Thursday, December 27, 2012

Word of the Day: Exhausted

Is anyone else feeling the after Christmas slump or are you all just getting ready to go out for New Years? I'm exhausted. I'm fighting off yet another sickness (that's 3 in a month), I'm dealing with the loss of the family kitty and the thought sinking in that I'll never get to pet her soft head again... I'm battling money worries and trying every hour of every day to stay positive and know that there is an ebb and flow and if I do my best and pick up a couple of extra shifts things will work themselves out. I've managed to be pretty successful in not getting incredibly anxious about money or anything else (except sickness... that is an Achilles heel for me) but sometimes it's a mental state to maintain.
I've come a long way this year, and I've learned a lot about myself and gained a solid base of self esteem but sometimes when the blood sugar is low, and the stomach is gurgling and I have to say goodbye, the strength just buckles.
I know that tomorrow will be better and if it's not, next week will. I know that I have a lot of things I want to accomplish next year, a lot of fun projects to work on. I know that I'm doing alright and that my woes are of little consequence compared to those around the world.

I know all this, if I back up, and think logically, I know that this is just a little dip...

But sometimes, despite knowing, sometimes the other things just overwhelm.

And that's where I'm at today. In bed, mentally exhausted, ready to read an uplifting book and hoping upon hope that tomorrow feels even just a tad better that the past two days.

Two bits of bright in the otherwise dull: I started learning some basics in Photoshop and I have found a strong contender for word of 2013.


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