Tuesday, February 12, 2013


mood: Undecided, but not in a bad way. Excited that I slept through the night for the first time in weeks. Maybe the grossness of January is finally leaving, I'm crossing my fingers. There's a lot going on in my head, (when is there not really?) some of which I am happy about, some confused. That's just how it goes though.

eating: A lot of greek yogurt and fish. Not together, yogurt in the mornings generally and fish at night. Lunch is up in the air day by day. 

drinking: Water, just water. Plain ol' life giving but not diet coke tasting, water.

watching: The minutes on the clock go by. New Girl, I'm looking forward to getting caught up on the new episode of The Walking Dead, Pretty Little Liars and I have a few episodes of Bones to catch up on. I really don't watch tv shows much, there are always other things I rather be doing like... 

reading: May Cause Miracles, Blog Inc and lots of blogs. Just finished a guide to photography that had a lot of good information in it. I post it noted and underlined a lot that I will be referring back to often.

loving: That I slept through the night, seriously. It's a big step. I want it to continue for as long as possible. I need the uninterrupted rest. 
Reading and note taking, reading books on photography etc.

learning: Every day. Learning about myself, learning about others, still, learning more about photography and how to get the images I want. Learning how to take being not so great at something semi decently... learning. That's my life in a word, learning.

thinking: About my grandpa. His memorial was this weekend and it was really therapeutic. But now I miss him. It's not a sad missing though, just remembering the good times. 

Also, less seriously, about that silly holiday known as Valentine's Day. (full disclosure: I would not call it silly if I was in a serious relationship and new I was celebrating it...I'd probably be excited) Not sure how I am going to live that day. Pretend like it's just like any other? Make myself some cupcakes? I really need to reduce my sugar intake so maybe not that... watch Valentine's Day or get a heart shaped pinata and smash it to pieces? Who knows. 

wishing: for a sign or two. for motivation. I guess on the second I could just stop wishing and start doing ;) maybe a little more direction. 


1 comment:

  1. I'm always for spending Valentine's Day with a friend or two or more. But then again, I like dates with friends in general. Tomorrow night, it's dinner and a movie for me.

    And I'm so glad you were able to sleep a full night. That's definitely progress there.
