these ladies have the right idea
So here it is, I'm coming out with it, or maybe I've already come out with it before and now I'm coming out with it again...
I'm in debt.
No big surprise there huh, I'm a twenty something female living in San Diego. It wouldn't be a surprise if I was living elsewhere, I guess... but there are a lot of Joneses to keep up with in good ol' SD... or maybe now with blogs and Pinterest there's a lot of Joneses to keep up with everywhere. I never thought I was one to keep up with the Joneses but maybe in some way I am and I don't even realize it.
Whatever, enough with the Joneses.
All I know is, I have more debt that I have money to my name, and I don't like that feeling. I haven't liked that feeling and it's been this way for some time now. And I've started thinking about things, I've made plans, I've made budgets and goal budgets and read financial planning books like
Smart Women Finish Rich,
Money Drunk Money Sober, some book by Suze Orman and a few others. I've read, I've planned, I've cried and I've felt giddy about the possibilities of being out of debt.
But guess what, I'm still in it.
The problem is, I would stick to my plan for a little bit, or even a long bit. There was a good 6 months that I didn't touch my credit card at all (which I hadn't done since I got it in 2005 or so). And then I caved again, and I don't remember what for... oh yes I do, doctor's bills, and the $1600 ($1000 if you take out interest) that I paid off in the past year went right back on... I fell into a hole of discouragement to say the least.
I'm not going to lie to you dear readers, I'm still discouraged, and still in debt, possibly more so than before I stopped using my silly credit card. But I will not give up. I've started a new book, and I have a new plan underway.
It's called the Spend Less Than You Make plan, or the Watch What Your Spending plan or even the If You Get a Pang of Guilt When You Take Out Your Card Don't Buy It plan.
I've updated my Mint account, I've read about spending fasts, I've faced my balances, I've looked at what I have spent my money on in the past two months... I've seen the different between what I spend and what I make... It's not a sight I like looking at. But I'm looking, no more blinders, again.
I'll be going through the new book,
I Will Teach You To Be Rich, I will answer questions, I will do what is suggested, I will make a plan and stick to it as fastidiously as possible. And if my plan gets derailed by medical or car issues, I'll pick myself up, dust myself off and get back on it.
Today, in the spirit of starting a new book and getting things organized I have:
- requested a lower APR from my credit card company, twice... I was given 0% for 6 months on new purchases but I'm looking for it to be lowered overall... so I'm going to find other options, maybe even go into my bank and talk to someone directly
- set up my online account for a card I signed up for but haven't used. My plan is to put my monthly payment for Netflix on this card and have it automatically paid so that I don't have to worry about it and it helps my credit score. Nothing else goes on that card. Nothing.
- called Verizon again to see why I am getting charged up the wazoo for data usage that I'm not doing. At the very least this will mean my payments go back to somewhat normal... at the best I want money credited toward my next payment for the incorrect charges.
- looked over the last two months of spending, changed uncategorized entries, fixed other entries and now I have a decent amount of information to start my budget.
- cashed in my rewards points to get a gift card that I will be using at a specific place and time
Before the day is over I plan on getting a rough budget drafted. By the end of the week I will have set up my automatic payment on the newer card and I will have gone into my bank to get more information on a lower APR. I've been with the bank for years, my dad has been with the bank for decades, not to mention my credit score is pretty dang good... I feel like there's room for lower interest rates.
What about you, lovely friends, what's going on in your money world? Any tips on changing the mindset so it's a good challenge and not starvation from fun?