Monday I went on a little adventure to an abandoned house in Jamul. I have been wanting to see this house for a while now, my friend Brian told me about it months and months ago and finally, FINALLY I got it all together and scheduled a meet up.
The day started with a little scare, Lisa and I drove to the meeting spot and then, because we were early, went ahead and checked out the actual location. We went back to the meeting spot and up comes a police car. He sits a bit away from us, I can't tell if he's looking in our direction or not. The other part of our group drives up and we head to the house... wouldn't you know, right when we pull out of the gas station the police man does too! We panic a little, go past the road for the house and then turn around and double back when we realized he turned the other way.
Yay being paranoid! My fault.
After that little scare we get up to the house and it's a bit chilly. The house is obviously destroyed on the inside. I wanted to go in but I Lisa made the good point of maybe there were squatters in there... I didn't have a shank handy (though there was plenty of glass on the ground) so I hesitated. Luckily, one of the others ventured forward.
We cruised around the bottom level of what I think was the main house for a second, but the light was dim and we didn't have much to work with. Looking back I wish I had gone upstairs, I wish I had explored a little more. I get scared easily, of getting in trouble and getting hurt. I guess that means I need to go again soon, maybe with a big dude, just in case.
We spent a good amount of time outside looking at the grounds, the boarded up barn and the other house/garage/I don't really know.
I found myself sad and in awe at the same time. Sad that people felt the need to destroy this beautiful and old place, sad that people couldn't appreciate it as a memory. But kids/teens (it looked like a lot of kids had been through there at night) sometimes feel the need to destroy things, I guess an old house is better than each other? I don't really know.
I wonder why the owners haven't tried to do something with it, or if they have and it just hasn't gone anywhere. The porch/balcony on the back of the main house was gorgeous despite all the wear.
This house was gorgeous at one time, it was beautiful and loved. I hope someone find a way to love it, or the land sometime soon.
A post about lessons learned from my first two photo adventures coming soon!
last photo via @lisakimberly11
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