I made some goals in January that seemed really important and necessary then. Some of them were fully accomplished and others were remembered from time to time. My goals for next year will have a different layout and a different focus... but that's for the next post. For now I'll reflect on what did and didn't work.
1. cook or bake 12 dishes
It started out as 24 dishes and that seemed like too many. This year was not the year of cooking... it was just a side thought. This year a main project will be cooking. I'm looking forward, and somewhat skeptical about it.
2. 52 in 52 photos
Completed and enjoyed. Next year I will not strive to post a picture (or 5) a week but photography is still going to be a big, HUGE focus. Photography and cooking. Photography of food...
3. develop healthy exercise routine, eventually get to 5 days a week
I started the year out strong and did some good things for sure but I do not by any means work out 5 times a week, not even three now that we are at the end of the year.
Next year will have a health element to it, but I will be slower with it again... figure out what really works and what doesn't.
4. learn how to love running... and eventually run a 9 minute mile Just learn how to love working out.
There are days this year that I loved working out... days that I looked forward to my dance class or even just going to use the gym at my dad's house. Those were the good days. But the good days aren't what goals are made for. So the harder days will be something to push through in the next year.
5. read at least 26 books either already bought or from the library
I wanted to heavily cut back on the amount of money I spend on books. While I didn't completely stop buying new books, I was more selective and bought very few that I wanted to immediately give to the library when I was done with them. Most of the full price books bought ended up on my small bookshelf. AND I became way more friendly with the library. Oh yes, and I ended up reading 80+ books... Ultimately I think I did well on this one.
6. pay off at least 3/4 of credit card and car debt (about $8,500)
Not even close. BUT I stopped using my credit card completely and have been paying more than the minimum since my birthday. I'm satisfied with my progress in that department. Definitely pushing for more progress next year, but the groundwork has been laid.
7. go to or register for a blogger meet-up/seminar/summit
I went to a Creative Connections event this year and met Lisa and Debbie. While it wasn't Alt or anything out of town with a hotel stay involved, it did benefit me greatly. I count this as a win.
This became unimportant as the year went on.
9. launch www.butwewillstay.com
I DID IT, I DID IT, I DID IT! It took so much less work than I thought. This year is about redesigning the blog and doing more things with it.
10. make a quilt
I started, and I'm almost done with the top layer. I didn't plan this out well timing wise. I have been sick for the past month and haven't felt motivated to go on to the next steps. But I will finish it, and I will post about it. I'm stoked I buckled down and started it.
11. crochet an infinity scarf or a cowl
DID IT! I made two cowls. One of which I ended up giving in the white elephant gift exchange because I messed up the pattern (that I thought of myself) and so it didn't quite work right.
12. finish a blanket that is as big as a queen size flat sheet
13. move into an apartment or house
DONE AND DONE! Moved into a house that my friend was already living in on the first of October. I love my little room, I call it my den, this was a huge win.
14. pay for someone behind me in a drive thru line 4 times
I did this once, it felt pretty good. I didn't do it more than that either because I would forget or there would be two people in the car behind me the handful of times I was in the starbucks drive through and while being generous is nice, I couldn't justify paying for more than one drink at a time. I'll think of more things to do in the new year.
15. go on at least 12 adventures
(Palm Springs, Warped Tour, Dia de los Muertos, Creative Connections, Renegade Craft Fair, pumpkin patch, Girl's Night Out, )
16. be enrolled in a program for my teaching credential
I decided pretty early on in the year that this goal was not something I was ready to move forward on anymore. I was accepted to the school of my choice, which was a nice pat on the back even if I didn't end up going. I do wonder what it would have been like if I had been back in school, but it is what it is and I'm glad I don't have the added debt to worry about.
17. say yes to 4 things you would normally say no to
I honestly don't know if I did this one or not. I don't think I did anything so far out of my norm that it would count enough. Next year is about accepting more invitations even if they are to things out of the way.
18. make 4 vlogs
19. adopt a kitten
Not feasible or fair to a kitten right now. I would have to keep her in my room and no where else so that she wouldn't be eaten and I don't like the idea of a kitten just staying in a room like mine. Maybe in a year or so when things change a bit. There is a cat in my future, I just can't have her yet.
20. get a credit card with 1:1 airline miles Get rid of credit card
I did neither. I was going to get a credit card with better benefits but then I thought it would probably entice me to use the credit card again. Something I just can't do. If I could get airline miles for the money I spend on a debit card I would do that... but I haven't looked in to the options.
I will be looking and applying for a credit card with a WAY lower interest rate this year so that the money I put towards it won't just be paying off interest.
21. shoot and develop 12 rolls of 120 film
I think I managed to get 6 done. I lagged towards the end of the year. Film is expensive. But with photography being a big focus in the next year expect some more film pictures.
22. at the end of the year be proud to look back at how far you've come
I've succeeded here. I've made some great steps and learned some great things. I'm just looking even more forward to the lessons learned and things accomplished next year!
23. get a fun and challenging job!!!
One of my jobs is both fun and challenging at times. So I kind of got this right. Moving forward I'm going to be looking at my options for employment. I like the one job a lot but the other two are just for the money. I want more satisfaction out of a job... and more money and stability in the new year.
Great goals and you accomplished most of them!! I love how realistic they are also, and truthful. They aren't out of reach.