The Weekly is a Friday (sometimes Sunday) round up, a processing and a record. It is a mix up of currently and around here with a look at the past and the future.
Loving: That Imogene + Willie regramed a picture I took in their store while in Nashville!
Also, going to bed earlier than usual (10:30pm is the goal.)
Also, going to bed earlier than usual (10:30pm is the goal.)
Mulling over: so many things right now. the "right" way to go about so many different life experiences, as well as what the best move forward is in job hunting. There's a lot, a lot, of mulling going on here.
Challenged by: finding a dress (evening gown) with a very limited budget for the Marine Ball in a couple of weeks. (FOUND ONE!!! Borrowing a lovely dress from my stepmom) Figuring out a halloween costume with an even more limited budget. (I'm thinking Daisy Duke)
Learning: How to communicate my displeasure in healthier and more effective ways. Aka, talking about them at all instead of getting really quiet and freaking out my bf.
Looking forward to: the Marine Ball at the beginning of next month, Dia de Los Muertos and getting an awesome job.
Reading: So many partially read books... Still going through Money: A Love Story. Looking for a non-self help book to take a break/escape with. I'm thinking I'll re-read Catching Fire.
Working on: my resume
Celebrating/Moment of gratitude: Eating asparagus after blanching it. I forgot how much I liked it.
Randomly Searched: The origin of lawns and Can you take a plant on a plane?
Emotionally: disjointed, stressed, worried. But then there are moments of grateful, adored, entertained
Lovely Links:
A local blog I've falling in love with /// My SoCal'd Life
Be Up & Doing's thoughts on Spending Money
Something I might need to read daily while job hunting /// A Love Note for the Weary
Speaking of Job Hunting and resumes /// Common Resume Mistakes