilling then it's totally not worth it. Not just because I could have spent that money on something else but because my health loses as well as my stomach is only quieted not happy.

4) Carry very little cash around.
I have come to find that I love having cash at hand. It's so much more convenient for me than a card for some reason. It just feels more real. That being said, it is just as easy to spend it, if for some reason, even more so. Because it's cash the purchases don't show up in my statements therefore making them even easier to forget and/or ignore. While I do think that the envelope system seems to be a good idea, I don't feel comfortable walking around or even having envelopes with money in my house. It doesn't matter if they each only have a $20 in them I still don't like it. So having all cash won't work but only using a card wont work. For now I'm going to stick with carrying very little cash, logging when I take it out of my account so it can be tracked and paying attention to my Mint

5) Be aware aka actually pay attention to your budget on Mint.
Here's a doosy. Actually look back on everything I've spent and see how it all adds up. I've made some semi large purchases this month (a safe, some clothes) for various reasons which makes looking at Mint really hard. Some of my budgets show me in the red while things like rent and utilities are all empty. Maybe subconsciously I was making the excuse that because I didn't have to pay for those things this month I could spend my money on other things. No good. Budgets are hard for me to follow. While I'm not in thousands of dollars of debt (from shopping, just on a car) I am still in debt and I still have a small problem. No it's not at the Shopaholic book series level but goodness that doesn't make it okay. I want to be one of those people that is really good at living within her means. That want doesn't mesh too well with the girl who likes to purchase pretty things. Pay attention! Write it down every day AND check it with Mint the next day (Mint has a delay which was frustrating to me the first time I tried it). Being aware will make it that much easier to cut down. 

6) Finish projects before you start new ones!!!
This includes e-courses, paint by numbers, blankets, other crochet projects, the purse Nicole is making for me, books, embroidery or anything else I think I want to take up. I have several half finished projects that need some attention and while I love them, I also love NEW (to me) things and to dos. Seriously my list is filled with things I could work on but I always seem to go out and find new ones. Stick to some. If they need something else before you can move on, purchase that, but only that, and continue on until finished. This one is truely going to be hard with the amount of thrifting I do. It's a recent thing this thrifting at large levels. I'm back with my thrifting guru Nicole and if we both have a day off it's all we want to do. We've tried 82nd and out, we've tried Beaverton/Tigard... we're soon to try Corvalis (which she has seen and done before but we'll hit up even more cuz I have a car) and the thrill of the find is intoxicating. No joke, I don't understand why people drink so much but I guess the buzz is pretty equivalent to what I feel when I find great things. By no means the same but the mental high might be. I don't know, all I know is I'm addicted. Diet Coke and thrifting own my life. Back to the point, no new project purchases until 80% of current projects are done.

7) Drink less Diet Coke.
Obviously this one isn't for everyone but it could be applied to other things like, Drink Less Starbucks or Drink Less Alcohol, or something like that. While DC is cheaper than alcohol and or Starbucks (at least any bucks drink I would get) it still adds up. Let's estimate the cost of a soda at $1.50 because when it's free I still tip a dollar and when I go out to eat it's usually at least $1.25 and could be as much as $3. I have at least one Diet Coke every day. At least. Lately it's been more but I don't really want to talk about it...
$1.50 x 30 = $45
WHAT?! That could cover the cost of internet! That could be a thrifting day. That could be 3 fast food meals (at least). If nothing else talks me out of drinking Diet Coke the money part should. Even if it mean buying a 12-24 pack and having it at home to reduce the cost, so be it. 

8) Make more money.
While I don't want to be addicted to making money I do want to be able to comfortably cover my bills, have enough for my hobbies (thrifting, sending packages to friends, reading, crocheting) and save for a really nice camera, Argentina and everything else. So, make more money. I've learned that I cannot do things that I hate to make money. If I am unhappy I just spend more on stuff I don't need and food to comfort me and that's just ending me back at square one if not negative square 10. That being said I don't know what else to do to earn a buck or two. I'm thinking of selling some of the stuff I find on Etsy as well as blankets I make. Right now I'm backlogged for blankets though so that will have to wait. And how do I market that, make ones I want to make and sell them or offer a blanket making service, one type of pattern but in colors you want? I think it's going to have to be the first rather than the latter unless it's for friends and people I can go to the craft store with.

9) Shop less, work on projects more.
That's kind of in line with everything I've said but as I've been typing this I've been realizing all of the things I could be doing with what I already have instead of going out to another thrift store. Nicole and I are going to have to sub some tea, movie and craft days with the thrifting ones we have. Not all, I'm not give them up entirely but I'm going to have to cut back. When I shop in one area I become more willing to shop in all areas and obviously that's just no good.

That's all I want to think of for now because I've been neglecting my book (that I got for a dollar!) and that's sad. I need to read at least 3 more books this month to stay ahead for 52 in 52 and that's not going to be easy.

What tips do you have for saving money?


p.s. I was going to title this "giving up the ghost" but then upon research found it meant to die instead of to give up an addiction... goodness, totally not what I was meaning. Learn something new don't we!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Turns Out

So, turns out it's a tad difficult and/or unrealistic for me to stick to a blog schedule when I am still looking for a place to live and am crashing in my lovely friend's living room. Between looking at apartments, thrift shopping and everything else I forget what day it is and then Monday Mayhem passes with not one inspirational picture on the blog. I have some things to catch up on tomorrow and so that might be a decent blog post day. Here's me crossing my own fingers about this.

I'm also crossing my fingers and putting good thoughts in the universe for a place to call my own. I'm set on getting a 1 bedroom which isn't TOO difficult to find but I wanted to move in before the end of the month AND I want it in a certain area and around a certain price. Definitely a challenge. But I will persevere and soon enough I will be posting pictures of my very own little home!

Here's to looking forward!


Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Blog I Love: A Second to Gush

I just want to take a second to gush about something adorable and gorgeous that I found through a blog I follow.

I found TART through Yesterday's Sweetheart and I came upon this post which just added an extra sparkle to my eye.

First let me just say there are several things about this post and this blog in general that just melt my heart. First, her baby girl's name is Rowan. GORGEOUS. I'm jealous I didn't think of it. That little girl has a great name. Second, the fact that mom got a tattoo for her baby. Third, part of the tattoo is flowers blooming signifying TART's new role as a mommy. Fourth, the tattoo as a whole is absolutely breathtaking. Great work and it's not even finished yet.

So there's that, I'm swooning over mommy/baby love. I'm going to sleep smiling because there is genuine love and adoration in the world and things are pretty and everything will be alright in some way. A good reminder in a time where parts of the world are dealing with some great hardships.

Oh how I love beautiful things!
